Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,295 Headless General

It’s not that I wronged him, but at this moment, Li Mazi had a bright wolf tooth-like object hanging around his neck. This is the famous gold-touching talisman among the tomb robbers!

However, no matter whether Li Mazi lied to me or not, and no matter whether he was a local master or not, I must stop him now.

The headless general has become furious. I think we can capture it by outsmarting or attacking by force, but no matter what, we cannot open the coffin and rob the tomb, as that will make the ghosts fight us to the death.

Since Li Mazi knew how to rob tombs, he naturally understood this truth, but he still did all this.

I sighed, strode forward to stop him, and at the same time opened my mouth and shouted: "Stop!"

After Li Mazi heard my voice, his ears twitched twice, but his hand movements did not pause at all. He even slammed it down as if he was deliberately going against me.

With just one hammer, the solid sarcophagus was broken open, and sparks flew up.

I was so anxious that I was sweating. I rushed forward to block Li Mazi's hammer with my two swords, and cursed angrily: "Li Mazi, are you crazy?"


Li Mazi smiled, threw the hammer on the ground, then asked me why I came here, and said that he had been waiting for me here for a long time.

There was a fragrance when he spoke at this moment. Standing beside me, I clearly felt that Li Mazi in front of me looked like a woman.

Reminding me of the snack bar proprietress who took the initiative to have sex with Li Mazi, I seemed to understand something. I took a step back, pointed a knife at him, and asked sternly: "Who are you, and why do you want to control Li Mazi!"

"It doesn't look too stupid."

A woman slowly walked out from behind Li Mazi. The woman smiled provocatively and stretched out her fingers to draw circles on my chest. Then her face suddenly turned cold. She looked at the sarcophagus and said, "It has been angered by Li Mazi. If you want to get graveyard soil from it, you’d better wait until your next life.”

The woman's voice was very permeable, and the sarcophagus had been destroyed, which made me feel upset for no reason.

But the woman was not idle, and while I was dazed, she raised her leg and kicked me in the crotch.

I didn't expect that she would use such despicable means to deal with me. I groaned and squatted on the ground uncontrollably, but she didn't do anything to me again and ran quickly towards the entrance of the tomb, passing by the iron fence. At that time, the iron door was locked.

After I recovered, I stood up and wanted to chase him, but found Li Mazi lying quietly on the ground.

Fortunately, his face was not ugly, and the woman just used him and did not deal with him.

"Get up quickly!"

I slapped Li Mazi on the face. He sat up immediately and rubbed his eyes in a daze. Then he saw the situation clearly and asked me what happened and why he was here.

After I finished explaining the situation, Li Mazi first scolded the woman angrily, then became angry and weakly asked me what to do next.

"What do you think?"

I rubbed my temples a little. The woman came here with a very clear purpose, which was to destroy the tomb so that the ghost of the headless general would blame us.

She even wanted to take the opportunity to drive a wedge between me and Li Mazi, but she didn't expect that I would catch her in the act.

Anyway, the coffin had been damaged, and it would take a while for him to become a ghost. I looked at Li Mazi, who was still blaming himself, and he laughed angrily, so I handed him a knife to defend himself, while I carried it. Another knife is ready to open the coffin.

At this time, a bright light suddenly came from my hand. I narrowed my eyes and found that the Yongling Ring was on.

"Mazi, go back."

When I saw this, I quickly grabbed Li Mazi and wanted to exit, because only in particularly dangerous moments, the Eternal Spirit Ring would shine.

The fence door was locked, but it couldn't do anything to me and cut it off with just one knife. To my surprise, after we ran out of the tomb, the Eternal Spirit Ring was still shining with a faint light.

I initially thought that someone was hiding in the dark and watching us, but after walking around a few times, I was sure that there was no one else nearby, and I became even more puzzled.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Li Mazi knew that he had done something bad, so he was very careful about what he said. I raised my arms and shook them, and spread my hands helplessly. Li Mazi's eyes froze, and he subconsciously looked around.

I told him that there were no enemies nearby, and he felt relieved and started thinking with me.

After a while, Li Mazi slapped his thigh as if he had discovered a new world, and said excitedly: "I know!"

This kid's ideas have always been very shocking, so I was ready to put it in one ear and out the other. Unexpectedly, he was quite reliable today and told me that the ring's glow was probably due to the yin spirits inside the Eternal Spirit Ring making trouble.

In other words, there must be a Yin spirit in the Eternal Spirit Ring related to the Headless General.

I have to say that Li Mazi had a good idea this time. If you think about it further, the headless general is from the Chu State in the middle and late Warring States Period. I have ever conquered only one Yin Spirit of the Chu State: Xiang Yu!

Could it be...that this person is really related to Xiang Yu?

Although the woman used Li Mazi's body to destroy the tomb, she didn't force me to use the Eternal Spirit Ring.

Now that Li Mazi and I have thought of Xiang Yu, we both feel compelled to invite him to fight!

If it is Xiang Yu's ancestors who are better, then I can let them handle it directly and I can get the cemetery soil smoothly.

The worst outcome is that the two of them meet and have a big fight. Anyway, with the reputation of King Xiang Yu of Chu, Li Mazi and I will not be in danger.

After thinking about this, Li Mazi and I swaggered back to the main tomb chamber, and got straight to the point and used two knives to remove the broken coffin lid.

What came into view was a skeleton wearing a navy blue shirt. His face was covered with a metal mask, and he held a long gun in his hand. I could feel his majesty through the mask, and subconsciously activated the eternal weapon. The spiritual ring awakened Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu.

I am very glad for my decision, because the second before Xiang Yu appeared, the skeleton originally lying in the coffin flew out, raised his spear and stabbed Li Mazi, who was still confused.

Without hesitation, I rushed over with my ghost-killing swords in an attempt to block the Yin spirit, but its power was too great. I flew out as if I had been hit by a truck, spurting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air!

After landing, I prepared to do a carp kick and sat up. Unexpectedly, before I could get up, the samurai had already rushed over.

Its speed was inconsistent with its seemingly heavy body. Li Mazi wanted to come over to help me, but was slapped away by it.

Mazi suddenly vomited, rolled his eyes and fainted.

At this moment, a red light shot out from my hand and quickly appeared in front of Yin Ling.

I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the red light. The spirits that I took into the Eternal Spirit Ring were mixed, good and bad. Except for a small part of them, I conquered them with emotion and reason. Most of them were unruly and unruly. I used violence to subdue him.

Although this kind of Yin spirit can help me, there is still an evil aura that is difficult to cover up, and there is a trace of uncertainty.

The red light represents that all the sins of Yin Ling in the past have been dissipated under the washing of the Eternal Spirit Ring. Take the current Xiang Yu as an example, rather than saying that he is a Yin Ling, it is more accurate to say that he is a semi-immortal body.

However, Xiang Yu did not attack the warrior immediately after he appeared. The warrior also stopped attacking and looked at Xiang Yu.

Only then did I realize something was wrong, because the biggest gimmick of this scenic spot was the headless general, but why was the Yin spirit still wearing a mask on his head at this moment?

Could it be that the archaeological community at that time deliberately claimed archeology to create publicity, or did they later help Yin Ling find the head?

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