Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,252 Head in the toilet

"Boy, I advise you to be honest and don't play tricks on me!" I warned him.

"Brother, what are you trying to do? I really have to poop." Zhang Kai covered his stomach with his hands and looked really anxious.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

This Internet cafe is not big, and the toilet is also very small. It can only accommodate one person. I looked around and saw that there were walls on all sides and no windows. I thought he couldn't do any tricks, so I let him in and stood guard at the door with my arms around my shoulders.

This brat is quite a slippery man, and you will fall into his trap if you are not careful! Now that the case is so urgent, I will never take it lightly and let him, who is likely to be a breakthrough, escape.

I waited at the door for a long time. I was just getting impatient when suddenly there was a noise from the toilet.

It seemed like something fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

No one answered.

"You brat, what are you doing?" I shouted again, raising my voice.

Still no one answered.

"You bastard, open the door quickly!" I immediately became angry and slammed the door hard.

Suddenly, I smelled the smell of blood, and there was a line of blood flowing out from under the door.

"No!" I screamed secretly and started banging on the door violently.

This Internet cafe is very shabby, but the toilet door is extremely strong. I bumped it several times, but the door just made a loud banging sound and showed no signs of breaking into pieces.

"Hey, what are you doing?" This series of fierce collisions finally attracted the network administrator who was addicted to games.

"Something happened, call the police!" I yelled and took a few steps back.

"What could happen? I'm telling you, if you damage the things in the Internet cafe, you will have to pay compensation." The network administrator came over with threats.

I ignored him at all, accelerated quickly, and rushed towards the door.

Click! With a crash, the door was finally broken open by me.


A spherical thing rolled out immediately.

"Okay, you're done." The network administrator pointed a finger at me and threatened me loudly, while the other hand reached into his pocket to touch his mobile phone. But suddenly he was stunned. His whole figure was like a wooden sculpture, standing there motionless!

The spherical object rolled out was a human head, which belonged to Zhang Kai.

His body was lying on the ground with his pants still on. Gurgling blood rushed out of the chest, dripping all over the floor, mixed with urine and other dirty water and kept flowing out.

"Oh my god!" The network administrator suddenly woke up and sat on the ground in shock.

"What are you doing standing still? Call the police!" I yelled at him.

Only then did he react, hurriedly took out his cell phone, and dialed 110 tremblingly.

I quickly ran into the lobby of the Internet cafe, pulled a mouse back, dipped it in the blood, sprinkled it with cinnabar, and quickly drew a soul-borrowing charm.


As soon as the spell was completed, the door of the Internet cafe was suddenly blown open by a gust of wind.

The door originally opened outwards, but was forced into the room by the sinister wind. The door shaft twisted and rattled. Then there was a crash, and the two thick glass doors suddenly shattered.

The dark wind remained unabated and rushed here again.


The entire row of monitors was blown to the ground and shattered into pieces, and even several tables were overturned.

Zhang Kaixin died and the Yin Feng Killing Formation had just started, which was the most violent time!

I had been prepared for this, but I didn't expect the wind to be so violent.

I quickly spread out the cinnabar and laid out a few more magic circles around the bloody mouse, which blocked the wind.

But soon, the mouse on the ground suddenly jumped up!

Like a living mouse, it keeps jumping and rushing, trying to escape from my cinnabar circle.

I quickly bit the tip of my tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood!

As soon as the cinnabar array was collided, a spark immediately flew up, and the mouse was burned and emitted black smoke.

No, if this continues, this Yin Qi will perish together with the cinnabar array! By then the Soul Borrowing Talisman will be useless.

It seems that I can only take risks!

Thinking of this, I quickly erased the written spell.

As soon as the magic circle was destroyed, the mouse rushed out with a roar, dragging a long mouse line, and ran out of the Internet cafe.

"Protect the scene!" I shouted and chased after the mouse.

The reason why cloth strips were used as a medium last time was because the deceased's blood had dried up, his soul power was extremely weak, and the power of the Yin Wind Killing Formation had also weakened a lot. But this time Zhang Kai had just died and the Yin Feng Killing Formation had just been formed. If another piece of cloth or something like that was used as a medium, it would probably be torn apart in an instant.

Even if a mouse was used as a medium, the mouse was still burnt black and shattered.

However, it was extremely fast. It rushed out of the Internet cafe and headed straight for the street!

I immediately became anxious. When I saw an unlocked bicycle lying next to the bar, I immediately rode away.

At this moment, the mouse had already jumped far away. I pedaled the car hard and chased closely.

We were already near the outskirts of the city. After riding for a short time, we were outside the city, surrounded by green rice fields.

I pedaled as hard as I could along the road, as if my legs were no longer my own. There was only one thought in my mind, hurry, hurry! Faster! Don't get lost!

Although I tried my best, I was still pulled further and further away by it, and I could only rely on the remaining aura on the mouse to track it as best I could.

However, the breath became weaker and weaker, and eventually, it was impossible to distinguish.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and a layer of white mist was rising all around.

I looked at the invisible rice fields on both sides, and suddenly became frustrated. It seemed that I had really lost track of them!

The pursuit just now lasted at least forty or fifty miles. When I lost my strength, my whole body went limp. I slipped directly from the bicycle and fell to the ground. I lay on the side of the road breathing heavily.

Then the phone rang.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Zhang Xiaoai's concerned voice came from the other end of the phone. It seemed that the murder in the Internet cafe had disturbed her again.

"It's okay..." I gasped, "I'm on the west city highway. Come pick me up and go to the funeral home immediately. I may already know the truth!"

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaoai didn't waste any time and hung up the phone directly.

Not long after, she drove over in a police car at lightning speed.

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