Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,293 Ancient Tombs of the Warring States Period

The man in the T-shirt asked me to find a way to find the cemetery soil first. He said he would come over to help me when he was done.

Before setting off, I called Li Mazi over and asked him to come with me so that he could have a helping hand.

This is a matter between our two families. This boy has no objections and is quite excited, saying that he can follow his brother to catch ghosts again!

I smiled and arranged for Boss Bai to take care of Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi's wife and children. Then Mazi and I packed our bags and set off north.

In addition to ancient mass graves, the places where the dead gather are the tombs of dignitaries.

I wonder if glass fall will happen suddenly? So there was no time to explore new tombs, so naturally I thought of starting from the ancient tombs that had already been unearthed.

Due to the diversity of funeral forms in the south, the funeral culture in the south is not as good as that in the north, so Li Mazi and I chose to go north with a clear goal.

Originally we went straight to Handan, because there is the famous Tomb of Cao Cao and it was the capital of the ancient Warring States Period. Cemetery soil is likely to be there. Besides, I have gone to Handan several times to handle business and I am familiar with the local customs. If I have the chance, I would even like to ask Little Red Riding Hood for advice.

But when I was passing by Lu'an Station in Anhui, Li Mazi suddenly pulled me. I was lying on the bunk and fell asleep in a daze. I was startled by him, so I asked him what he was doing.

"Brother, I feel like we don't have to go all the way to Handan!"

Li Mazi chuckled and pointed out the window. I looked over in confusion and found that the large billboards on both sides of the platform were covered with scenic spots in Lu'an, the most conspicuous of which was the ancient tombs of the Qin Dynasty!

Only then did I think that two parallel Warring States tombs had been unearthed in Lu'an a few years ago, and the corpse of a headless general was unearthed. At that time, there were different opinions in the historians, but no one could confirm the identity of the corpse, even the most authoritative experts. He gave an ambiguous answer, thinking that this might be a general of Chu.

I remember that Senior Shu was still there at that time, and Li Mazi encouraged him to take us to Lu'an to see the situation, but Senior Shu refused because he had not escaped the enemy's pursuit at that time, and the unearthing of the ancient tomb was bound to attract a lot of attention. Industry insiders said that for the sake of safety, Senior Shu had no choice but to part ways.

Later, due to delays in other matters, we gradually forgot about this place.

So even though this was our first time in Lu'an, it felt like we were revisiting our old place. I immediately decided to get off the car and take a taxi towards the ancient tomb scenic area!

Li Mazi still looked like an optimistic person. On the road, he kept chatting with the driver about interesting places near the ancient tomb, making him feel like he was traveling.

I was not as leisurely as he was. My mind was full of guessing about the identity of the headless corpse, and I even hoped that his ghost remained on the corpse.

In ancient times, before two armies went to war, generals would challenge each other in front of the formation. The morale of the losing side would drop instantly, which would affect the outcome of the entire battle. Therefore, generally speaking, the side that failed in the battle before the formation would lose its own at the same time. status.

And this Chu warrior's head was chopped off, but he still has a group of tombs, which is enough to show that his status in Chu is too high.

Precisely because of this, I believe he will not be willing to fail. There may really be his ghost near the tombs. If he finds its help, won't the cemetery soil be at hand?

Soon we arrived at the scenic spot. The driver dropped us off and left in a hurry. I looked around and found nothing bustling about the scenic spot. It looked like an abandoned construction site, with overgrown weeds and few people. .

After all, it is a tomb. Chinese people stay away from matters of life and death. It is reasonable for the business of the scenic spot to be sluggish. I sighed, grabbed Li Mazi who was about to go in, and expressed my thoughts.

"Brother Zhang, you have a good idea. Maybe we can get two treasures or something. But this tomb is so big, where can we find it? Besides, it has been unearthed for several years. Who can guarantee that it will be found in the future?" No other colleagues have been here before.”

Like a little daughter-in-law, Li Mazi told me all the possibilities with her fingers.

How could I not know what he said? It’s just that I was in too much of a hurry and couldn’t wait too long. After all, there were still four things to look for later.

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

Knowing that he couldn't defeat me, Li Mazi had no choice but to agree and asked me what to do next.

I looked around. Although there weren't many people nearby, there wasn't anyone there. Although it was safe to do it now, there was no guarantee that I wouldn't be discovered. It would be embarrassing to be caught as a tomb robber.

So I didn't let Li Mazi take the thing from the bag, but pretended to be sightseeing and walked around the entire tomb twice, and finally determined the place with the strongest Yin energy in this area. Li Mazi and I looked at each other. , walked over with a smile.

The scenic spot specially made signboards for these tombs. As if to confirm my guess, Li Mazi ran over and looked at the signboard from the front. Then he gave me a thumbs up and said with admiration: "Little Brother, you are so amazing, this is really the Tomb of the Headless General!"

I blinked at him and carefully observed my surroundings.

This general's tomb is guarded by countless small tombs. It was undoubtedly a geomantic treasure before. However, after the tomb was unearthed and planned as a scenic spot, the nearby mountains and forests and flowing water were replaced by temporary iron houses, and some places became garbage dumps. and toilet.

In this way, the general's feng shui treasure land became a place where filthy air gathered. He was unwilling to die in the first place, and his feng shui pattern was destroyed by his descendants. How could he not be resentful?

Li Mazi understood what I was doing and asked me how the situation was. I didn't answer him in a hurry, but took out a talisman from my pocket and folded it into a small paper crane, and dropped a drop of blood on it.

It was not suitable to recite the incantation in broad daylight, so I inserted the invisible needle into the paper crane and controlled the invisible needle with only my mind, causing the paper crane to fly deep into the tomb.

Li Mazi and I followed suit in a tacit understanding.

The reason why this scenic spot is not popular is that apart from the discomfort caused by the tombs, I think it is more likely that the place itself is not clean.

Sure enough, not more than ten meters after walking in, an iron gate appeared in front, with a rusty sign hanging in the middle, which read: The scenic spot is still under development, tourists are not allowed!

This kind of statement is just to deceive laymen. It has been several years since the cemetery was unearthed, and even the Three Gorges Project has been completed again, and there is still talk of redevelopment.

But this just confirmed my idea. Li Mazi moved his lips and wanted to say something. I motioned him to be silent, and the two of them quietly looked in through the iron fence.

Originally, the Paper Crane was flying faster and faster under the control of the invisible needle, but since it hit the iron fence, its speed has slowed down unknowingly.

My heart couldn't help but twitch, and until it disappeared from our sight, my heart was already half cold.

The Thousand Paper Cranes were safe and sound, indicating that there was no evil spirit inside.

But just when I was about to give up, there was a sudden crackling sound and a strong wind!

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