Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,264 The Smile of an Angel

I knelt down and solemnly affixed a high-quality talisman given to me by the man in a T-shirt on the dog's head, and then affixed a medium-grade talisman written in cinnabar in each of the four directions.

After about half a minute, the white frost on the dog's head slowly melted into water. Seeing this, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how ferocious the dog-headed guillotine is, it is just a yin object. Cinnabar can best expel yin energy, not to mention being protected by five talismans! I don’t know if it was an illusion, but I found that even the black fog in Bao Gong’s Temple slowly dispersed.

I immediately turned around and signaled to Zhang Xiaoai and Qin Mengmeng that they could come in.

The two of them were standing outside the ancestral hall just now. Although they did not feel the yin energy that could kill people, they saw the frost condensing on the guillotine with their own eyes, so they were naturally a little scared.

"Is this okay?" Zhang Xiaoxin asked with lingering fear.

I shook my head gently: "This method can only suppress it for a while, but it cannot suppress it forever!"

Qin Mengmeng knelt at the foot of the statue of Bao Gong, kowtowed with great piety, and cried into tears.

Her cries were heard throughout the Bao Gong Temple. Suddenly, a strong wind blew outside the door for no apparent reason, causing the leaves to rustle. It seemed to be the response of his brother Qin Weiguo's spirit in heaven, and it also seemed to be Gong Bao's affirmation of this loyal woman.

Zhang Xiaoai and I stood quietly aside, each of us feeling extremely complicated in our hearts.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoai's cell phone rang, and Luo Yang reported various aspects of the situation to her.

Everything was as I expected: the bald man who died in the rice field was none other than Bi Tianlei, the father of Thorny. He had been imprisoned for ten years and was finally released early and returned home. He bought a lot of gifts and hurriedly visited his son, but didn't want to. What I saw was a corpse with the head chopped off. So the father launched a crazy revenge plan!

The blood stains on Diao's dagger and the grip marks on the trash can in the alley confirmed that they were left by Bi Tianlei during his lifetime.

Bi Tianlei's fingerprints were also found on the outer wall of the small hotel where Heilong was killed. Therefore, it was confirmed that he was responsible for both cases.

The police searching along the road found a damaged motorcycle in the weeds on the roadside. There was a tightly wrapped plastic bag beside the car. There was a human head inside, and the head was that of Boss Diao. of. There were also some burning paper, beef and other sacrifices. It was obvious that he was going to the crematorium to pay homage to his son.

A large truck pulling steel plates was also intercepted, and the two drivers on board admitted the crime.

Luo Yang is now rushing to Qinjiatun with a large number of special police officers to arrest Qin Mengmeng.

"What are you going to do?" I turned to ask Zhang Xiaoai.

She understood what I meant.

Seven beheadings occurred in Qingjiang City within a month. The murderer of two of them, Bi Tianlei, has died in traffic accidents, but the murderer of the other four is still at large, and that is the frail Qin Mengmeng.

But, are we really going to take her back like this?

Zhang Xiaoai pulled out the pistol tremblingly, glanced at me and said, "What do you think?"

I looked at the upright statue of Mr. Bao, sighed and said: "After those children killed people on the street, not only did they not feel a trace of guilt, but they went on to become social gangsters. If they were not beaten, there would still be laws in this world. Can it be said?"

"The "Minor Protection Law" can spare them, but the dog-headed guillotine can't spare them! Qin Mengmeng avenged his brother. Although he killed four people, it brought a bad breath to the world, so today even if you point a gun at Hold my head, I will also...let her go!"

After listening to my words, Zhang Xiaoai raised her head and took a long look at the statue of Bao Gong, then looked at the thin figure kneeling on the ground crying, and finally bit her lip hard: "Then you make arrangements."

Although she didn't say it clearly, I understood what she meant.

Qin Mengmeng was the murderer. She was the captain of the criminal police in charge of the case. She was supposed to arrest Qin Mengmeng, but Qin Mengmeng's story touched her heart and she really couldn't do it.

"You are a good policeman." I nodded heavily to Zhang Xiaoai, and then walked to Qin Mengmeng.

Qin Mengmeng still kept crying, her thin body shaking with the crying, which made people feel very distressed.

She had lost her parents since she was a child, and her brother was her only support, but he was brutally killed. Naturally, it made her deeply hurt and hated to the extreme.

Now, her brother's revenge has been taken, and she has lost her faith in living. The future will be gloomy for her.

I patted her shoulder and said slowly: "Okay, Mengmeng, you have avenged your brother, and those murderers have also received the punishment they deserve. If he is alive in heaven, he doesn't want you to be so sad all the time." Sad. I will send you away from Qinjiatun and Qingjiang City now, and let everything start again."

I took Qin Mengmeng out of Bao Gong Temple, handed her some money, and wrote down a phone number and said: "Sneak away from the back of the village quietly, take a taxi and go directly to the Antique Street in Wuhan to find a man named Li Mazi. , he will arrange everything for you."

Qin Mengmeng was filled with tears and looked at me blankly.

I solemnly said: "From today on, you must learn to forget, forget all the pain, and live happily. This must be what your brother wants, and I believe you can do it!"

Qin Mengmeng was silent for a long time, and then bowed deeply to me.

I took out my mobile phone and called Li Mazi, asking him to settle the little girl and ask the experts in the circle to make a new ID card for her, so that she could live with a new identity.

Watching Qin Mengmeng's thin back gradually disappear, I sighed and turned back.

Zhang Xiaoai was looking at the statue of Bao Gong at the moment. Her expression was particularly solemn, and there seemed to be a trace of doubt. She didn't know what problem she was struggling with?

"It's all over!" I said with a pun.

Zhang Xiaoai nodded and said nothing. He didn't know how he felt at this time.

At the same time, a piercing siren sounded outside the village.

"I'll go take a look." Zhang Xiaoai hurriedly greeted her. I knew she wanted to help Qin Mengmeng delay time.

I did not follow him out, but sat cross-legged and meditated next to the dog-headed guillotine, and recited the long salvation sutra.

All I did was to wash away the demonic nature in the dog's head so that it would not turn into a harmful creature. But a month later, the sealed dog-headed guillotine will wake up again. At that time, it will look for those evildoers who escaped the law, and will kill them all without mercy!

Later, by chance, I learned that Bao Gong did indeed install three guillotines in Kaifeng Mansion during his lifetime. However, these three knives offended countless dignitaries and relatives of the emperor, so they did not appear in the history books, but were borrowed. It is famous for generations to come.

After Bao Gong passed away, the dragon-headed guillotine and the tiger-headed guillotine had long since disappeared, but the dog-headed guillotine was preserved by an old government official in Kaifeng Mansion and placed in this remote ancestral hall in Qinjiatun.

Because the dog-head guillotine contains the spirit of Bao Gong and represents the sacred and inviolable laws of the Song Dynasty, he will redress Qin Mengmeng's grievances and start the guillotine again after a thousand years of silence!

It is worth mentioning that Qin Mengmeng finally ushered in a new life and became a porcelain apprentice in My Antique Street.

A sunny smile once again filled her face. She went to the orphanage every day as a volunteer, bringing fresh cakes and colorful toys to the children. She was really as beautiful as an angel.

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