Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,294 Touching Gold in the Midnight (Additional Update)

I looked over reflexively and saw the Paper Crane that had just disappeared quickly retreating from it, as if running for its life. Even the invisible needle sensed the danger and took the initiative to abandon the Paper Crane and retreat on its own.

The paper crane was still floating under the influence of inertia. At this time, a burst of blue smoke suddenly blew out from inside, swallowing the paper crane instantly.

This wind came and went quickly, and by the time I reacted, the paper crane had turned into ashes.

But its ashes did not fall to the ground. Instead, they were suspended in the air, moving slowly, and finally formed the word 'death'!

I was so happy that I pulled Li Mazi and ran out. After I ran out of the tomb, I laughed and said, "Mazi, we are afraid we have caught it."

I licked my lips and couldn't help but get excited. Through the verification just now, I could tell that the headless general's ghost had woken up.

Moreover, it is in a state of rage. As long as I find a way to subdue it, the cemetery soil will naturally be at my fingertips. Even as Li Mazi said, maybe I can play with two vaginas.

Li Mazi didn't think as much as I thought, but he also smiled stupidly. He always believed in me.

After confirming the location of the headless general, I was not in a hurry to take action during the day, so I took a taxi back to the city with Li Mazi.

I originally planned to find a hotel to get some sleep, but Li Mazi insisted on eating wherever he went and insisted on trying Anhui cuisine.

I was moved by what he said, so I went to the snack street and found a particularly interesting pastry called: Big Rescue!

Dajiujia looks like twists, and is somewhat similar to Thousand Layer Peach Cake. It has a rich flavor and melts in your mouth.

Even though I'm a southerner, I still think this great treat is as good as any southern dessert.

While I was eating, I chatted with the proprietress for a while, and she told me that the great rescue was that Zhao Kuangyin, the famous general of the Later Zhou Dynasty, was in trouble when he attacked the Southern Tang Dynasty. As a result, he lost his appetite and didn't eat a grain of rice for many days.

The local chef invented this kind of pastry to please him, and it really whetted Zhao Kuangyin's appetite. Later, Zhao Kuangyin wore a yellow robe and became the emperor of the Song Dynasty. Every time he thought of this pastry, he would have endless aftertaste, so people called it the great rescuer.

The proprietress was a very charming young woman, so Li Mazi naturally refused to let her go. After eating and drinking, he took out his mobile phone to scan her WeChat account and said he wanted to pay the bill.

I usually don't bother to talk about him, but the landlady surprisingly didn't feel disgusted and even took the initiative to give Li Mazi a wink.

She did it very secretly, but it still didn't escape my eyes. I felt a little unhappy and looked at her secretly. I found that she was rosy, with many red pimples appearing faintly on her face, and she looked like she was burning with desire.

It seemed that she really couldn't hold it in any longer, so she wanted to have a fight with Li Mazi, the broken shoe who came to her door.

I immediately lost my affection for this woman, wiped my mouth and pulled Li Mazi away. This guy looked like he was obsessed with her, and when we got to the hotel, he even asked me why I had to come back.

"Have you forgotten that you were almost drained by Teacher Xia?"

I slapped him on the neck angrily, and Li Mazi was stunned for a moment, then weakly said that this time it was just for fun, it was no big deal.

Seeing that he obviously wanted to discuss things with the boss lady, I didn't bother to care about his private life, so I just said "be careful" and then took a rest.

This time I slept soundly, without any more dreams, and when I woke up it was completely dark. I turned on the light and found that it was already ten o'clock at night, and Li Mazi was not there. He was probably still having an affair with the little boss lady.

I suddenly regretted bringing him here and quickly called him. The call was put through, but no one answered.

"What a fool, sooner or later you will die from a woman!"

I'm really a little angry. Regardless of Yin Xinyue, just from Teacher Xia and Li Xiaomeng's side, Li Mazi shouldn't break his shoes at this time.

I was angry, but I couldn't contact him after all, so I could only pack up the things I might need and prepare to go to the meeting alone!

After I took a taxi to the scenic spot, I habitually looked at the surrounding environment. The entire tomb area was pitch black without any light, and with the cold wind that shuttled between the tomb chambers from time to time, it was really scary.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and just as I was about to enter the headless general's tomb, I suddenly heard slight footsteps inside.

Judging from the sound, the pace was somewhat disordered, but it was undoubtedly a living person walking.

Who is this person? Why did he break in here at night? Is he a fellow traveler?

After a brief consideration, I ruled out this possibility. As Li Mazi said, this place has been developed for several years. If someone had been eyeing this place, they would have taken action long ago. There is no need to wait until now.

Besides, it was a coincidence that he did it on the same day as me.

Obviously the people inside are enemies rather than friends, and they are probably the informants of the Thai people in the mainland.

I gritted my teeth and took out the ghost-killing swords and slowly moved in the direction of the sound.

The tomb was eerily quiet, with only the sound of the man's footsteps. Although I tried hard to hide myself, I still made a moderate noise.

This sound may be inaudible to ordinary people, but it cannot escape the ears of experts.

I might have been discovered, so I might as well stop hiding and step forward with my two swords in hand.

At this moment, the iron fence inside clicked, followed by the man trotting, and then there was another crisp sound, and the main tomb was illuminated by a candlelight.

Through the dim candlelight, I finally saw the figure, but I was so shocked that I opened my mouth wide. How could it be him!

That's right, the person who entered the tomb before me turned out to be Li Mazi. At this time, he was holding a big hammer in his hand and was constantly looking for stress points on the sarcophagus.

Does he want to open the coffin? I was slightly startled, and reflexively looked at the candle Li Mazi had just lit. It turned out to be in the southeast.

Damn, Li Mazi is hiding so deeply. We have known each other for so many years. In my eyes, he is a bit greedy and lustful. Overall, he is a good person, otherwise I would not get along with him.

Who would have thought that he was a gold medalist who pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger!

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