Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1301 Thrilling Escape

The top priority now is to escape from Basong's house. I signaled Li Mazi not to panic and tried to move. I found that I could only move my upper body, but I could still move a little bit below the crotch.

This was enough. I leaned back slightly using my feet as a fulcrum, and after working hard for a long time, I finally managed to sit up half-sit up.

Then I recited the incantation deep in my heart and used the invisible needle.

Basong just poisoned me, and the poison temporarily blocked some of my blood vessels. If he lowered his head, the situation would be even worse.

To be honest, I couldn't bear to stab my own bones with a needle. But when I thought about the current situation, I could only grit my teeth and control the invisible needle to fly into my body from the chest cavity, pass through the bones, and puncture the sealed acupuncture points bit by bit.

It was just a little painful at first, and I could hold on even though I gritted my teeth. But when the invisible needles drilled holes in the bones bit by bit, it felt like there were thousands of ants squirming on my body. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I opened my mouth and was about to scream. .

At the critical moment, Li Mazi, who had been watching for a long time, suddenly exerted force, raised his foot and inserted it into my mouth.

Although Li Mazi's athlete's foot usually makes me hate him, at this moment I couldn't help but look at him gratefully, and then bit his foot desperately.

Although the pain in Li Mazi's feet was much less than the pain in my buttocks, he bit his lips and endured it.

This method of driving needles into the body is no different from Guan Yu's scraping bones to treat poison. I don't have the endurance he did. After persisting for a while, I became sweating profusely and my vision blurred.

The invisible needle can destroy everything in an instant under my will, but this does not include myself, because I am a living person with instinctive reactions, and I will make instinctive thinking reactions when encountering danger.

Because of this, the invisible needle penetrated into the bone countless times under the control of reason, and retreated countless times due to instinctive flinching.

It is no exaggeration to say that if I let it stab me like this, my sternum would be shattered!

Li Mazi's foot was already bleeding from my bite, and he himself had a broken lip due to excessive force, and blood dripped onto the sheets.

I really have no strength left. Looking at Li Mazi, it’s like there are two of them dangling in front of my eyes. I want to give up...

At this time, the sound of a car engine suddenly came from downstairs. It seemed that Basong's reinforcements were coming. They dared to come in so arrogantly, so they naturally believed that we were under control and could not escape from their grasp.

If I fall into their hands, I will definitely die. I have been playing with evil things for half my life, and I have been prepared to die for a long time. But if I die, I have to die on the land of China. It is nothing to die in a foreign country!

What's more, this time Longquan Villa has cooperated with the black mage. I'm afraid they won't kill me immediately after catching me. Instead, they will use me to contain the T-shirt man and even threaten the Zhang family in Jiangbei. In this way, the Zhang family's efforts and development over the years will be ruined. In vain.

Can I make Longquan Villa succeed? When I thought about these things, my eyes became bloodshot involuntarily, and I didn't care about my body at all. I desperately controlled the invisible needles to rush through my body.

Phew... Finally, as my throat felt sweet, I spat out a mouthful of blood, and the toxins in my body were finally broken.

I sat up and quickly opened Li Mazi's acupuncture points with a few fingertips.

Of course, this only temporarily allows his body to move normally. He will have to clean out the toxins in his body later, but it is enough for escaping now.

While Li Mazi was packing his things, I went to the window and took a look. There were seven or eight cars parked downstairs, and a steady stream of people in black cloaks were pouring in along the entrance of the hall.

Not to mention that these people are all black-clothed mages, even simple ordinary people are enough for me to drink a pot.

I immediately decided to run from the back. Behind Basong Villa is a small river with tourist functions. It can be regarded as a park in the city. As long as you cross the river and enter the center of Bangkok, they don't dare to be too ostentatious.

When the time comes, go directly to the police station and wait until daybreak to make plans.

I thought well, but I ignored that Li Mazi's left foot was almost broken by me. After jumping from the building, I rolled and landed safely, but Li Mazi fell directly because of his weak legs and feet. A dog chewed shit, and he screamed subconsciously.

After he shouted, several red lights came directly from upstairs. I was stunned when I saw the red lights. This was infrared, and there was a sniper rifle on the opposite side!

"Get down quickly!"

My face immediately turned pale, and with a roar I threw Li Mazi, who had just stood up, to the ground. Almost at the same time, there was a crisp sound where Li Mazi had just stood.

Li Mazi was of no use to them. This shot was aimed entirely at the head.

"Brother Zhang, let's go quickly..."

It was no longer possible for Li Mazi to climb over the wall. He wanted to stand up and block the bullets from upstairs for me to buy me time.

How could I leave him alone, not to mention that there were not only snipers upstairs, but black-clothed mages who heard the sound quickly gathered around him, including a few familiar faces.

Those were the Thai elders who I put back after winning the boxing match. I couldn't bear it and destroyed their magic power.

"go to hell!"

I roared angrily, and controlled the invisible needle to fly out along the infrared track. The invisible needle directly pierced the scope, then penetrated the sniper's eyeball, and then emerged from the back of the head and flew back into my hand.

With a bang, the sniper rifle fell to the ground.

Since this man can be a sniper, he must understand the principle of changing places with one shot. But since I don’t have a gun in my hand, he ignores this principle, so his demise is doomed.

Rules are rules, and rules are not for others to keep. There should be a standard in your heart for everything. You may not say it out loud, but you cannot forget it.

After dealing with the snipers, I quickly gathered my spiritual power to surround Li Mazi, and then rushed into the crowd with two swords in hand.

I bet they won't kill me directly. This is also my last life-saving charm!

Although there were many of them, they couldn't attack them. I was holding the Ghost and God Slayer in my hand, and I was slashing at them randomly. I also had invisible needles on the outside that took the opportunity to strike. The black-clothed mage suffered a lot of casualties for a while.

I wanted to take advantage of the chaos to attack them as much as possible, but they deliberately used this kind of wheel-and-wheel battle against me. There was no conspiracy at all. The intentions of both sides were obvious and coincident. It just depended on who could hold on longer.

Of course, my suicidal attack method could not sustain them, and I soon became exhausted. The bones in my chest that were stabbed to break through the acupoints also began to work, and my whole body seemed to be about to fall apart.

On the other hand, among this group of Thais, the injured ones got into the car and left directly, while the rest continued to fight. Some even stopped taking action and were looking at me coldly.

It seems that I am doomed tonight!


At this time, a roar of wild beasts suddenly came from the air, making all of us startled.

Before anyone could react, a huge black creature suddenly appeared in mid-air. It roared and pounced on the black-clothed mages. Anyone who came close to it was beaten to pieces by its generous claws.

I was overjoyed when I realized it. This bear was clearly the Northeastern Bear King, the godfather of the black-hearted monk.

Hahaha, God damn me, the T-shirt man always brings surprises to me.

I didn't know why I suddenly burst into tears. This feeling was really...I can't describe it!

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