Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,265 The little foodie witch

After getting rid of the group of policemen, Zhang Xiaoai and I left Qinjiatun together.

Zhang Xiaoai also knew that I had been busy solving cases for the past two days and had not had much rest at all. Not only did I have dark circles under my eyes, but I was even unsteady when I walked, so he booked a hotel for me early.

After I arrived at the hotel, I immediately fell asleep and slept for the whole day!

After waking up and just taking a shower, Zhang Xiaoai's phone call came.

"Hey, you woke up pretty quickly." When she saw how quickly I answered the phone, she smiled in surprise and said, "I thought you would be like a lazy pig, I don't know how long you'll be asleep."

It can be heard from her tone that she is in a very relaxed mood now. It seems that after the case was solved, the unruly Zhang Xiaoai who loves to find trouble is back again!

"By the way, the little lady has prepared a table of wine to express her gratitude. Please give me a favor from Boss Zhang." She said with a smile on the phone.

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance." I also joked.

When I got dressed and walked downstairs, I found Zhang Xiaoai waiting in the hotel lobby.

She was dressed very casually today, wearing overalls, a T-shirt, and a pair of light sandals, revealing her extraordinarily delicate feet, which made people want to hold them in their hands.

She was in a surprisingly good mood today. She would jump up and down from time to time while walking on the road, just like a child.

The place where Zhang Xiaoai took me to eat was even more unexpected to me. It turned out to be a seafood buffet.

"I just like this feeling. The table is full of dishes. You can eat and take whatever you want, as if you were a queen." She held a big plate and put lobsters and crabs in it while smiling at me. said.

"Can you finish eating so much? If you can't finish it, you will be fined." I looked at the ten plates full of delicious food on the table and asked with a frown.

"Of course you have finished eating!" Zhang Xiaoai said seriously while wiping his chopsticks with a wet wipe: "You don't know, we criminal police are all camels. We can reserve food and sleep. After eating this I can go without eating for at least two days."

Immediately, her face changed and she laughed crazily: "This is also the reason why I like to eat at the buffet, it's super cost-effective!"

I suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"Come on, let's eat!" Zhang Xiaoai slammed his chopsticks onto the table and started eating quickly.

In less than half a second, her delicate little mouth was filled to the brim, and her cheeks were bulging.

Oh my gosh, I never thought she had such a magical side.

I was dumbfounded and couldn't help but laugh.

Just then, her phone rang. She casually wiped her oily hands and took her phone out of her pocket.

As soon as he put it to his ear, Zhang Xiaoai's eyes widened immediately, and then he stood up with a gasp, swallowed the food in his mouth and shouted: "Okay, I'll be there soon!"

Zhang Xiaoai put down the phone, looked at me very embarrassed and said: "I'm so sorry, I originally wanted to treat you to a good meal, but..."

"Did something happen again?" Seeing her expression, I guessed that another vicious case had occurred.

"Let's go, I'll tell you on the way." After Zhang Xiaoai finished speaking, he turned around and left.

The two of us left the restaurant and took a taxi straight to Yunhai Lane.

Yunhai Lane is an old housing area in Qingjiang City. The lane entrance is relatively narrow and there are many privately built sheds. Taxis are afraid to go in for fear of being blocked in it.

We got off the car at the alley, and Zhang Xiaoai explained to me: "A few days ago, several people disappeared in Qingjiang, all of them young girls. The police never found any valuable clues and could only temporarily open a case. But they just received The report said that one of the girls was found, but only one piece of skin was left..."

"A piece of skin?" I was shocked.

"Yes!" Zhang Xiaoai looked serious: "The entire flesh and blood skeleton is gone, there is only an empty skin bag."

This situation was so terrifying and bizarre that I immediately became alert.

Not far along the alley, I saw a group of people gathered in front of me.

"Oh my god, you scared me to death!" An elderly aunt in the crowd gestured with her hands in an exaggerated way: "At that time, I stepped on something soft, and when I lowered my head, I saw that my mother... It’s human skin! It’s staring at me with two dark eyes.”

Zhang Xiaoai and I squeezed in from the crowd, and a small policeman guarding the perimeter hurriedly stepped forward to stop us and said: "Onlookers are not allowed at the scene of the crime."

"Do you still know that this is a crime scene? How is the confidentiality system enforced?" Zhang Xiaoai asked coldly, took out his work ID card and flashed it in front of him, and strode in.

An older policeman next to him grabbed him and reminded him in a low voice: "This is Captain Zhang of the Criminal Police Team!"

The little policeman looked stunned, obviously not expecting that this casually dressed girl who looked like the girl next door was actually the famous criminal police captain in Qingjiang City!

The two of us walked into the crime scene one after the other.

This is a simple rental house, and several forensic doctors wearing shoe covers and masks are investigating and collecting evidence.

The forensic doctors looked up and saw me, and they all nodded slightly to show respect - they had all seen my probing skills in the serial beheading case, so they still admired me very much.

I nodded to them and then swept towards the scene.

The furnishings in the rental house are simple, but colorfully decorated, with pink cartoons on all sides, purple wind chimes hanging at the door, and the house is filled with the unique fragrance of a girl's boudoir.

There was a person, or rather a human skin, lying on the ground in front of the main entrance.

All the bones and flesh were gone, but there was no trace of blood around, leaving only an empty skin lying softly on the ground.

Although there was only a piece of skin left, it could still be seen that this was a beautiful girl.

Her skin was extremely delicate and fair, and even though there was only one piece of skin left, it still had a bright luster.

Maybe it was because she was alone at home. She was only wearing underwear, her long hair spread everywhere, her nostrils, eyes, and mouth were all black holes. As the aunt said, she seemed to be staring blankly at me... This scene It was indeed too weird. Not to mention the aunt, even I was shocked.

I knelt down and took a closer look.

The wrinkles on the girl's face deepened one after another, and her mouth opened wide, as if she had suffered great pain or abuse during her lifetime.

Her arms were stretched out as hard as she could, and her fingers were spread wide, as if she was trying to grab something.

"According to the reporter, the tenant in this room was a girl named Gao Shuang. However, after verification, the deceased was not Li Shuang, but Zhai Rumeng who was listed in the missing persons file." A criminal police officer who investigated the scene introduced to Zhang Xiaoai.

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