Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,257 New Corpse

"Auntie, don't be afraid." Zhang Xiaoai walked up to her and comforted her: "How did you find the body?"

"I was collecting garbage at the time, and when I rummaged through the bucket, my hands were covered with blood. I thought it was chicken blood at first, but when I rummaged through it again, I saw this headless corpse!" The old lady's face turned pale and her whole body was shaking.

"When did you discover it?" Zhang Xiaoai asked.

"just now……"

It seemed that the old lady was indeed frightened and could not provide any more valuable clues.

Zhang Xiaoai ordered her to be sent home, then turned and walked into the alley.

This is a small alley with a back street. The street in front is the bar street in Qingjiang City. The left side of this street is the back door of the bar, and the right side is a long garage. There are usually no pedestrians at all.

Several forensic doctors had been checking there for a long time. When they saw Zhang Xiaoai approaching, an older forensic doctor stepped forward to introduce the preliminary situation.

The deceased was about twelve or thirteen years old. Judging from the clothing and decorations, he should be a delinquent like the previous cases. The way of death was to be decapitated.

The slight difference is that this person was thrown into the trash can by the murderer and was covered with garbage outside. This was the first time the murderer attempted to hide a body!

What's even more special is that the deceased's head is missing, and he is still holding a dagger tightly in his hand.

Forensic doctors searched all the trash cans and corners in the alley, but did not find the head of the deceased, which was also not found several times before. The murderer took away the head of the deceased for the first time!

After listening to the introduction of the old forensic doctor, several of us were confused. What is going on?

"Have you found the first scene?" Zhang Xiaoai asked seriously.

"Not yet." A policeman next to him replied.

"Expand the search area immediately, paying special attention to the scratch marks on the ground." Zhang Xiaoai ordered.

"Yes!" the policeman responded, turned around and ran away.

"Where is the body?" Zhang Xiaoai continued to ask the old forensic doctor.

"This is near a garage, and many of them are special vehicles. In order not to hinder travel, we temporarily moved the bodies to an empty house at the end of the alley." The old forensic doctor said, taking the lead and leaving.

The vacant house at the end of the alley is next to a car wash shop. There is a sunken square pit in the middle of the ground. It seems that it was originally a car repair shop. It was full of dust. It had obviously not been used for a long time. There was no door, and there was a lot of feces left in the corner.

Several forensic doctors were examining the corpse, and another one was taking pictures with a camera.

In the gap between the forensic rooms, the clothes of the deceased were exposed, colorful and stained with blood. There was also a sharp dagger in a transparent evidence bag next to it.

"The one who was killed this time was Boss Diao!" I stood aside and took a look and suddenly said.

"How are you sure it's him?" Zhang Xiaoai asked.

"I saw him last night, when he was chasing Zhang Kai, but I stopped him. Although his head is missing, I recognize his clothes."

Too many things happened last night, one incident after another, and I didn't have time to explain them all in detail.

"Captain Zhang..." At this time, a forensic doctor who was squatting on the ground stood up and said to Zhang Xiaoai: "The examination has already produced preliminary results. The victim's death time was about five o'clock in the morning. Although the cause of his death was the same as the previous times , but the edge of the knife is completely different. There are many faults on the skin and bones, which are far from as sharp as before. Now it can be basically concluded that the murderer used another murder weapon."

Luo Yang and Zhang Xiaoai couldn't help but turn their heads and glance at me.

What I just said has been confirmed.

"Moreover, the deceased had fierce resistance before dying, and even took out a dagger to fight back." The forensic doctor continued to report: "This is different from the previous times."

"On the dagger, we extracted a sample, which is of two blood types with the blood of the deceased. This shows that the murderer may have been injured."

Luo Yang and Zhang Xiaoai turned to look at me again. The murderer was bleeding. Sure enough, it was not caused by any evil spirit.

At this moment, the suspicious point of the bald man immediately rose sharply.

"The knife that was fired back probably stabbed the murderer in the stomach." I said suddenly.

"Hey, how did you know?" The old forensic doctor gave me a strange look.

"Didn't you notice that the tip of the dagger is bent?"

"Normally, when a knife stabs someone, the only thing that can withstand it is the person's belt buckle." I said.

When the old forensic doctor heard this, his eyes widened immediately.

"Team Zhang..." At this time, the policeman who was ordered to survey the scene trotted over and reported to Zhang Xiaoaihui: "After we expanded the search scope, we finally found the suspected first scene under a big tree fifty meters away. , there were splatters of blood on the wall.”

"There is also a wear mark about half a meter long on the ground, which is very much like the toe of a shoe scraping the ground. In addition, we found a scratch on the tree that looked like a knife. It is likely that the murderer held the murder weapon high when committing the crime. From this, it can be inferred that the murderer is at least 1.85 meters tall and extremely strong."

"Also, a large amount of blood spattered out after the deceased's head was severed. However, there was more than fifty meters between the first scene and the place where the body was dumped, but not a drop of blood was left. This shows that the murderer must have borrowed some container to put the deceased in. Carrying it over. Currently, we are searching for suspicious objects," the police said.

"It's in a trash can," I interjected.

Several forensic doctors present were stunned and turned to look at me.

I didn’t give a shit and explained directly: “There were traces of soil at the bottom of the trash can where the body was first found, especially the rust on the handle. It must have been left when heavy objects were packed and forcibly moved. Down."

After hearing what I said, the forensic doctors had extremely incredible looks in their eyes.

I was wearing plain clothes, but Zhang Xiaoai took me into the scene of the murder and was extremely respectful to me. They couldn't figure out my true identity, but they couldn't ask more questions.

At this time, when they heard that I mentioned several details that even they, the old detectives and forensic doctors, had not noticed, and all the speculations were infinitely close to the truth, these people could not help but be shocked and stunned, with admiration in their eyes. .

Maybe they thought I was a criminal investigation expert sent by the provincial department, right?

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