Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,286 Yuan Datou


I casually opened a few photo albums, and I immediately woke up.

Since Ma Hongjun is a fan of this field, maybe he got into trouble because he received some evil object.

"Have you collected anything recently?" I turned around and asked.

Ma Hongjun was stunned, then thought about it carefully and said: "A few days before the old lady appeared, I did collect a few ancient coins from the roadside stall. Why... did the old lady attract those old coins?"

"It's very possible." I nodded and said, "Find all those ancient coins. I want to check them carefully."

When Ma Hongjun heard this, he quickly stood up and looked around, regardless of his physical weakness.

Several ancient coins from the Ming and Qing Dynasties were placed in front of me. I took out the cinnabar and rubbed them one by one, but I didn't find anything unusual.

"Are they all here?" I looked up in confusion and asked.

Ma Hongjun thought hard, slapped his forehead and said: "Yes, yes, there is one more!"

With that said, he ran out quickly and brought back a big bag.

I took a look and saw that the pocket was full of silver coins from the Republic of China period, also commonly known as: Yuan Datou.

"So many?" I asked very strangely.

"No, there is only one." Ma Hongjun explained: "I don't have any hobbies. I just like to collect some ancient coins and look at them with a magnifying glass every day for fun! That day, after I bought a few ancient coins at a roadside stall, I was I was about to leave, but I was stopped by a man. He said that he also had a silver dollar that he wanted to sell to me. I saw that it was just an ordinary silver dollar and was not interested in it, but he kept pestering me and later spent 200 yuan on it. I have a lot of silver dollars at home, and they are not a rare currency. I didn’t pay attention at the time, so I just threw them together. Now, I can’t tell which one was collected that day..."

Ma Hongjun said helplessly.

"Then go get a basin of salt water." I told him.

After a short time, Ma Hongjun came back with a large basin of water and a bag of salt in his hand: "Well, how much should Master Zhang put in?"

"Throw it all out." I said as I picked up the big bag and poured all the silver coins into it. Then I sprinkled some cinnabar, lit a magic talisman, and threw the ashes in.


Bubbles kept rising from the water, as if there was a fish hidden among the silver coins at the bottom of the water.


Suddenly, a silver dollar jumped out and rolled straight out the door.

I stepped forward and stepped on it. The silver dollar seemed to suddenly have life, and it kept struggling to escape.

I pinched the cinnabar and drew a trapped spirit formation around it. After a while, the silver dollar finally settled down.

I carefully moved my feet and picked up the silver dollar.

Ma Hongjun was startled when he saw Yin Yuan jumping out of the water. It was not until he saw that there was no danger that he slowly approached. He took a look through the thick lenses and said, "Is this thing no different from other Yuan Datou?"

"This silver dollar contains strong Yin energy. The old lady's Yin spirit may very well reside in this silver dollar."

Hearing what I said, Ma Hongjun shrank in fright and waved his hands hurriedly: "Then throw it away quickly! The further away, the better."

"It's useless." I shook my head and said, "Although I have temporarily suppressed the Yin Qi on the silver dollar, it cannot be completely eliminated. The resentment of this Yin spirit is too heavy. If it is not completely eliminated, let alone throw it away. If you go out, even if you melt it into silver water and then cast it into other objects, it will still come back to you."

"Then..." Ma Hongjun's expression changed and he asked anxiously: "What should we do?"

"We must first find the person who sold you the coin, ask him where he got it from, and then prescribe the right medicine."

"Oh, this is troublesome!" Ma Hongjun said with some embarrassment: "I bought it on the roadside at that time. That place was originally a mobile place, and the people setting up stalls were not fixed, so it was difficult to find it, not to mention this They don’t even have a stall, so it’s even harder to find!”

"Then we have no choice but to start from here! Let's rest first and go there early tomorrow morning and look for it again." I said.

Ma Hongjun had no choice but to nod his head upon hearing this. But he didn't dare to go to the living room, and he didn't dare to stay alone in a room. I didn't want to sleep on the same bed with him, so I sat with him in the study on a chair, and we made do until dawn.

As soon as I opened my eyes, Ma Hongjun asked eagerly: "Master Zhang, let's leave now."

When I saw it, this guy's eyes were red and his eyes were full of dark circles. It seemed that he hadn't slept all night and didn't want to stay here any longer!

I nodded, washed my face in a hurry, and went out with him.

The place where he bought coins was not far from here. Twenty minutes later, we arrived at a small cultural relics market.

Most of the vendors haven't arrived yet, only a few of them have just set up their stalls with all kinds of old groceries.

It seems that Ma Hongjun often comes to this place. Many stall owners know him and greet him when they see him passing by: "Old Ma, I have a few newly collected coins. Can you take a look?"

"Mr. Ma, I'm not sure how much money I have here. Can you give me a clue?"

How could Ma Hongjun have such thoughts now? While hurriedly dealing with it, he asked the guy who sold his coins that day, who could recognize him?

I asked many vendors and they all said they didn’t know.

In fact, it’s no wonder that people who set up stalls are basically people I see every day, but those who stand on the roadside and just take out a piece of money to sell are just accidental items that are temporarily sold. They are not people in the industry at all. I won't pay special attention to it.

After looking around this area, I couldn't find any clues. Ma Hongjun was sweating all over in anxiety, but there was nothing he could do, so he looked at me anxiously.

"Where did you two trade?" I asked.

"It's the supermarket over there." Ma Hongjun pointed forward.

"Then what? Which way did he go?" I asked thoughtfully.

"He took the money and went into the supermarket."

"Let's go over and have a look." I waved.

The supermarket was not big, it was a mom-and-pop shop, and both of them looked very simple and honest.

Not to mention that once Ma Hongjun revealed the other person's physical characteristics, both of them still had an impression.

The boss's wife, who was slightly dark and fat, recalled: "The big brother grabbed a bottle of wine as soon as he came in. As soon as I gave him the change, he drank half of it. It's rare to be so greedy for wine..."

I asked again if I saw where he went? The landlady shook her head and said she didn't pay attention.

Ma Hongjun was very disappointed when he heard this and was about to go out.

I suddenly turned my head and saw the camera hanging at the door, so I asked to see the video.

The couple hesitated for a while, but finally agreed after Ma Hongjun threw over two hundred yuan.

We adjusted to the approximate time period of that day and fast-forwarded at an average speed. After a while, a skinny guy appeared on the screen.

His clothes were full of patches, he was wearing a pair of sneakers with flat heels, and his hair was a mess.

Just as the landlady said, as soon as he entered the door, he grabbed a bottle of wine from the shelf not far from the counter. Before the boss could finish changing the money, he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and drank it.

Then he walked out of the door and walked diagonally opposite.

(ps: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family reunion! Today, "The Merchant of the Underworld" and "The Detective of the Underworld" will all be updated.)

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