Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,296 Although Chu has three households, if Qin is destroyed, Chu will definitely die!

I was thinking about it when I suddenly felt two cold eyes. I looked up and found Xiang Yu staring at me. He glanced at me and then at the exit of the tomb, obviously wanting me to go out and leave a private conversation for the two of them. space.

I still had this bit of self-awareness, so I immediately picked up Li Mazi, who had fainted, while supporting his aching body, and left the main tomb little by little.

As soon as I walked out of the fence gate, a dark wind blew behind me, and the iron gate slammed shut tightly.

With Xiang Yu coming forward, the evil spirit inside was no longer a problem, so I began to wonder about the woman in the tuck shop. Why did she deal with me? Which force did she represent?

I couldn't figure it out, and I wasn't in the mood to do the next thing. This feeling of being watched in secret was very unpleasant!

I glanced at Li Mazi, hoping that he would learn a lesson from this experience and stop asking me to wipe his ass.

Less than five minutes later, the Eternal Spirit Ring on my hand began to glow. This was Xiang Yu's notification that I could go in. I quickly ran into the tomb and suddenly found Xiang Yu kneeling on the ground, with the mask on the warrior's head. It’s gone, and there’s nothing from the top of its neck!

It turned out that it had no head at all. The mask just stuck on it, making me mistakenly think that it had a head.

"Young man, I can help you find the cemetery soil you want, but you have to agree to two conditions!"

While I was dazed, the headless warrior spoke. Although it literally meant that it was discussing with me, its aura was so strong that no one dared to question it.

"First, I, Xiang Yan, have been unruly all my life and do not want to be a subordinate. You can never expect me to obey your orders."

"Second, find the person who destroyed my sarcophagus and kill her!"

After Xiang Yan finished speaking, she looked straight at me. Xiang Yu, the arrogant King of Chu, was like a child at this moment. He looked at Xiang Yan and then at me, obviously trying to get me to agree.

But I didn't react for a while, Xiang Yan, this is a God of War figure from the Chu Kingdom in the late Warring States Period!

At that time, the king of Qin poured out all the troops in the country and sent an army of 600,000 to attack Chu. The state of Chu was in danger. Fortunately, Xiang Yan led the elite to repel the Qin army's charges one after another, making the Qin army frightened at the mention of his name.

Unfortunately, when the Qin army saw that it could not defeat the Chu State, it resorted to conspiracy and tricks to destroy the Chu State. Xiang Yan was also beheaded. Before his death, he cursed: Although Chu has three households, if Qin is destroyed, Chu will surely die!

Sure enough, Xiang Yu, a descendant of Xiang Yan, overthrew the Qin Dynasty. From the perspective of seniority, this Yinling is Xiang Yu's grandfather!

After all calculations, I never expected that this headless general would be him. However, in the strictly hierarchical slave society, the only person who could enjoy such treatment after defeat was Xiang Yan.

It seems that Xiang Yu has told it my request and even wanted it to enter the Eternal Spirit Ring for my use, but Xiang Yan refused.

I didn't have the mind to take care of anything else right now. I just wanted to get the cemetery soil as soon as possible, so I quickly nodded and agreed.

Xiang Yan waved his hand and reached an agreement with me, and then it returned to the sarcophagus. Xiang Yu stood up and walked around the broken sarcophagus a few times. The sarcophagus, which was originally in a mess, miraculously recovered to its original state.

Xiang Yan still wants to stay here, but since it doesn't harm anyone, I will let it go.

Then Xiang Yu took me past the main tomb chamber, came to the ear chamber, and took me to a jar that was as tall as a person. He knelt down and saluted the jar, stood up, nodded to me, and then flew back to the Eternal Spirit Ring. middle.

The whole jar was well sealed, with only a palm-sized gap near the top. I activated my spiritual power and used the tip of my knife to tilt the jar hard at the gap, and suddenly there was a smell of rotting meat.

However, this smell only lasted for a few seconds, and then it turned into a fresh earthy fragrance. I was so happy that I tentatively touched inside and found that it was a jar full of cemetery soil as fine as sand!

I rubbed the Heavenly Palace, opened my Yin and Yang eyes, and clearly saw wisps of faint gray smoke floating in the soil.

This is the medium of the soul.

If my guess is correct, what was placed in this jar back then should be the person who was buried for Xiang Yan. He was suffocated to death in the jar and nourished by the Yin Qi and moisture for more than two thousand years. His body and soul would have long been Become earthy.

Of course, I couldn't take away all the jar full of cemetery soil, so I packed about three to five kilograms of cemetery soil with the tools I brought with me, covered the jar, and left.

When I passed by the main tomb, I thought about it and saluted Xiang Yan's sarcophagus. At this time, a dark wind came up near the coffin and circled around the coffin. This was Xiang Yan's response to me.

Li Mazi had just woken up after I walked out of the tomb and was staring at the sky in a daze.

"What are you thinking, kid? You're not here to help."

I threw the tool bag to him, preparing to ridicule him a few words, but before I could say anything, Li Mazi's eyes suddenly turned red, and he cried and said: "Brother Zhang, I, Li Mazi, am sorry for you!"

He, a grown man, actually cried. I was too embarrassed to say anything, so I just looked at him quietly.

After a while, Li Mazi's mood became much more stable, and he began to talk seriously.

He told me that the proprietress of the small shop was from Longquan Villa.

When Li Mazi came for a date, he wanted to surprise the landlady and suddenly appeared in front of her with flowers in hand, but by accident, he overheard the conversation between the woman and the two men.

"What are they talking about?"

My voice couldn't help but become colder. After working for a long time, it was Longquan Villa again. It seemed that we were almost at the end of the final battle.

Also, Longquan Villa has been fighting with the Jiangbei Zhang family for so many years, and it will never stop without a result.

"I didn't hear the details clearly. I only know that Longquan Villa seems to have reached an agreement with the Thai people. The current mission of Longquan Villa is to prevent us from finding these materials to relieve the glass fall."

What Mazi said was pretty much what I imagined. It was no coincidence that Longquan Villa and Thai people appeared at the same time.

This time, Xiang Yu's connections were used by mistake to seize the cemetery soil, but things may not be that simple next.

But as long as I'm alive, no one can stop me!

I didn't rush to the small shop to find the woman from Longquan Villa. First of all, she must have withdrawn after completing her mission. Also, although I agreed to Xiang Yan to help him avenge her, I didn't agree to go find the woman right away now.

Since Xiang Yan is willing to give me the cemetery soil, he is tacitly allowing me to do my own thing first.

Anyway, after we got the cemetery soil, we immediately took the bus to Chengdu without making any stops.

Yes, next I want to look for ghost tears, and Fengdu Ghost Town is the best choice for me!

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