Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,278 Class Beauty Zhao Yihan

"It doesn't matter how much he drinks." At this moment, Qian Duoduo, accompanied by Gao Wenyuan, walked in and said arrogantly: "Anyway, he came here by taxi, so he is not afraid of how much he drinks."

This may sound okay at first glance, but when paired with the Audi car keys that he deliberately banged and his arrogant tone, it takes on a different tone.

You live locally, you don’t even have a car, you’re late for the party, you come late on purpose... I’m afraid you’re not getting along as well as you should, and you don’t have the face to meet people, right?

His words seemed unintentional, but everyone could understand.

The atmosphere on the court was a little awkward for a moment. Niu Dahui waved his hand and said, "Let's chat for now. I'll go see if all the classmates are here." After saying that, he patted my shoulder as if to comfort him, turned around and left. go out.

The classmates in the room all glanced at me and Qian Duoduo, and the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

Immediately afterwards, the big black men surrounded Qian Duoduo, and the area around me suddenly became empty.

I've seen this kind of mean guy a lot, so naturally I didn't care and just pulled up a chair and sat down.

As a femininity merchant, I pursue a low-key approach! These students probably couldn't even imagine that one-tenth of my bank savings is enough to buy the entire hotel, let alone a small shabby car like an Audi A6, which is less than one wheel of my sports car.

There were about forty or fifty students already present, and they were naturally divided into two small circles.

What separates the two circles is no longer the strong feelings in the student days, nor the top students and the bad students, but their respective current situations.

Those who are doing well and are high-spirited sit together and talk about the stock market and the international situation, and everyone is eloquent and high-spirited; those who are not doing well all sigh and complain that the boss is evil-hearted, wages are not rising, and property prices are skyrocketing.

I neither wanted to join the first circle and pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, nor did I want to join the second circle and listen to their complaints, so I went to smoke alone.

"What? You're still as independent as before." I had just taken two or three puffs when a beautiful figure stood side by side with me.

I turned around and saw that it was Zhao Yihan.

When I was in school, she was my deskmate. She was the beauty of the class and even the school. Almost all the boys who chased her back then could stand in a circle around the playground.

I heard that after graduating from Beijing Foreign Languages ​​School, she refused the school’s offer to stay, resolutely returned to Wuhan, and now teaches at her alma mater.

"No." I smiled and shook my head: "After so many years, everyone has changed a lot. I just feel a little emotional."

"Well, it is true." Zhao Yihan sat down next to me and looked at the classmates. He seemed to be telling me, but also seemed to be talking to himself: "Some people look very happy, and some people look very happy." It's very painful to wake up, but only you know how it is. How are you doing?"

After saying that, she cast a pair of watery eyes at me. The black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose revealed a hint of the mature charm of a teacher.

"It's okay." I replied hastily.

Somehow, I found a hint of sadness in her eyes. Although she tried her best to hide it, I could still sense the powerlessness and hesitation in her heart.

"I said big beauty, isn't that right?" At this moment, Qian Duoduo came over with a big belly, glanced at me with great momentum, and then said to Zhao Yihan with a smile on his face: "I was talking to you just now , you said you were going to the bathroom, why are you sitting here in the blink of an eye?"

"Isn't Beauty Zhao remembering her time in school? She was sitting at the same table with Zhang Jiulin back then." Someone at the wine table said with a smile: "Zhang Jiulin, tell the truth, have you ever chased someone else?"

Before I could say anything, Qian Duoduo became unhappy. He glanced at the man and said angrily: "That was then, this is now. What kind of society is this now? Nostalgia is worthless."

He waved his arm with wealth and showed his fingers one by one in front of us: "What we are looking at now are cars, houses, and bills." Those fingers were all wearing big golden rings, inlaid with red and green gems. .

"By the way, Beauty Zhao." He faced Zhao Yihan and put on another lewd smile: "I just bought a house in the school district next to my alma mater and am about to renovate it. When will you have time to help me with advice? "

"Boss Qian is joking, I don't know anything about decoration." Zhao Yihan refused with a smile on her face.

"Look, everyone, who's here?" Qian Duoduo was about to say something awkwardly when a shout suddenly came from the door.

Everyone turned around and saw Lin Shuai, Gao Wenyuan, and Niu Dahui walking in accompanied by one person like stars holding the moon in their arms.

It's Liu Qingyun, the study committee member of our class.

It is said that he was the top liberal arts scholar in Wuhan back then and was admitted to the Department of Political Science and Law of Peking University.

Although I don't know what he is doing now, I can tell that other students have to go to greet him in person, and his status is obviously very unusual.

"Hello, classmates!" Liu Qingyun was in high spirits, smiling and waving to everyone.

That momentum was no different from that of a military parade leader.

Some students who didn't know what was going on actually laughed loudly and said, "Where are you pretending to be? Do we have to say something back to the chief?"

The companion sitting next to him quickly pulled him and whispered: "Liu Qingyun is now the secretary of Secretary Han of the Municipal Party Committee!"

The sound was not loud, but everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

"Oh, it turns out to be Qingyun!" Qian Duoduo immediately rushed over and stretched out his hand from a distance.

The others all gathered around him with great enthusiasm, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries. Those who were able and capable sat in front, chatting about business and officialdom; those who were incompetent and incompetent stayed behind, chatting and recalling how amazing Liu Qingyun’s grades were when he was in school, and which teacher had made an assertion for him. Sure enough, It became true.

Liu Qingyun was surrounded by everyone very kindly, with a signature smile on his face, as if he was understanding the sentiments of the people.

Outside the crowd, Zhao Yihan and I were the only ones who didn't move.

We both looked at each other and smiled, then shook our heads gently.

Alas, the world has changed, or people's hearts have changed? Where have all those simple classmates gone?

With the arrival of Liu Qingyun, the banquet began soon.

There is no need for anyone to deliberately arrange it. After the previous chat, everyone has clearly determined their position.

One table is doing well, one table is just getting along, and another table is unsatisfactory.

Up to this point, I regretted coming to this party.

I pulled up a chair and sat at the nearest table where I was least satisfied. Zhao Yihan declined repeated invitations from Qian Duoduo and others and sat next to me, causing many people to cast very strange looks at me.

As soon as the wine was served, Liu Qingyun, at the suggestion of everyone, raised his glass and made a speech.

His words were very beautiful. He first looked back at the green years of those years and thanked his alma mater; then he looked forward to the future with passion, and the last sentence was in a loud voice: "Let us join hands to create a better tomorrow!"

It was almost the same as the speech at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, but it received thunderous applause.

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