Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,259 Father’s Wrath

"He was not killed!" Immediately afterwards, I dropped a second bombshell.

When everyone heard this, they were even more confused, especially Zhang Xiaoai and Luo Yang.

This case involves a hidden object. Only the two of them in the entire police force know the truth, and I have been deliberately covering it up to prevent outsiders from knowing. For example, in the small hotel where Black Dragon was killed, I secretly called the two of them aside to talk.

But now I have to announce it in public?

"Remember that big truck we saw when we came here?" I turned to Zhang Xiaoai and said.

"Remember, what's wrong..." Zhang Xiaoai was a little confused and very surprised why I asked this.

"That truck is the killer!" I shouted.

"The truck is the murderer?" Everyone looked at each other.

"The truck is the murderer. Do you think it's the Transformers invading the earth?" Although several police officers around me did not embarrass me because of Zhang Xiaoai's face, they still laughed disdainfully.

I ignored them at all and continued to talk to Zhang Xiaoai: "Do you remember what cargo that truck was pulling?"

"Steel plate." Zhang Xiaoai replied.

"That's right!" I said: "The steel plates on the truck clearly exceed the sides of the car, and it is running very fast. What would happen if it happened to pass by the back of this person's neck."

"You mean, his head was cut off by a steel plate?" Zhang Xiaoai reacted immediately.

"Yes!" Judging from the height of the steel plate, this person should be riding a motorcycle. He immediately searched along both sides of the road and would definitely find the abandoned motorcycle. "I ordered.

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, I should be able to find two heads!" I said.

"Two heads?" Zhang Xiaoai was stunned for a moment, then understood: "You mean, the strong man himself and Boss Diao?"

"That's right! He was carrying Boss Diao's head, and it should be in the plastic bag in his hand. After he was accidentally killed by a truck, the truck driver, who was afraid of crime and absconded, threw his body into the fields and searched the rice fields for clues. You won’t find anything, so search along the road!”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaoai immediately made arrangements.

The bearded policeman immediately divided into two teams and launched a carpet search along both ends of the road. Then he contacted the traffic police and immediately set up a blockade to intercept a large truck equipped with steel plates.

As soon as she put down the phone, the ringing started again.

It was the policeman who checked the cameras who made a new discovery.

Zhang Xiaoai put down the phone and said to me: "Your inference is indeed correct. The bald man you met in the Internet cafe is most likely the murderer of Diao Boss and Heilong!"

"The Internet cafe's camera showed that he also left shortly after you went out, and then appeared near the hotel where Heilong was killed and the bar where Diao Boss was killed. However, the connection lines of the cameras in the hotel and the bar were cut off. There’s no shot of him entering.”

"The last time he appeared on camera, he was riding a motorcycle along the Chengxi Highway out of the city. Although he changed his clothes and put on a hat, he was still caught by the camera at the intersection." Zhang Xiaoai said.

"Has his identity been found out?" I asked eagerly.

This man is quite capable. Not only did he leave no clues at the scene, but his methods of committing the crime were extremely cruel. Before committing the crime, he unknowingly cut off the camera and stole a motorcycle to make up and leave the city...

If I hadn't happened to meet him in an Internet cafe last night, and saw that he had been watching the video of the murder scene over and over again, and felt that he was suspicious, it would be really difficult to implicate him.

"Not yet." Zhang Xiaoai shook his head: "When he surfed the Internet in the Internet cafe, he used a fake ID card, so there was no way to investigate it."

"He was responsible for these two cases. It should be correct, but why did he insist on killing Boss Diao and Heilong?" I still don't understand.

"That's right." Luo Yang continued: "If he also wanted to avenge the officer who was stabbed to death, he should have taken action long ago instead of waiting for two years. Besides, the first four murders were all caused by Yin spirits, and the latter The two murder cases were caused by man-made deaths. If the murderers are both the same person, something is obviously wrong."

"Why do you do it yourself when you can obviously solve it with a ghost object? Could it be that you sensed what we had discovered and were afraid that we would find him early, so you couldn't wait to take action first?"

"No, there is another possibility!" I thought for a moment and said: "That is that the two murderers did not know each other and killed for their own purposes... By the way, it was a stabbing!"

"Isn't Thornhead dead?" Zhang Xiaoai asked in confusion.

Thorny Tou was the second minor to be murdered. They had seen it with their own eyes. Why was he involved now? Isn't this too sensational?

"Tell me again in detail about the head thorn." I turned to Zhang Xiaoai and said.

"Prickhead is fourteen years old. He has been working as a gangster in society since he dropped out of the third grade of elementary school. His parents are divorced, his mother married far away in the south, and his father was convicted of serious assault and imprisoned for ten years..."

"Yes, he is Thorny's father!" I said, pointing to the dead bald man.

"Why?" Zhang Xiaoai was stunned.

"That night, he had been watching the video of the murder of Zhu Tou. If he was just curious, he would have only watched it once or twice! But there must be some other reason why he watched it repeatedly."

"Although he is a prisoner, he is also a human being of flesh and blood!"

"My son, whom I haven't seen for ten years, will be with a different body when we meet again. How will he feel? What will he do with his temperament?"

"As soon as Boss Diao came out of the juvenile detention center, he led Heilong to hunt down his co-defendants. In order to pretend to be fierce, he spread false news everywhere, saying that he had killed Ci Tou, Wang Meng, and Mang Niu. That night I I heard with my own ears that he was scaring Zhang Kai like that. If the thorny father believed it, it is very likely..."

"Kill Boss Diao and Heilong to avenge his son? And use this method to confuse the police and divert their attention?" Zhang Xiaoai also suddenly understood.

"That's right! After all, he is a veteran criminal and has been in prison for many years. His methods of committing crimes are extremely sophisticated. He has arranged everything in advance and tried his best to imitate several other cases. It is entirely possible to do it perfectly. It's a pity, God doesn't. Forgive the guilty person, but he died in a traffic accident and his body was thrown into the rice field by the two drivers who caused the accident!" I sighed.

"According to what you said, he is going to the funeral parlor to see his son?" Zhang Xiaoai continued.

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