Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,277 Class Reunion

The days have been very leisurely recently, and there has been no business coming to my door.

But I've long been used to it.

That night, after I made tea, I picked up the notes left by my grandfather and had just flipped through a few pages when my phone suddenly rang.

I picked it up and saw it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, is this Zhang Jiulin?" The voice on the other end of the phone sounded familiar, but I just couldn't remember who it was.

"Well, it's me." I responded subconsciously.

"Damn it, it's really you! What have you been busy with recently?"

"I'm not busy with anything, I'm very free now." I answered, wondering at the same time, who is this?

Because I work in a very special profession and rarely interact with outsiders, not many people know my phone number.

Even if those regular customers tell others their number, they usually ask for something from me, and they will never call them by their first names, and their tone will never be so casual.

"Haha, that's right. I've never seen you busy." The man seemed to know me very well. He laughed and said, "There is a party in a few days. Can you come over?"


Until this moment, I didn't remember who the other party was, so I had to ask rudely: "Who are you?"

"Damn it! You really can't hear it? I'm Dahui, Niu Dahui!"

This time I finally remembered that he was my elementary school classmate.

Our two families lived relatively close to each other at that time, and we often went together to and from school. He was one of the few good friends I had during my student days.

But after graduation, our contact gradually became less and less, and then we became far apart.

Not only him, but also other classmates I haven’t contacted in twenty years.

Ever since I took over my grandfather's antique shop, I have gradually become isolated from the outside world. Even these former classmates have gradually forgotten their appearance.

As soon as he announced his name, my thoughts were suddenly brought back to the past...

"Why are you hesitating? We haven't seen each other for so many years. Come over here and have a drink! It took me a long time to find your mobile phone number." Niu Dahui directly helped me make the decision, and then told me the time and date of the party. Place.

Putting down the phone, my thoughts wandered, lingering in my youth for a long time.

On the day of the party, I secretly thought that I had not seen each other for so many years, so I would inevitably drink. So I didn’t drive my sports car, but took a taxi and went straight to the Xingheng Hotel.

The Xingheng Hotel was just built this year. It is very high-end in terms of its name and splendid appearance. Taxis cannot enter the parking lot at all.

"Hey, isn't this Zhang Jiulin?" I was recognized as soon as I got out of the taxi.

I turned around and saw an Audi A6 parked next to me, with a fat man with a square head and big ears sitting inside.

Although I hadn’t seen him for more than ten years and his appearance was somewhat out of shape, I still recognized him at a glance. It was Qian Duoduo.

Back then, he was the rich second generation of our class.

His father wholesaled pork at the farmer's market, and the money he took out was covered in sticky oil. For example, BB machines and telephones, all novel gadgets at the time, were the first ones he owned.

However, his academic performance has never been very good. He was either ranked first or ranked second in every exam.

But he didn't care, and threatened to say, what's the use of good academic performance, why don't you just go out to work? My dad said that as soon as I graduate, he will set up a store for me and become the boss directly!

Sure enough, after not seeing each other for more than ten years, he is becoming more and more boss-like.

"Duoduo, long time no see." I nodded and greeted him with a smile.

But Qian Duoduo didn't even get out of the car, and his hands were still on the steering wheel.

"Let's come out and have a good time when we have time. I'll treat you!" Qian Duoduo said, raising his wrist and waving to me, and drove into the parking lot.

The moment he raised his hand, a golden light flashed on his fat wrist. It was a limited edition Rolex.

Over the years, I have seen all the ups and downs in the world. Although his indifference was a bit unexpected, I didn't pay much attention to it and turned around and went straight to the hotel door.

There were several figures standing in front of the door, and I recognized them from a distance. They were Gao Wenyuan, who was still as thin as a stick and wearing a pair of highly myopic glasses.

Lin Shuai is still so handsome, but there is a layer of slightly mature vicissitudes on his face.

Niu Dahui is still so muscular, and his high bulging belly matches his height of nearly 1.9 meters.

"Oh, Zhang Jiulin." Niu Dahui spotted me at a glance, ran over in a hurry, grabbed my hand and said, "Why are you here, sitting on the ground? You should have been the first one to arrive, why are you acting like this?" You're just waiting for us to pick you up. Haha, are you doing well lately?" He joked with me and casually punched me on the shoulder.

This guy didn't change much from before. He didn't hit me lightly or hard, and my shoulders were sore and swollen.

The two of us walked up the steps, and Gao Wenyuan and Lin Shuai also came up to us.

Although they haven't seen each other for more than ten years, after all, they have experienced youth together, and their feelings for each other are still very strong.

The atmosphere was relatively harmonious and we had a lot of fun talking.

All three were party initiators. Among them, Gao Wenyuan's family has a rich background. His father was the secretary of the municipal party committee at that time, and he must have a prosperous official career now. From what he hears, he is now working in the government and has a bright future.

Lin Shuai is cautious and extremely mature. Although he has no airs, he will never be so groveling as to stand at the gate waiting for someone.

The person who could make him come to the door to greet him must be some kind of big shot. I really couldn't figure out who it could be for a while.

Niu Dahui greeted a few people and walked in with me first.

They had reserved the first floor of the Xingheng Hotel, which was large enough for a gathering of fifty people. Most of the students were already there, standing or sitting in twos and threes, chatting cordially.

As soon as they saw me walking in, several people immediately gathered around me.

When I was in elementary school, although I was not a top student, my grades were always very good, and I could hang out with those low-achieving gangsters, so I was quite popular. After so many years, the feelings from back then are like fermented wine, becoming more and more mellow - at least, everyone misses those years very much. When they see their former classmates, they can think of their own childhood.

"Zhang Jiulin, I heard that you opened a shop in Wuhan and never showed up. You should have organized this party in the first place!" A female classmate with a quick mouth came forward and said: "Wait a moment, you can punish yourself with three drinks first! "

"Yes, yes!" Another big black male classmate stepped forward to help: "When I was in school, this kid always drank alcohol secretly and never got drunk. You can't run away this time."

"I'll sit next to you in a moment." The big black man punched me in the chest: "You can drink as much as I want, and don't even miss a drink!"

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