Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,285 The ghost is charming

Ma Hongjun said this fearfully, and still glanced out the door with lingering fear, fearing that the old lady would suddenly appear in front of him.

Coincidentally, a gust of night wind happened to pass by at this moment, making the door of the antique shop roar.

Ma Hongjun was so frightened that he trembled, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Don't be afraid." I comforted him: "No ghost dares to run wild on my territory!"

I picked up the glass and drank the rest of the liquor in one gulp. Then I stood up and said, "According to what you just said, it is indeed entangled with dirty things. Let's go and have a look at your house."

"Wha...what?" Ma Hongjun's eyes widened in great surprise: "She is at my house."

"If I weren't here, why would I go to see him? Don't worry, nothing will happen." I smiled slightly.

Seeing how confident I was, Ma Hongjun felt a little relieved and followed me out of the antique store. But she followed me closely, staring left and right, fearing that the old lady would appear anywhere in the dark night.

I started my sports car and went straight to Ma Hongjun's residence.

As soon as he entered the community, Ma Hongjun's legs were trembling and his face turned pale: "Zhang, Master Zhang... or else I won't go in, you can go and see for yourself."

I turned my head and glanced at him and said: "The person that thing is looking for is you. If you don't show up, she may not show up. If you are really scared, forget it, I won't go up, and you will stay here." Let’s go to the train station.” After saying that, I turned to leave.

"Don't, don't..." Ma Hongjun quickly begged: "I'll go, can't I go?"

Ma Hongjun followed me closely and came to the door of his house. The hand holding the key was trembling. After working for a long time, he couldn't even insert the key hole, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

I took the key and opened the door, then turned on the light.

The furnishings in his room are simple and grand. A giant ancient landscape painting hangs on the wall of the living room, and underneath the painting is a huge leather sofa.

The things placed on the sofa quickly attracted my attention.

The faint yin energy in the room emanates from these things!

I walked over and took a look. It was some clothes, a sewing box and the like.

These things are very old. Judging from the style, they should be from the Republic of China period. I don’t know where it was originally stored? These things are filled with a rotten smell.

"Why do you like collecting these things?" I turned around and asked.

After Ma Hongjun entered the house, he kept shaking his head and looking around, fearing that the old lady was hiding somewhere, so he didn't even look here. When I asked, I immediately took several steps back in fright: "No, no, no, these are not my things! I, I didn't have these when I left... Oh my god!"

At this moment, the chandelier above his head flashed suddenly and went out without warning. Ma Hongjun screamed in fright, turned around and wanted to run, but his legs were already weak and he immediately fell to the ground.

The lights flashed for a moment and came on again.

I saw Ma Hongjun lying on the ground, his glasses fell out, and he was groping around with difficulty, so I stepped forward, picked up the glasses, handed them to him, and helped him up.

But Ma Hongjun, who had put on his glasses, suddenly became motionless and stared straight ahead.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay. It's probably because the voltage is insufficient and the light is flashing." I comforted.

"You...look..." His face was pale and his pupils were constricted. He stretched out his hand tremblingly and pointed behind me.

Seeing him showing such an expression, I also noticed something was wrong. When I looked in the direction of his finger, I was also surprised. On the sofa that was empty just now, an old lady suddenly appeared.

The old lady was wearing a dark gray slanted cotton-padded jacket, her white hair was neatly gathered up, and she was sitting cross-legged on the sofa with a smile on her face, holding a shoe sole in her hand and threading needles.

The light shone on her body, but there was no shadow at all. Her hands kept busy, but she made no sound.

This is indeed a Yin spirit!

At the same time, Ma Hongjun suddenly stood up, his legs no longer weak, his body no longer shaking, and he walked directly towards the old lady. Compared with the frightened and inexplicable look just now, he was completely different.

How is this going?

Could it be that this guy and the old lady are together? Are you trying to lure me in?

While I was hesitating, Ma Hongjun had already walked up to the old lady, bent down with great respect, and then squatted down to help her gently tap her knees. The old lady turned back and looked at him, with a kind smile on her face.

If an outsider saw this at this time, they would definitely think that this was a mother and son. A loving mother and a filial son, what a harmonious picture this must be?

But then, I realized something was wrong!

Ma Hongjun's face was expressionless, his eyes were dull and unblinking, his face was blue, and his hall was black.

not good! This is crazy.

He is completely unconscious now and is possessed by a ghost. After a while, when the Yang Qi is gone, he will die on the spot!

I quickly took out a medium talisman and threw it over.

With a bang, a puff of black smoke came out of Ma Hongjun's nostrils, and then he fell down softly as if he had been shot by a tranquilizer gun.

The old lady turned around and angrily picked up the soles of her shoes and threw them at me.

I quickly avoided it, and the sole of the shoe hit the wall, but it didn't make any sound, but a stream of black gas came out.

I quickly took out the invisible needle and was about to fly out, but the old lady suddenly turned into black smoke and disappeared.

Ma Hongjun fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and was unconscious. I quickly ran into the kitchen, poured some salt water mixed with cinnabar and poured it into him.

He vomited out a large piece of ink-like black water one after another, and then leisurely woke up.

As soon as Ma Hongjun regained consciousness, his first reaction was to glance at the sofa. When he saw that the old lady was gone, he asked with surprise: "Master Zhang, have you gotten rid of that ghost?" "

I shook my head and said: "Not yet, let it escape! But it seems that the Yin spirit has identified you and will definitely stay with you forever."

"Ah?" When Ma Hongjun heard this, he took a breath of fear and asked extremely worriedly: "What should I do? Master Zhang... I beg you, please save me!" After that, he grabbed my clothes tightly, fearing that if I turned around and left, the old lady would rush out again.

"Don't worry, let's study first where this ghost comes from." I helped him up from the ground, but he refused to sit on the sofa or even stay in the living room. .

I just helped him into the study.

His study room is very large, even wider than the living room, with tall bookshelves on three walls.

There are not many books there, just wooden boxes of different sizes and photo albums of varying thicknesses.

It can be seen from the labels on the outside that these are coins collected by Ma Hongjun, including five baht coins from the Han Dynasty, Kaiyuan Tongbao from the Tang Dynasty, flower tickets from the Qing Dynasty, and gold dollar coupons from the Republic of China.

It seems that he is an experienced coin collector.

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