Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,268 Osmanthus Mountain (additional update)

As soon as he saw me turning around and leaving, Zhang Xiaoai bit his lip and hurriedly caught up: "Why are you so anxious? You have to let me change my clothes. How can I go hiking like this? You wait for me at the outer door for a while while I change my clothes. Come right away." After saying that, he went straight to the locker room across the corridor.

I stood at the door of the dressing room. Before I could finish smoking a cigarette, Zhang Xiaoai changed her clothes and walked out.

Wearing a slightly tight light green T-shirt, slim-leg jeans, and a wild backpack, her hair was casually scattered behind her head and pulled into a ponytail. In an instant, she changed from the lazy girl next door to a royal sister who is full of youthful atmosphere.

Seeing her walking out dressed like this, the police around me took another look at me waiting at the door, and they all laughed and joked with her: "Hey, Captain Zhang, are you going to go on a field trip?"

Zhang Xiaoai gritted his teeth and gestured with his fists at them, but the blush still appeared on his face. It didn't go away until we got into the taxi and drove a long way.

Guihua Mountain is more than 30 miles away from Qingjiang City. It was originally a small barren mountain, but was later contracted by a retired cadre.

After he took possession of this barren mountain, he did not raise chickens, ducks, or plant fruit trees. Instead, he planted the mountain full of sweet-scented osmanthus.

A few years later, this place became an extremely lush osmanthus forest.

Before his death, the old man donated the mountain of sweet-scented osmanthus to the country free of charge. Qingjiang City built some pavilions, wooden chairs and the like on the original basis, turning it into a good place for leisure and vacation.

Every August and September, the sweet-scented osmanthus is in full bloom. The flowers bloom all over the mountain, bees roam all over the field, and the fragrant wind blows, making you feel intoxicated. Every day, countless tourists crowd the mountain.

The two of us walked and watched along with the flow of people, and it didn’t take long for us to reach the mountainside.

Zhang Xiaoai looked very thin, but her physical strength was not bad at all. I was even panting from exhaustion, but she acted as a tour guide for me with great interest, pointing here and there.

Of course, we both did not forget the purpose of our trip, and we searched for what was special about Osmanthus Mountain from time to time.

It was midsummer in August, and Qingjiang was around Wuhan. It was naturally extremely hot. In addition, there were so many people and bustling people all over the mountain. Both of us felt like we had been washed by water, and we were covered in sweat.

We bought a few bottles of mineral water in a small store in the mountains. We sat on a bench under a tree to enjoy the cool air while peeking around.

Along the way, I didn't find anything special. The mountains are mountains, the trees are trees, and tourists go their own way.

Until this time, I had some doubts. Osmanthus Mountain was just an ordinary scenic spot.

After all, there is such a fun place just outside Qingjiang City. It is also the season when the sweet-scented osmanthus blooms all over the mountain. It is normal for all the young girls in bloom to love taking selfies and want to come and take a look.

Seeing that there was nothing new to discover here, I threw the empty bottle in my hand into the trash can next to me. I was about to stand up and ask Zhang Xiaoai to go back, but my eyes were suddenly attracted!

At this time, a group of young girls were walking down from the top of the mountain. These girls were all eighteen or nineteen years old. They were wearing uniform T-shirts and shorts, with the words "Chunxia Dance School" printed on the back. They were all extremely beautiful. Both pairs of snow-white and shiny thighs are extremely attractive.

They were all smiling, and they kept fighting and making noise as they passed through the crowd, attracting many tourists to look sideways and looking back, and even many men with their female companions received a lot of pinching.

"Why, even Boss Zhang is in love?" Zhang Xiaoai also teased from the side.

I still stared at them and whispered: "Look at their feet."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaoai quickly lowered his gaze.

But I saw a red string tied around the ankles of these girls. Judging from the style and knot, it was exactly the same as the ones on the victims in the previous two human skin cases.

Zhang Xiaoai is the captain of the criminal police after all. Without me having to say anything, she strode up to meet her and asked affectionately: "Sister, where did you buy this red rope? It's so beautiful."

"I asked for it in the temple." A little girl with some freckles on her face replied cheerfully.

"In the temple?" Zhang Xiaoai was stunned: "Where is there a temple on Osmanthus Mountain?"

"It was the original Osmanthus Temple, now it's called Osmanthus Nunnery. There is a red rope asking for help... Hey, don't run away!" As she was about to finish her sentence, her companion sprinkled a handful of osmanthus petals on her head, and she immediately shouted, He dropped Zhang Xiaoai and chased after him with a big smile.

"Let's go to Osmanthus Nunnery." Although I only listened to half of it, I suddenly woke up.

To make a sacrificial red rope, one needs to collect wishes and be sincerely convinced by the person who casts the spell. What kind of place would this be?

Temples, Taoist temples, nunneries!

It turns out that the place where all the victims came together was not Osmanthus Mountain, but Osmanthus Nunnery!

As we went up the mountain, there were more and more people. It was not easy for Zhang Xiaoxi and I to squeeze to the top of the mountain. From a distance, we saw a piece of red walls and green tiles. On the top of the gate hung three large gilded characters: "Osmanthus Nunnery."

On the white wall in front of you, there are four lines of poetry written: The red thread in the Osmanthus Nunnery leads to a good marriage in this life, and the blessings are boundless, and the nine women are admired by all the immortals.

The central door was closed tightly, and only a small door was opened on the left side. People were constantly coming in and out of the door. But the strange thing is that all the people who came out were women, while the male companions who came with them could only stand outside the door and wait.

I watched carefully for a while, and the women who came out were also divided into two types, one with red thread tied to their feet, and the other without ties.

What puzzles me even more is that the people with red strings on their feet are all extremely young girls in their prime, and there are no older ones.

Zhang Xiaoai and I looked at each other and leaned towards the door at the same time.

"This donor, you can't go in." However, just as I crossed the threshold, I was stopped by the old lady sitting at the door.

"Why can't I come in?" I asked with a frown.

"This Osmanthus Nunnery is dedicated to the Moon Goddess. She only accepts gifts from women. Men are not allowed in. Please ask the donor to wait outside."

"Fart!" Before the old lady could finish her explanation, a thin man with a gray wolf tattoo standing behind me cursed loudly: "I have never heard of any Buddha that only women can worship, and men are not allowed to worship. ! Even the great men who are sending their children to the Guanyin Temple can go."

"Forgive me, donor." The old lady didn't bother to talk nonsense to him. She turned her head and blocked the door without even looking at him.

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