Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,269 The Flower of Marriage

"What the hell is this breaking the rules!" The tattooed man glared and cursed angrily. But there were too many people in this place, and the other party was an old lady. It was impossible for him to do anything extraordinary, so he had no choice but to take the bag from the female companion next to him and wait outside the door.

I also motioned to Zhang Xiaoai, asking her to go in and see what was true first.

Zhang Xiaoai nodded and was about to take a step when two people walked out of the door.

A tall woman with heavy makeup on her face and extremely sexy and revealing clothes walked out, holding her arm with a short, fat, bald man in his late fifties.

The woman was talking and laughing, with a foxy look on her face, while the fat bald man was intoxicated.

"You old witch." When the tattooed man saw it, he immediately became furious. He pointed at the old lady and said, "Didn't you say no men are allowed in? What about him? Is this your mother or your grandma?"

"How do you talk?" The fat bald man immediately darkened his face and asked coldly.

"Oh, this handsome guy." The charming woman next to the bald fat man continued: "Isn't it easy to get in through this door? Just pay some incense money. That's how my husband got in, how about you? Try it too?"

"Tch! It's just money." The tattooed man was ridiculed in person, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He reached out and took out his wallet, and without looking at it, he pulled out a dozen hundred-dollar bills and threw them at the old lady sitting at the door: "That's enough. Right? You old janitor bitch."

As he said that, he raised his legs and started to walk in.

Unexpectedly, the old lady didn't even look at the banknotes scattered on the ground, and said calmly: "Guihua Temple only receives eight male guests every day, the first one is ten thousand, the second one is twenty thousand... The donor just now is the third one." Seven, if you want to enter, you have to get 80,000."

"Eight..." The tattooed man immediately lost his temper, swallowed hard and said: "Why don't you go and grab it!"

After speaking, he bent down, picked up the money ten times faster than he had just thrown it away, pulled his female companion and turned around to leave.

The old lady snorted coldly at his back, then turned to me and said, "This donor, do you still want to come in?"

"A mere 80,000 yuan is nothing, I'll give you 100,000 yuan." I deliberately raised my voice and said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the old lady's expression immediately changed and she slowly stood up.

The fat bald man, the alluring woman, and the tourists waiting outside the door all looked at me intently. Even Zhang Xiaoai looked at me in shock.

"Donor, don't talk nonsense before Buddhism!" the old lady warned.

"Of course!" I asked seriously, "But is this Yue Po really spiritual?"

"Yuepo is a Nine Heavens Immortal who specializes in marriage and financial resources. If you offer incense and pray to her, it will be most effective!" the old lady explained.

"Okay." I reached out and quickly pulled out a long incense stick from the incense tube beside her. Before she could react, she had already lit the fire, put the incense back into the incense burner, and walked directly inside.

"Hey, donor, where's the one hundred thousand incense money?" The old lady immediately stood in front of me and stretched out her hand to me.

"Here!" I took out a one-dollar coin very coolly and put it in her hand.

"Do you know what wish I just made?" I stared at her face.

The old lady's face was gloomy, and just when she was about to scold her, I yelled, "The wish I just made was for one hundred thousand yuan! Not to mention, the moon goddess you worship is really smart."

After saying that, I ignored her livid face and strode in.

The people behind him were slightly shocked, and then burst into laughter and applause!

After walking a long way, Zhang Xiaoai finally let go of her tightly covered mouth and laughed loudly: "One piece is worth one hundred thousand, hahaha, I really have you!"

I shrugged my shoulders innocently: "Originally, I have only heard of Yue Lao, so where did Yue Lao pop up? She can make up gods, can't I make some money?"

Osmanthus nunnery is very large, with osmanthus planted everywhere, and the varieties here are different from those outside. The petals are pink and beautiful, and the fragrance is stronger than outside. Many tourists stand in the trees and take pictures.

Of course, except for me, they are all women.

They all probably knew how outrageous the men's fares were, and they all cast extremely envious glances at Zhang Xiaoai.

Zhang Xiaoai seemed to enjoy this feeling. She straightened her chest and got a little closer to me.

I am secretly amused, no matter what kind of woman, they all like to compare with each other, even if she knows that this comparison is meaningless.

Although the area of ​​Osmanthus Villa is not small, all the osmanthus trees are planted in the middle. There are only a few houses, like an oversized courtyard house, and it is the simplest one with only one entrance. On the left and right are the residential buildings, and in the middle is the main hall.

Zhang Xiaoai and I walked through the flowers, pretending to look around, and went straight to the main hall.

In the middle of the hall, there is a statue of a fairy holding an osmanthus branch - it's just that this fairy is a bit old, her temples are covered with silver frost, she smiles slightly and shows a very kind face. It seems that this is the so-called Yue Po?

There are two lifelike statues of girls on both sides of the hall. One is holding a large bowl filled with water, and the other is filled with seeds.

There was a girl praying devoutly under the statue, and an old nun with a wrinkled face was sitting on the futon next to her, beating the wooden fish and muttering something.

After praying, the girl stood up and turned to leave.

The old nun knocking on the wooden fish suddenly stopped and reminded: "Donor, the prayer is over. You can choose a marriage seed at will and let Yue Po calculate whether your love will go as planned?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then blushed slightly, took out a seed from the large bowl held by the boy statue, and put it into the water bowl according to the old nun's instructions.

Just when I thought this deception was unnecessary, a miracle happened!

There was a gurgling sound in the big bowl, and then a green leaf came out.

The green leaves grew very fast. In just a few seconds, they grew more than three feet tall. They sprouted, spread their leaves, and then blossomed into flower buds. Each one was so green that it was about to bloom. .

In just a blink of an eye, the seed that was just thrown in turned into a small tree full of buds.

"Ah!" The girl exclaimed extremely excitedly, staring blankly at the lush trees, she couldn't believe her eyes!

"Congratulations to the donor, the Moon Mother has made it clear that the flower of your marriage is coming unexpectedly. Just tie this marriage rope at your feet, and within a month, your husband will be in love with you." , the old nun took out a red silk rope from her arms and stretched it forward slightly.

Sure enough, the red sacrificial rope came from here.

Zhang Xiaoai and I looked at each other quickly!

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