Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,275 A beautiful woman through the ages

At first, this breath traveled very fast, and I thought it was because he was getting stronger. But then I realized that there were no scratches or trampling marks on the grass along the road. On the contrary, there were many broken branches on the top of the tree branches.

Flying with ghosts?

It seems that I really underestimated him. This old guy has many hidden tricks.

However, he was obviously not as good as the top-notch masters of Longquan Villa, or perhaps because he used the Ghost Gathering Bell, which consumed too much spiritual power, the little ghost carrying him stumbled a little, and the branches swayed and broke irregularly along the way.

And the speed is getting slower and slower. It seems that the spiritual power is almost exhausted.

I chased for a while, and saw a light shining at the foot of the mountain from a distance, and it seemed like there were many figures gathering around here.

Zhang Xiaoai must have received my notice and rushed up with the police force.

But I still dare not relax a little.

The old nun was dead on the spot, and Hao Laizi's good leg was cut off by me. The two guys, one dead and one injured, were lying in front of the hut, unable to escape at all. Although the old caretaker escaped into the sweet-scented osmanthus forest, she had no magic power and was not young enough to escape there.

But the white-browed old man is different. He has the top secret of Longquan Villa, and he has many tricks and skills. Ordinary policemen may not be his opponents. If he escapes from the encirclement, it will be really hard to find him!

Now I quickened my pace and chased all the way.

But as I chased after him, I suddenly felt that the breath in front of me seemed to have stopped suddenly.

What tricks is this old guy up to again? Could it be that he sensed that I was chasing him and wanted to set an ambush for me?

I closed my two swords and moved closer step by step with extreme caution, but he still didn't make the slightest move.

I walked for a while and saw an old man with white eyebrows lying under an osmanthus tree not far away.

What kind of trick is this? Want to lure me over and kill you?

I stopped hesitantly, but suddenly I smelled an extremely strong smell of blood coming from the white-browed old man.

How is this going?

I hesitated for a moment and continued walking forward.

But he saw the white-browed old man lying flat on the ground, his clothes were torn in many places, and his face was full of scratches. They should have been scratched by branches when the ghost was flying. But his fatal wound was on his neck, where there was a very small wound, only an inch long.

The wound was extremely deep and just right, just enough to kill him silently and in the shortest possible time.

He was killed!

There were no signs of struggle outside. At first glance, one might have thought his throat was scratched by a branch.

But who is this person? He actually had the ability to kill the white-browed old man without anyone noticing? And I've been chasing him for so long, but I haven't found any trace of him at all.

I stepped forward to check and found that apart from some debris, there were no valuable clues left on him.

The Jugui Bell is also missing. It must have been taken away by the killer.


This old man has a deep connection with Longquan Villa. Could it be that Longquan Villa found out what happened and was afraid that I would catch him alive and ask what the secret was, so did he kill him and silence him?

When I think of this, I can't help but feel scared again!

Since this guy can kill the white-browed old man without knowing anything, what if he secretly attacks me one day? It seems that we have to be more careful and careful.

I briefly checked again and found nothing new, so I turned around and walked straight towards the Osmanthus Nunnery on the mountain.

The purpose of tonight was to check the secret of the child statue. After so many episodes, it was time to return to the main point.

Osmanthus nunnery is still sitting quietly on the top of the mountain. I climbed over the courtyard wall and went straight to the north hall.

When I came to the door of the main hall, I opened my backpack and took out the things inside.

These are the things I carefully prepared all afternoon specifically for the purpose of subduing the vagina.

Red silk embroidered robes, exquisite rouge boxes, paper printed with red flowers, small bronze mirrors, red needlework, and silk brocades embroidered with flowers, cranes, and birds were the favorite things of women in ancient times.

In the hotel mirror, I have seen that the ghost living in the vagina is a woman.

This evil thing has killed so many people one after another, and all of them were young girls. I am afraid it has already developed some intelligence. If it sees that the situation is bad and runs away, it will be in trouble.

I prepared these things as a guide to temporarily hold back the Yin spirit.

I took out the glutinous rice flour, sprinkled a thin layer on these things, and quietly hid under an osmanthus tree in the distance.

As soon as I hid, there was a gentle sigh in the empty hall, and then a gust of fragrant wind blew out from the hall, and the tightly closed door of the hall was slightly pushed open a thin crack.

The aroma spreads everywhere and hits the nose and lungs, making people feel indescribably comfortable, as if it is the most charming and intoxicating smell in the world. And it caused a throbbing in the bottom of my heart, as if it was the moment when I was about to see my lover - an uncontrollable joy that spontaneously emerged!

Then, like a piece of paper, a woman emerged from the narrow crack in the door.

After she floated out of the door, she immediately plumped up and became life-size.

But I saw that she was wearing a pink embroidered Luo shirt, with a pair of white and red dimples on her melon-shaped white and tender face. Those melancholy eyes and curved eyebrows exude an intoxicating charm.

That appearance and figure are countless times more beautiful and charming than any other big star! The beauty is beyond description.

Anyone, male or female, will be moved by it!

She looked up at the moon hanging in the night sky.

The moon seemed to be impressed by her beauty, and she was so ashamed that she quickly hid in the shadow of the clouds.

The flower branches all over the courtyard seemed to be ashamed of themselves the moment she appeared, and they quickly turned their branches around. They were really beautiful flowers shy of the moon!

She stepped forward towards the few things I had left behind.

She didn't look at the rouge, the red robe, or even the bronze mirror. Instead, she picked up the sewing box with one hand. He held it in the palm of his hand and didn't open it, just stared at it.

Even though he is so expressionless, he is still charming and charming enough to be unforgettable!

For a moment, even I was stunned!

She looked at it longingly for a long time, then suddenly let out a long sigh, put down her sewing box, turned around and walked back, still slipping into the hall like a piece of paper, leaving only the fragrant wind that filled the courtyard, still spreading and intoxicating.

It was as if the Nine Heavens Fairy had just arrived in the world, making people still unsure whether everything just happened was a dream.

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