Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,272 The Debt of Longquan Villa

After the car stopped in front of the mountain, I carried my big bag and walked up the mountain road alone.

Unlike when we came during the day, almost everyone except me was heading down the mountain.

When I passed by, many people looked at me with strange eyes - it seems that Guihua Temple sells medicine in the middle of the night is still a secret, and most people don't know about it.

It wasn't until I reached the bench where Zhang Xiaoai and I sat halfway up the mountain that I saw a man who looked exactly like me, carrying a big bag and going upstream.

He seemed to sense that someone was watching him and turned his head to look at me.

He was wearing a pair of large sunglasses and a peaked cap. He looked young, his bare shoulders and arms were extremely thick, and he looked like he was a practitioner.

It seems that this is the medicine buyer mentioned by the driver.

I'm worried about where to start? Immediately follow him leisurely.

He walked against the flow of people for a while, turned around, turned down the corridor, and got into the sweet-scented osmanthus bushes. I quickly caught up with him.

This piece of sweet-scented osmanthus grows very densely, and the branches are intertwined, making it difficult to move. At this time, the two of us were walking through it, and there were sounds in the forest, and flowers were falling all over the ground.

After walking a long way along the path in the forest, a clearing suddenly opened up ahead, revealing a clearing.

There is a large square stone monument standing in front of the open space. There are more than a dozen people sitting far apart near the stone monument.

These people are all about the same as us, all strong young people, each carrying a big bag, and they don't talk to each other. However, they seemed to have met each other before. Only when they met me did they look at me strangely, but no one spoke.

I couldn't figure out what to do at the moment, so I sat in the back silently.

After sitting for a while, the sun completely set, and the whole forest was so dark that I couldn't even see other people's faces clearly.


At this moment, a bell rang in the distance. It was not loud, but it was heard very clearly in the empty mountain.

I followed the sound and saw a light shining on the dark mountaintop. The light was very weak, but the mountain was dark, but it was very conspicuous at a glance.

A young man carrying a big bag stood up and walked straight towards the light and shadow.


It was not long before another bell rang.

Another young man with a mustache stood up and walked forward through the osmanthus forest.

The strange thing is that none of these people are fighting for it, and they all seem to have arranged their order.

I really want to chase them and see where they have gone and what they have done. But he was afraid of disturbing the situation, so he could only suppress his temper and wait patiently.

It wasn't until the last one, the one who was following me, stood up that I calmly flicked my fingers and put a touch of cinnabar on his trouser legs.

After he walked a few dozen meters, I followed him quietly without waiting for the bell to ring.

I carefully crawled through the branches in the forest, fearing to make any sound, and followed the cinnabar breath left on his body, chasing after him closely.

After traveling for more than a hundred meters, a small courtyard appeared in front of it. It was surrounded by a fence. It looked very shabby, and a white light came out through the pale window paper.

The man pushed open the courtyard door and walked into the hut.

I quickly chased after him, licked my fingers close to the window, soaked a small hole in the window paper, and peeked in secretly.

There was only a long table in the room, with a small portable lamp placed on the table. Sitting beside the long table were two old ladies, the same two old nuns who were there during the day.

Between them, facing the window, sat an old man.

The old man is much older than the old nun, and his eyebrows are almost completely white.

The young man who just walked in untied his backpack and placed it on the table. It was full of money, bundles of brand-new hundred-dollar bills.

The old lady who stood guard at the door during the day and asked me for high-priced tickets casually pulled out a few bundles, looked at them, and then dragged the big bundles under the table. Another old lady took out a small bottle from her arms and handed it over.

The young man didn't even look at it, he just put it in his arms and pushed it towards the wall, and a back door immediately opened out of the dirt wall.

"Brother, you are so cautious, you are always the last one." The old nun knocking on the wooden fish said with a smile.

"There is one more." After the young man finished speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

"Hey, why is there another one? Could it be that Hao Zizi has left another family behind?" The old lady looking after the door muttered in confusion, stood up, and rang the big clock in the house vigorously.

Then, she sat back at the table, took out her cell phone and pressed a few times. She turned to the white-browed old man sitting in the middle and said, "Dad, at this rate, it won't take long for us to pay off the debt of Longquan Villa!"

As soon as she said these words, I was so shocked that I almost screamed.

The white-browed old man in the middle is actually their father? Is that Mr. Wu who built Osmanthus Mountain and donated it to the country before his death?

Moreover, they are actually related to Longquan Villa?

It seems that this incident is by no means as simple as seeking money and killing people!

The old man with white eyebrows shook his head and said: "The debt of Longquan Villa is not urgent, anyway, the deadline is still early - you said, someone seems to have seen through the sachet?"

"I'm not sure." The old nun said hesitantly: "Today at noon, a man and a woman came. The woman was nothing special except for being a little pretty, but the man was a little mysterious. I can’t see through the test. Thinking about it afterwards, I always feel something is wrong.”

"At that time, he asked the woman to throw a seed into the ghost pool. As a result, the entire ghost pool boiled! Even the boy statue cracked. This has never happened before. Even if a tourist was not careful last time Even if I dropped a prayer bead, it didn't cause such a big reaction. I guess that kid must have done something!"

"And he's very cunning." The old lady at the gate scolded with lingering resentment: "He seems to have come in specially to have a look. I wonder if the altar was placed incorrectly yesterday, which attracted the attention of his colleagues!"

"Well, no matter what, it's better to be careful. If it doesn't work, stop the altar first! It's not too late to practice until you are completely stable. The Beauty Festival is not easy to come by anyway, and it is not easy to gather forty-nine pills." Bai Mei The old man nodded slightly and said.

"That's what dad said, but it will cost you a lot of money..."

"We can still make money in the future, but if we really miss the mark, our lives will be at risk. Do you think Longquan Villa will really stand up for us?" The white-browed old man said angrily.

"Yes, just listen to dad, we won't open the altar from tomorrow on. It's strange, why hasn't the last person come yet?" the old nun suddenly asked.

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