Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1302 The Black-hearted Monk Comes to Help

In fact, if the black magicians join forces, they will definitely be able to repel the King Bear, but the way it appeared just now was too domineering, which directly frightened the Thai people and immediately caused instability in the morale of the army.

In addition, Thailand believes in Buddhism and is very superstitious about evil spirits. The big black bear is a wild beast and has the aura of Buddhism on its body, which makes the black-clothed mages very afraid.

They had no intention of fighting against the Bear King. The leading elders glared at me fiercely and shouted something at their subordinates.

Then these black-clothed mages suddenly no longer cared about the Bear King behind them, and all rushed towards me with all their might. This time, their eyes were full of murderous intent.

The appearance of King Bear made the Thai people realize that it was impossible to capture me alive today, so they prepared to kill me by force.

I understand this truth, and I don’t dare to rush into the crowd again. I use the invisible needle to stop them and buy time for myself, while I use the ghost-killing sword to deal with the people around me.

Seeing that I was in danger, the King Bear didn't hesitate to fight. He rushed over and slapped the person next to me away with his paw. Then he opened his mouth and bit me and threw me into the sky. Then he turned around and I landed smoothly on his back.

"Daddy Bear, don't forget to save Li Mazi."

I didn’t know what to call it, so I just followed the black-hearted monk and called it Daddy Bear. Black Bear nodded as if he understood, and put Li Mazi on his back in the same way.

The Thais could no longer hurt me, so I used invisible needles to constantly look for the wounded and kill them with one blow.

The elders finally couldn't stand anymore and took out their magical weapons and prepared to take action, but the Bear King didn't give them the chance at all. He roared and ran out of the villa quickly with us on his back.

The mages in black screamed and chased out, but their speed was too slow and they were quickly thrown away by us.

After making sure we were safe, King Bear placed us in front of a McDonald's, then turned around and disappeared, probably to do other things.

The black-hearted monk never showed up. I began to think that he had something important to do, but when I saw the McDonald's restaurant, I suddenly felt that this guy might just come here to open a small stove.

Sure enough, when we entered, there was only a fat black monk in the whole restaurant holding fried chicken and eating Haisai. The waiter on the side looked at him with a troubled face, as if he wanted to say something.

I immediately felt happy. Thailand believes in Buddhism. You, a monk who has received the ordination, come here to eat meat, and you are not afraid of trouble caused by other Buddhists.

Li Mazi never knew how to be polite. He dragged his stump and sat next to the black-hearted monk. He picked up a piece of fried chicken leg and started to chew on it. He even asked the waiter to order two more portions.

"Master, would you rather eat meat here than go over to help?"

I patted the black-hearted monk on the shoulder, feeling very grateful to him for showing up in time to save us.

This guy didn't tolerate me at all. He just wiped my clothes with his greasy hands a few times, then squinted and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I saved both of your lives, I'll forget it if you don't thank me." Instead, he raised an army to investigate?"

Hei Xin was quite serious when he spoke, and I was suddenly afraid that I would really make him angry. After all, he was not very familiar with us, and unlike Zen Master Bai Mei, he could joke casually.

Li Mazi didn't dare to sneer anymore. He took the chicken wings and ate them, either not eating or not. He looked at me with an embarrassed look on his face, while I looked at the black-hearted monk with a depressed look on my face.

In the final analysis, we were really afraid that he would just slap his butt and ignore it, and it would become a joke. Fortunately, this guy said with a straight face that we must pay for this meal, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that he was not that difficult to get along with. I called the waiter over sensibly and asked the black-hearted monk to click the order desperately. Then he nodded with satisfaction. While eating, he said that the reason why he didn't go was because he believed in Daddy Bear's strength. He also said that he was afraid that we wouldn't want to invite him to dinner, so he came over to occupy a seat.


Naturally, I didn't believe his reason, so I drank a glass of Coke and looked at him with a smile. If I guessed correctly, he was not just here to save us, the man in the T-shirt should have asked him to come over and help me.

The black-hearted monk looked at me with interest, as if waiting for me to speak first.

Of course I couldn't speak first. With his weird temper, if I begged him first, I might have to get him two Asian elephants to stew for a taste.

Li Mazi looked at the two of us with a smile, and started eating unceremoniously. I winked at him calmly and asked him to take the opportunity to eat more, since we paid for it anyway!

Seeing that I was so calm, the black-hearted monk became a little depressed. He wriggled his lips several times to say something, but later it seemed that he couldn't hold it in anymore and didn't want to lose to me. He actually stood up and said: "Let's find a place to stay today! Let's go tomorrow While walking around Bangkok, I just wanted to see if there was any major health care nearby."

"Okay, I'll call the first grader then and ask him to come and play too."

I blinked at him. When the black-hearted monk heard the word "first grade of junior high school", he immediately wilted. He shook his head and said, "Why are you so straight?" I won't give any sweetness to the poor monk. This is me. If it were someone else, I would definitely not offend you.

I guessed it right. He agreed to the T-shirt man and wanted to get some money from me. I really don’t know why a monk wants so much money. But if he can really solve the problem, give him some money... Not a problem either.

I cleared my throat and asked him what his plans were.

"Wait, Daddy Bear won't let you down."

After the black-hearted monk finished speaking, he took out a greasy and dirty military coat from his bag and buckled it on his body. He lay on the seat and fell asleep. Li Mazi also fell asleep after seeing this.

At first, I was very ashamed of their behavior and felt very embarrassed. Later, when the two eyelids kept fighting, I realized that I had been cheated.

Even though we are in a fast food restaurant, after all, we are still in the territory of the black mage. Someone among the three of us must keep watch. It doesn’t matter if I pretend to be noble, I have become a night watchman...

Fortunately, the Bear King came back an hour later. He was carrying a person on his back, and when he landed, he threw the person to the ground.

I looked nervously and saw that the waiters were all napping and no one was paying attention. I quickly woke up the black-hearted monk and Li Mazi, and ran to the Bear King to see that the person he brought was actually Basong!

"That's good, that's good! It won't work to fight hard on someone else's territory. How good would it be? Just capture the person directly and see if he gives me white ivory."

The black-hearted monk boasted about himself and chanted a spell to take the Bear King back.

When Li Mazi saw Basong, he immediately got excited. He punched and kicked him until he woke up, and then successfully knocked him out again.

I didn't stop Mazi. This Basong was so hateful. People who hide their knives in their smiles disgust me the most.

The black-hearted monk watched Li Mazi beat Basong violently, while shaking his head and reciting Amitabha, he also kicked Basong in the face several times... This monk was like no one else.

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