Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,258 Mysteries abound

Seeing that the facts of these two cases were clear and the physical characteristics of the criminal suspects were also locked, Zhang Xiaoai issued several orders one after another.

Police officers are sent to clinics and pharmacies to check if there are any abdominal injuries or customers who bought gauze or hemostatic drugs after early morning, especially those who are strong, taller than 1.85 meters, and have shaved heads. They must chase them to the end!

As soon as she finished announcing the news, another policeman hurried over: "Team Zhang, another headless male corpse was found outside Xicheng!"

When Zhang Xiaoai heard this, his expression changed.

Four consecutive murders recently made her breathless.

As a result, two incidents happened one after another just early this morning. Why did another headless male corpse appear?

Could it be that the murderer had already gotten wind of the situation and was going to commit a crime before the police caught him?

Luo Yang glanced at me, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. This was already the seventh beheading case!

Could it be that I guessed wrong? This is not some evil thing at all, nor is it an attempt to kill six people?

"Let's go!" Zhang Xiaoai bit her lip bitterly, turned around and left.

The three of us got into the car, sirens blaring, and drove all the way to the west of the city.

I don’t know if Zhang Xiaoai was mentally exhausted by the series of murders. When he turned the corner, he almost hit a large truck.

"Damn it, are you rushing to reincarnate?" Zhang Xiaoai cursed people in an extremely rare foul language.

On the roadside leading to the funeral parlor in the west of the city, there were several police cars parked and many onlookers looking over.

More than a dozen police officers circled an open space in the rice fields and cordoned off the area.

Three murders occurred almost simultaneously in the morning, and the forensic and investigation police forces were severely insufficient. These police officers were just ordinary police officers, guarding the scene and waiting for the criminal police to enter.

As soon as our police car stopped, a bearded policeman came up to us.

"Has the identity of the deceased been identified?" Zhang Xiaoai asked as he jumped out of the car and walked anxiously inside.

"Not yet. The deceased's head is missing, and no identification was found on him." The bearded policeman shook his head.

"The head is missing?" Zhang Xiaoai couldn't help being surprised.

In the previous cases, a knife was stabbed across the neck of the deceased, and his head just rolled aside, but what happened to these two cases? All heads were missing.

At this time, I was a little confused. I looked around and walked forward.

"The reporter was the owner of the field. He was pouring water into the rice field when he suddenly noticed something dark in the field. It seemed like someone was lying there, so he walked over to check. Only then did he discover that it was a dead body. So I called the police right away.”

As the bearded policeman walked, he said: "The dead body was more than forty meters away from the road. There were traces of blood dripping on the rice leaves along the way. It was obvious that this was not the first scene. The water in the rice field was very deep and there were no footprints left at the scene. The deceased was also intentionally turned over several times, his clothes were covered in mud, and no valuable clues were found."

"Based on body shape and other factors, the deceased should be between thirty-five and forty years old, with a relatively burly build. We have already asked local villagers, and he is not a local."

By the time he finished speaking, several of us had already walked to the dead body.

Different from the previous cases, the dead body this time was not a minor, but a very burly man. Although his head was missing, his body was still much larger than that of an ordinary person.

At this time, he was lying on his stomach in the muddy water, with gurgling blood still flowing out of his neck, staining a large area red.

I squatted down, looked at it carefully and said, "This is different from the previous cases. The murderer is someone else!"

"It's different?" Luo Yang looked at me in surprise.

"Yes!" I nodded: "Look at the wound on his neck. There is obvious rust. This is caused by the scratches of the murder weapon, which was not found in the previous cases."

"Although the rust on the murder weapon is severe, it is extremely sharp, far smoother than the cuts on the two bodies this morning."

"In addition to the fatal wounds on the neck, the deceased also had multiple friction wounds on his body, and the clothes and skin on his body were all torn, which was not seen in the past."

"It would be difficult for one person to lift such a heavy man from the road to here. Moreover, the blood stains on the rice leaves along the way were swinging from side to side, with a very large amplitude. In addition, there were signs that a large area of ​​rice seedlings had been crushed. "Obviously, the dead body kept shaking around during the transportation process, and even fell down in the process. It looked like the result of two people lifting it." I analyzed.

"You mean, there are two murderers?" Zhang Xiaoai answered.

"It's very possible!" I nodded and continued to stare at the dead body: "Also, look! He seems to be holding something in his hand."

After saying that, I pointed forward.

A plastic bag handle was exposed from the gap between the corpse's clenched fists.

It's just that the plastic bag is black, and it doesn't look obvious when it is stained by mud and water.

"Damn it, what's going on!" The bearded policeman cursed angrily: "Why are criminals so rampant recently? They all like to behead their heads!"

"Have you ever turned over this body?" I was about to stand up when I suddenly found something suspicious and raised my head to ask him.

"No, we just looked through his pockets to find something that could prove his identity. The body has not been touched." The bearded policeman replied.

"What's going on? There are two wounds on his body." I pointed to the muddy water under the dead body: "Look, this piece of muddy water has been dyed red with blood, but it is obvious that the shades are different. Near the wounds, there is blood The color is heavier, and the blood is lighter away from the wound. But here, there are two places that are bright red, one is the neck, and the other is the belly..."

"Turn him over quickly! Check if there is a stab wound on his stomach." I suddenly thought of something and shouted loudly.

The policemen were stunned, but Luo Yang came to his senses and quickly asked another policeman to help, and together they turned the dead body over.

Sure enough, his belly was also bright red, and blood was pouring out.

There was a bandage on the wound, and some cotton bags were stuffed randomly. It seemed that some simple treatment had been done, but it fell apart after some tossing.

I knelt down, rolled up my sleeves, checked his belt, and suddenly said, "I know who he is!"

The situation was urgent, so Zhang Xiaoai and others didn't wait to ask, and said directly: "He is the murderer!"

"Look! The knife marks on his belt and the wound on his belly are all from when he fought with Boss Diao. And with his body shape, he is clearly that burly bald man."

Several people looked at each other, all a little confused.

Is the deceased the murderer? Then who killed him?

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