Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,274 Ghost King Thorn (additional update)

Longquan Villa has long regarded me as a thorn in their side. They have tried to harm me not just once or twice, but it is the same whether they let him go or not.

What's more, this guy is doing evil things with the help of evil things. I just took the opportunity to kill one of Longquan Villa's minions!

Seeing that I was indifferent, the white-browed old man also darkened his face and said sternly: "If that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

After saying that, he pulled out a black bell from his waist.

Dang Dang Dang...

He shook the bell repeatedly and muttered something.

At the same time, clouds of black mist floated out of the bell.

As soon as the wind blew, the black mist immediately grew larger and turned into extremely ferocious ghost figures, rushing towards me with teeth and claws.

Jugui bell? This old guy is really not simple, he can actually control such a murderous weapon!

The ghost-gathering bell is a kind of acquired evil spirit, but it can gather ghost generals. Once released, it can kill people in an instant. Even if they escape from the poisonous hands, they will be seriously ill for three months.

But if you want to raise ghost generals, you have to feed them human essence and blood every day. This old guy released a total of forty-five ghost generals, and no one knows how many people died in his hands.

Those ghosts were very resentful. As soon as they got close to me, they immediately opened their mouths fiercely, trying to swallow my Yang Qi alive!

"Kill!" I yelled, unsheathed my ghost-killing swords, aimed at the ghost general closest to me, and slashed at it with all my strength.

The twin swords that kill ghosts and gods are extremely powerful. When a ghost is struck, it will immediately turn into a puff of black smoke.

But the other ghost generals were not afraid, and under the control of the white-browed old man, they attacked me.

If they invade the body, it will definitely be extremely dangerous. I didn't dare to be careless, so I hurriedly deployed my sword skills combined with the Yang family's spear skills, and attacked from all sides.


"Cut again!"

I swung both swords and killed several ghost generals in succession.

But I didn't expect that there were so many ghosts, and they were all very vicious. They just wanted to take my life. For a while, it was difficult for me to escape.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly, it's just a pity for my precious bell." The white-browed old man saw that I was trapped and shouted immediately.

When Hao Zizi and the Wu sisters heard this, they immediately woke up and rushed to the window, hoping to escape.

I trapped these people in the house and were waiting for Zhang Xiaoai to lead a team to support me. How could I let them escape easily? Immediately, I used several swords to kill several ghost generals, and rushed to the window in a few steps.

Hao Laizi had already stepped out of the window with one foot, and most of his body was leaning out. It's just that the backpack on his body was too heavy and his other foot was disabled, so he was stuck there for a while.

I rushed forward and without saying a word, I raised my knife and struck!

With a pop, it hit his good leg as he stepped out of the window. The pain immediately caused him to scream, and he fell out of the window!

The heavy money bag then fell and hit him. I kicked him hard, hitting him right in the face. His face was immediately covered with blood and tears.

"Whoever dares to come out again will suffer this!" I waved my swords and shouted loudly.

The old nun standing next to the window was immediately frightened and was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

"What are you waiting for? Jump quickly." The old man with white eyebrows urged loudly, and at the same time, the bell in his hand shook faster. The group of ghost generals surrounded me quite closely, and their attack became even more fierce.

I quickly pulled away to dodge and slashed with my sword!

The old nun was still hesitating, but was pushed hard by the white-browed old man.

She was not prepared to jump out of the window, and was caught off guard. She screamed and fell head first.

Probably because he has done so many bad things, he deserves to be unlucky.

When Hao Laizi was cut off from the window sill by me, the spring knife in his hand fell on a branch. As soon as the old nun fell, the blade of the knife got stuck in her neck.

She clenched her hands in extreme pain, but she didn't even scream. A piece of blood flowed from her fingers, and then she turned over and became motionless.

"Sister!" When the old lady at the gate saw this scene, she immediately screamed in shock.

"Run! If it's a moment later, you won't be able to leave." The white-browed old man urged urgently.

The old lady at the door looked back with some resentment. At least half of her sister's death was caused by the white-browed old man, but she couldn't think about it anymore. She jumped onto the window sill very quickly, turned over and landed.

The white-browed old man rang the bell in his hand and murmured something louder and louder than the other.

As he continued to drink, the ghosts wrapped in Yin Qi became more fierce, and their attacks on me became faster and more fierce. It can be seen that the white-browed old man's cultivation level is not low, at least he is at the level of the protector of Longquan Villa.

Of course I could kill him, but I was temporarily entangled by the Ghost Gathering Bell. Seeing the old lady jumping out of the window, she stumbled into the sweet-scented osmanthus forest.

One ran away, and another one was still in the house. I was afraid that the last one would also escape, and just as I was approaching the window, there was a sudden muffled sound in the room.

It turned out that the white-browed old man summoned a tall headless ghost, broke through the back door, and then escaped quickly!

This old guy is indeed cunning. Although he has such a method, he didn't show it just now. Instead, he kept urging others to jump out of the window to attract my attention.

He used the Wu sisters and others as bait, and took the opportunity to escape again!

I wanted to chase him, but I just couldn't get away.


At this moment, a cold light flashed among the ghost generals, like a meteor and lightning, and stabbed directly towards my back.

Ghost King Thorn!

Once the gathered ghost generals have been refined to a certain level, they will randomly produce some extremely fierce killing moves. Ghost King Stab is the most common and most vicious move, which can make ghosts look like lightning at extremely fast speeds.

If the white-browed old man had launched such a killing move from the beginning, I could have avoided it, but now that the ghost general was holding his swords, I was still distracted, so how could I avoid it?

At this critical moment, a dragon roar suddenly sounded in my ears, and then my whole body lit up.

That layer of dazzling light formed a circle of armor around my body, blocking the Ghost King's stab to death!

The ghost general was also separated and turned into a wisp of black smoke.

It's the Gentian Armor! I was confused for a moment and then I came to my senses.

This is the spirit extraction skill obtained after obtaining Zhao Yun's Yin Spirit. When oneself is harmed, the gentian armor can be activated to protect the whole body!

I happily picked up the ghost-killing swords and poured all my cultivation into them. With a few sharp swords, I scattered the two ghost generals blocking the way.

The two ghosts behind were about to grab my heart with their Yin energy-concentrating claws. I did a backflip and cut them off again with two swipes of my sword!

The Yin Yang Sword Technique is indeed not invincible. Once it is used with all its strength, it will be easy to deal with these ghost generals.

I killed all the remaining ghost generals as fast as possible, and then chased behind the house, but it was delayed for more than ten minutes.

I don’t know where this white-browed old man comes from. He is so ruthless and has such sinister methods. He is also closely related to Longquan Villa. I will never let him go!

It was dark all around and there were osmanthus trees with white flowers everywhere. It was not easy to track a person.

Fortunately, in the fierce battle just now, I killed countless ghost generals one after another, and I also captured the aura of the white-browed old man.

I followed this breath and followed it all the way.

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