Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,271 Using people to make medicine (additional update)

It stands to reason that most femininity objects are evil, and this femininity object has killed so many girls, so it should be contaminated with endless blood! But the seed I brought from Osmanthus Nunnery is fragrant and fragrant.

From this point of view, this vaginal object should be a daily necessities related to fragrance. Most of these objects are carried by women.

That’s why I used wine as a guide to let the Yin Qi appear on the mirror.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoai's phone rang.

"Team Zhang, are you and Master Zhang together?" The voice on the other end of the phone was very urgent.

"Yes." Zhang Xiaoai nodded.

I heard that the caller was Luo Yang.

"Where are you?" His voice was extremely anxious, as if something big had happened.

"We are..." Zhang Xiaoai may have felt that if she said she was in the hotel with me, it would cause misunderstanding, so she paused and asked, "What happened?"

"Luo Li is missing, and I can't contact her at all!" Luo Yang was so anxious that his voice became hoarse: "Like those missing girls, she doesn't even know she's missing."

"What?" Zhang Xiaoai was also surprised.

Luo Yang reported to her very quickly that after the members of the task force went on vacation, Luo Li couldn't sit still, so she went to Osmanthus Mountain with a few colleagues.

But there were too many people in the mountains, and they got separated while strolling around. She called her, but no one answered.

The last message she posted on WeChat Moments was a photo of a red rope tied around her ankle, with the words: Marriage is tied by a thread.

At that time, everyone didn't pay much attention, thinking that she was tired from playing and couldn't find the main force, so they went back first.

But when I returned to the police station, I heard that Zhang Xiaoai was inspired by me and started investigating the case of the missing girl. It was discovered that the extremely suspicious red rope tied to the human skin was related to Osmanthus Mountain, and the two of us had already gone to investigate.

As a criminal police officer, Luo Yang naturally connected the keywords red rope, Osmanthus Mountain, missing person, and human skin in one place. It is thus deduced that Luo Li may also be involved in the mysterious disappearance case!

Then he called me urgently, wanting to seek my help.

"Don't worry." I answered the phone and advised: "Your sister is a policeman, and the heroic spirit of the police badge has long been immersed in her body, so she will not be harmed by ghosts so easily. In addition, I have found out that it is a kind of sacrifice called sacrifice. The red rope thing takes a certain amount of time to take effect. Didn't she just tie the red rope? It won't happen so quickly. If you look carefully, Luo Li must be fine. "

After Luo Yang listened to my words, he felt a little calmer.

I put down the phone and said to Zhang Xiaoai, "We can't wait any longer. These two old ladies are so greedy for money that they must be using things to make money and kill people! If we don't take action, someone will definitely die because of this."

"I will return to Osmanthus Nunnery tonight to see what they are up to! You organize the police force and support me at any time."

Zhang Xiaoai nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away. We'll contact you by phone at any time." After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

After taking two steps, he looked back at me and said, "Be careful too!"

I nodded, and then I made full preparations and headed to Osmanthus Mountain again.

It was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon. I took many taxis in succession, but when the drivers heard that I was going to Guihua Mountain, they all shook their heads and refused.

I think this is a bit weird.

Finally, we stopped another car. After I agreed to pay an extra two hundred yuan, the driver finally put down the empty license plate, glanced at me and asked, "Are you going to buy medicine?"

Buy medicine? I was stunned.

The area near Osmanthus Mountain is full of barren mountains and wild ridges. How can there be any human habitation? What's more, there are all kinds of pharmacies in Qingjiang City. Even if I really want to buy medicine, why would I go to the mountains to buy medicine?

Although I was extremely curious, I still pretended to be guessed by him and asked, "Master, how did you know?"

"Haha, there's no need to guess." The driver said very proudly: "People go to Osmanthus Mountain in the morning and come back after playing all day in the evening, but you just set off in the afternoon, and it gets dark not long after you get there. So. Ah, I’m not here to play at all, I’m just here to buy medicine.”

When I heard that there was something fishy here, I smiled and praised him for his unique vision.

Then he took out a cigarette and handed it over, and started talking: "Master, why are the other drivers unwilling to go?"

"The road to Osmanthus Mountain is not easy to walk." The driver took a puff of smoke and said: "The road is full of potholes and has many sharp turns. It's easy to walk during the day, but at night, if you are not good at craftsmanship, you will not know the road conditions well. It’s easy to get into trouble if you’re familiar with it.”

"You go at this time. It will be dark when we come back with an empty car. The average driver would rather not make this money than take this risk! I was a car soldier in Tibet, and I have never seen such kind of road conditions. ? This is a piece of cake for me. In the past few days, I have seen many people like you go shopping for medicine in the dark. "

Without waiting for me to ask, he started talking and summed up: "I am alone, going up the mountain in the dark, carrying a big bag - you have all the cash here, right?"

He said, glancing at the big bundle I was carrying behind me.

I smiled at him and said nothing.

When he saw me smiling, he blew out a puff of smoke and continued with an expression of "I guessed it": "I know you are all hired bodyguards, and I don't know where those prodigal old ladies got so many. Money, you are really willing to spend a lot of money just for the beauty."

Immediately, his hatred for the rich broke out, and he began to curse while talking.

As he was talking, my phone rang. It was a text message from Zhang Xiaoai.

She said that the police force had made arrangements and had already set off. And after verification, a new clue was discovered:

The two old nuns in Guihua Temple were originally named Wu Cuilian and Wu Cuiju. In recent days, the two of them seemed to have suddenly made a fortune and bought several properties in succession, with an estimated total value of more than ten million.

And at night, there are always some people gathering on the top of the Osmanthus Peak, sneaking around and seeming to be doing some shady things.

After reading the message from Zhang Xiaoai and combining it with the chatty driver’s narration, I immediately came to my senses.

Those who received the sacrificial red rope and then disappeared inexplicably were all young girls, and those who bought the medicine were also women. Could it be that these two old nuns were... using people to make medicine?

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