Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,297 Ghost Tears (Additional update)

Ghosts have no tears. Even if the Yin spirit sheds tears sometimes, they are not ghost tears. The Yin spirit is not a ghost in the strict sense. It retains memories or obsessions from its lifetime, so it is normal for the Yin spirit to shed tears.

Ghosts in the true sense refer to the souls that have crossed the Naihe Bridge and drank Meng Po Soup. Such souls have completely forgotten all the memories of their previous lives. They cannot cry, cannot be happy, and do not have any emotions. , completely like a puppet.

Therefore, ghost tears do not exist in the underworld, and the only place where they can be found is in Fengdu!

According to legend, there is a reincarnation gate in Feng. Whenever a ghost is about to be reincarnated, a special messenger will detain it here.

Because this is the last stop in reincarnation, Yin Chai often becomes gentler and no longer beats and curses them with whips like before. On the contrary, they will try their best to satisfy their little wishes.

The only rule is don't look back!

As long as they look back, the ghosts will see the life they have completed, their memories will be awakened in an instant, and the memories of this life will be retained in the next life.

Most of the ghosts are responsible, but occasionally there is negligence, and the ghosts accidentally turn around. When they see their own experiences, they will instinctively shed tears, but they cannot change their fate and can only be reincarnated with tears.

This is the origin of ghost tears.

Li Mazi and I took the train all night and arrived in Chengdu, Sichuan the next morning. We found a hotel nearby and took a quick rest. In the evening, we got up and took a taxi into Fengdu.

Fengdu has become a trump card here. The legend of the ghost town attracts countless thrill-seeking tourists, but they don't know that they are only visiting attractions built based on the legend, and the real ghost town is underground.

The man in the t-shirt and I fought against the four elders of Longquan Villa in Fengdu, so we were quite familiar with the place. We found the area with the heaviest yin energy in the nearby ditch, uttered a spell and escaped into the gate of the ghost town.

Perhaps because the annual ghost market has not yet arrived, the lively and harmonious neighborhoods in my memory have disappeared. Looking around, it is no longer the chattering of ghost dealers from all over the country, but the indifference and indifference of countless ghosts in the underworld. hostility.

That's right, we were surrounded from the moment we entered the ghost town, and then more and more ugly ghosts surrounded us, just like the zombie outbreak scene in "Resident Evil".

"Brother Zhang, what's going on..."

Li Mazi was so frightened that he couldn't even speak clearly.

It’s not his fault. Before I came, I repeatedly assured that Fengdu Ghost Town was not scary. He also felt that it was more harmonious here, so we were caught off guard by the ghosts.

While I drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods to protect me and Li Mazi, I also summoned the invisible needle to hover around us.

Although there are many imps, they have no lethality, they just look scary.

It's just that I don't want to take action unless it's absolutely necessary. If I accidentally alert the patrol's secret agent, my life and that of Li Mazi will be sealed.

Unexpectedly, I had no intention of doing anything, but they rushed forward one by one as if they had been beaten to death. The hanging man at the front stretched out his long tongue and instantly wrapped it around Li Mazi's neck.

Li Mazi was not fooling around in vain. He didn't panic. He quickly took out the dagger from his waist and stabbed the big tongue with a click.

This dagger was a hidden object he collected. It was used by the assassin Nie Yinniang back then, and it cut open the hanged man's tongue in one go. It let out a shrill wail, and the sound made my scalp tingle. Even the other little ghosts around me were frightened by the Hanged Ghost, and their movements all stagnated, but after this brief pause, they rushed over even more crazily.

We had no way out, so I decided to fight my way out and escape from Fengdu first before making other plans.

But just when I was about to go on a killing spree, the Eternal Spirit Ring suddenly emitted a dazzling white light, which suddenly illuminated the area around me for more than ten miles.

You must know that the daytime in the underworld is just like the rainy day in the world, so the ghosts are so arrogant. Now the white light suddenly appears, which scares the ghosts for a while, and then they jump up and down like monkeys who have been cursed, and finally they all escape The range of the white light of the Everlasting Ring.

I thought they were just avoiding the edge temporarily and would look for opportunities to rush over, but I didn’t expect that they were all kneeling on the ground. How could they look at me with any hostility in their eyes at this moment? It was clearly almost fanatical worship and respect.

When did I gain such status?

Just when I was wondering, Li Mazi poked me weakly with his finger and motioned me to look behind me.

"What's wrong?"

I turned around casually and suddenly found a bright scene emerging in the air behind me, in which a woman wearing a bloody wedding dress was looking at me with a sinister look on her face.

It turns out it’s not me the little devils are afraid of! A black line appeared on my forehead, and then my heart began to pound. This beauty was none other than the Demon Lord, the head of the three bosses in Fengdu.

During the last ghost market, I was lucky enough to see her, the Demon King, the Judge, and others. Since I finally obtained the Eternal Spirit Ring, we had some friendship.

But now that the ghost market has passed, if I fight here, the Demon Lord will probably blame me! Li Mazi was already frightened to the point of dementia. I asked myself that I was incapable of escaping from the Demon Lord, so I took the initiative to put my swords back into their scabbards and saluted her.

I am not giving in. Even if I can beat her, I still have to maintain due etiquette, otherwise the six paths of reincarnation will be chaotic.

When the Demon Lord saw me saluting, she gave me a bewildered smile. She didn't mean to cause trouble for me, but she didn't show any favor to me either. She just stared at me quietly, as if she wanted to see through me.

I couldn't help but sweat break out on my back. This pressure was too much and I couldn't bear it.

As the pressure increased, the little devils retreated one after another. She and I were the only ones left looking at each other. Li Mazi had already passed out.

Even I was so shocked by the powerful aura of the Demon King that I couldn't breathe. I gradually felt like I was suffocating. It seemed that she was not going to let us go.

In my desperation, I couldn't care less and read out the Tao Te Ching quickly. The scriptures quickly formed two golden haloes around me and Li Mazi. Then I yelled and carried Li Mazi on my shoulders. Holding the Demon Slayer in one hand, he raised his head and glared at the Demon Lord.

I can't bear it anymore, so I have to fight!

Surprisingly, when Demon Lord saw me being cruel, he covered his mouth and smiled charmingly, and then I felt the pressure around me disappear.

The image of the Demon Lord then disappeared, and the sky became gloomy again. It seemed that she was kind-hearted and was ready to let us leave. I quickly stood up and tried to find the exit, but unexpectedly, the little ghosts who had dispersed just now surrounded me again.

I attacked subconsciously, but found that this time the little devils were not coming to attack me. Instead, they were jumping up and down around me as if they were meeting a new master, looking as if they were trying to please me.

Before I could figure out what was going on, several streaks of black smoke flashed around me, and then several warriors in black and wearing masks appeared in front of me.

This is Fengdu's shady work and belongs to the Demon Lord.

Their appearance here meant that the demon king wanted to see me. I nodded to them, and then closed my eyes. Then I felt my body become lighter. I didn't even feel any weight when I was carrying Li Mazi. Made me think I accidentally dropped him.

After a few minutes, I returned to the ground again and tried to open my eyes, but my mouth opened wide in shock at what I saw!

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