Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,292 Black-clothed Mage, White-clothed Mage

It took about ten minutes before the man in the T-shirt spoke: "Jiulin, I just asked my friend that the glass drop is an ancient head-drop technique in Thailand, and it is probably something that has been lost for a long time. At present, there is no master in the country who can crack it. I just asked several seniors in the same industry..."

At this point, the man in the T-shirt sighed, and then told me that the only person who can crack the glass drop today is probably the white-clothed Master Azan Ming from Thailand. Azan Ming is the number one holy monk in Thailand. He lives in the Daming King Temple and has profound Buddhist teachings. It is also the nemesis of all local magic.

From the name, you can tell that this Azan is not a simple person, and such people are usually extremely arrogant. I am afraid that even if I go to Thailand and find him, people will not be willing to help me. But it’s always good to have a goal, so I asked the man in the T-shirt where to meet?

I subconsciously thought that the man in the T-shirt would accompany me, but unexpectedly he told me again that he had something important to do and couldn't get away, so he asked me to go alone. He also told me that he had already said hello and that Master Azanming would definitely come out as soon as I arrived.

Then he asked me a little reproachfully, how could I offend the Thai people?

"I don't know what they are doing..."

I cursed angrily, and after I finished cursing, I suddenly remembered that in the Thai boxing champion incident, I defeated the arrogant boxing champion, and later even killed many Thai elders.

I think it's the surviving old guys who are making a comeback, regretting that they didn't eradicate the root cause.

The man in the T-shirt was not surprised after what I said. He told me that in Thailand all the masters, elders and even monks are called masters, just like all Taoist disciples in our country are collectively called Taoist priests.

These mages are divided into two types: white-robed mages and black-robed mages.

White-clothed mages specialize in doing good deeds and saving all sentient beings, while black-robed mages are synonymous with evil forces. They often have strict organizations and use their own power to collude with gangs to do evil, such as horse racing, casinos, transportation, real estate, etc. , among which boxing matches are their favorite way to make money, because people in Southeast Asia are crazy about boxing matches.

Last time I killed the Muay Thai champion in one fell swoop, which seriously harmed their interests, so they will naturally seek revenge from me!

The man in the T-shirt hung up the phone after saying that, and quickly sent me an address via text message, asking me to go there first, and he would meet me as soon as possible after finishing the business at hand.

Without further delay, I got on the plane that night and headed all the way to Thailand.

This time I didn’t have any thoughts about having fun. As soon as I entered Thailand, I rushed to the Daming King Temple. However, at the entrance of the temple, I saw densely packed yellow and white flags on the walls and gates. This is a scene that is unique to Thai funerals. .

My heart skipped a beat, and I had an ominous premonition. I ignored all the red tape, kicked open the door, and rushed in. But after running a few steps, I was discovered. In a blink of an eye, a group of people wearing Thai monk costumes surrounded me with brooms.

"Don't get me wrong, I am a friend of Master Azan Ming, and I am here to invite him to come out."

Obviously it was not the right time to break in, so I couldn't help but lower my posture, thinking that this would make everyone have a better impression of me. Unexpectedly, after I finished speaking, one of them said something to the others in Thai, and the faces of these guys changed. He rushed over like he was desperate.

I didn't understand what they meant, and I couldn't fight back rashly. In addition to the language barrier, I simply jumped on the wall, thinking that Azan Ming must have heard such a loud noise, and all the problems would be solved when he came out.

Anyway, the man in the t-shirt gave me Azan Ming’s photo, so there’s no mistaking him.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, Azan Ming did not show up, but a young man wearing mourning clothes came out. His eyes were red and there were tears on his face. It was obvious that he had just cried. When he saw me, he first bowed and then asked me, "The person here is Mr. Zhang Jiulin."

"It's me. Where is Master Azanming now?" I breathed a sigh of relief, jumped off the wall and walked up to ask.

As a result, the young man had a sad look on his face and said with a choked voice: "Master, Master, he was killed last night..."


My eyes widened and I sat down on the ground.

Later, the young master told me that after Master Azanming agreed to the T-shirt man, he even knew that he might be in danger and explained his funeral arrangements in advance.

"Yesterday Master said that if you come, let me give this to you. There is something you want in it."

The young master handed me a bag of tips and then led the monks away with his face covered. I watched them bow deeply.

No wonder they are all hostile to me. It can be said that Master Azanming died because of me, but he clearly guessed that he was about to be killed, why didn't he hide?

Later I asked the T-shirt man this question, and he told me that this is the real Buddha.

Know the disaster but don't avoid it, smile at the fate of life!

What Ajahn Ming left for me must be very important, and Thailand is an absolute place of right and wrong for me, so how could I dare to delay? Immediately return to China, return to Wuhan as quickly as possible, and only when I return to my antique shop can I safely open my bag of tips.

Inside is a note and a protective amulet.

Needless to say, the Buddha amulet must be the magical instrument worn by Azan Ming during his lifetime.

The note introduced the five things that need to be gathered to crack the glass drop. They are graveyard soil, ghost tears, white ivory, the demon-slaying knife that has killed seventy-seven forty-nine ghosts, and the last one is the ashes of Azan Ming himself.

It turns out that he knew his fate a long time ago, sacrificed his life for charity, and was worthy of being the number one holy monk in Thailand!

It's just that I don't understand why Master Azanming didn't just ask his disciples to tell me, or does it mean that his ashes will only be useful after the other four things are collected?

Besides, cemetery soil can be found everywhere on mountain bags. Can it really solve the problem of glass drop? I always felt that the graveyard was not that simple, so I called the man in the T-shirt and asked him how he was doing with the matter at hand.

The man in the T-shirt said that he couldn't take it off for the time being, so I told him everything that happened during the trip to Thailand.

"I saved his life back then, and now he has given it back to me. Jiulin, remember to take the time to go to Thailand every year to offer incense to Master Azanming!" The man in the T-shirt said calmly after being silent for a while.

I nodded vigorously, even though he couldn't see it, Master Azanming was sacrificed for me!

Then I asked about the cemetery soil, and it turned out just as I thought, the so-called cemetery soil actually refers to the soil of the dead!

Dead man's soil refers to the new soil that is formed after a person and his coffin are buried underground and gradually turn into ashes after thousands of years of natural decay, and then combine with the soil.

Since it is not controlled by any external force and relies only on natural decay, it is very difficult to find this kind of dead soil anywhere, let alone find a cemetery composed of dead soil.

Even the man in the T-shirt couldn't immediately think of clues, which shows that the cemetery soil is difficult to get rid of. Although the remaining Demon Slayer Knives, White Ivory and Ghost Tears are not easy to sort out, they can be found based on experience, which makes me feel relieved.

Finally, the man in the T-shirt told me that Master Azan Ming enjoys such a high reputation in Thailand that even the king has to clasp his hands and bow when he sees him. After I put together the first four things, I need to take Xinyue and the others to Thailand in person instead of transporting Azan Ming's ashes to the country.

Only then did I understand why Azan Ming had not made arrangements in advance.

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