Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1303 Demon-killing Knife Rust

It will be dawn soon, so I plan to find a hotel to hide the bassoon, and then find a way to find the white ivory when it gets dark.

The black-hearted monk curled his lips and said that it was time for the black-clothed mage from Tianyi's black family to come out and make some small moves. Since Basong was tied up, he shouldn't be timid.

So we escorted Basong back to his villa. The black-clothed mages had retreated, and there were only a few servants left in the villa. Before they could react, they were knocked unconscious by the black-hearted monk one by one.

Basong finally woke up after being comatose for a long time. When he saw us, his face instantly became frightened, and he shouted in disbelief: "How come you are still alive? This is impossible..."

"Don't talk nonsense with me. Either hand over the white ivory or I will kill you."

Li Mazi slapped him across the face, grabbed the ghost-killing swords from my hands, put them on Basong's neck, and consciously cut open the surface of his skin.

Although Li Mazi was a little timid, the ferocious look on his face was still very intimidating to people who were unfamiliar with him. What's more, he was holding a knife in his hand, which scared Basong to the point of peeing.

A smell of urine wafted out from his crotch, and the black-hearted monk leaned in, pinched his nose and went out.

But I breathed a sigh of relief. Basong's fear of death means that he is not a real mage in black. Strictly speaking, he is just a businessman who cooperates with the mage in black. This will be much easier to deal with. If you don't give in even if you are let dry, then it will be useless for us to capture Basong.

Finally, under Li Mazi's coercion, Basong took out a whole white ivory from the safe in the secret room. I didn't understand this thing very well, so I looked at the black-hearted monk for help.

He walked over, touched and smelled it, tapped it twice, and smiled.

"Mazi, let Master Basong go."

After I finished speaking, Li Mazi let go, and a trace of joy flashed in Basong's eyes as he walked out cautiously. When he passed by me, I jumped up and hugged his neck, and stabbed Zhanguijin through the back of his neck with all my strength.

The sharp blade pierced directly from his mouth, and blood spurted all over me. Li Mazi was stunned at the time, and he stuttered and asked me why I was so cruel?

I ignored him at all. After pulling out the knife, I wiped it clean on Basong's body, and quickly cut off a small part of the whole ivory. Anyway, I didn't need so much, and it would be troublesome to take it all away.

The black-hearted monk looked at the remaining ivory and was about to take it away. Perhaps considering that it would be stressful to carry it, he finally sighed and put the ivory on the ground.

Counting the graveyard soil, ghost tears, the ivory I just obtained, and the ashes of Master Azan Ming, I only have the demon-killing knife that has killed seven or forty-nine ghosts.

It stands to reason that the man in the T-shirt's Eight-faced Han Sword has already slashed countless Yin spirits, so he can just use it.

It's a pity that his Han sword has been integrated with thunder and lightning properties, which is equivalent to being reforged. The black-hearted monk belongs to Buddhism. He said that in his circle of friends, only the man in the T-shirt is a Taoist priest, and the others are all Buddhists. No swords were used.

What he said was the truth. Buddhists rarely use this kind of sharp blade, and he looked like he was about to leave. I guessed that he had completed the task assigned by the man in the T-shirt. We flew back to Guangzhou from Thailand, and then I Let him go.

After sending him away, Li Mazi kept complaining and didn't understand why I let the black-hearted monk go.

"Because I've already figured out where to find the Demon Slayer Knife."

I took out my phone and found Wang Xun'er's number, and called her with a smile.

The Wang family's immortal-killing sword can kill gods when it meets gods, and kills Buddhas when it meets Buddhas. It has killed more than seventy-seven or forty-nine ghosts?

Wang Xun'er quickly answered the phone, and I briefly explained the current situation. She immediately agreed to help me, but she had to ask Mr. Wang for instructions first.

There is an essential difference between taking the rust from the Immortal Sword and borrowing it from the Immortal Sword, because the rust on the divine weapon also possesses powerful spiritual power.

To put it simply, by combining the rust on the Immortal Sword with ordinary steel, you can create a very powerful weapon.

Therefore, the big families in the world are rarely willing to lend their magic weapons to others, for fear that they will be stolen and rusted.

Mr. Wang came back soon. After all, he was the same generation as my grandfather. I had to pretend to greet him before asking to borrow the Immortal Sword.

He paused and asked me why?

I was stunned and didn't understand why Mr. Wang, who had always supported me, suddenly said these words. The best I can do is not borrow it. Why should I be so impatient if I think of other ways?

"Because of Xun'er's feelings for you, the entire Wang family, including myself, has always been very supportive of you, including this time you want to use the Immortal Slaying Sword. It doesn't matter...but..."

Mr. Wang took a deep breath and told me solemnly that I should consider giving Xun'er an explanation.

I gritted my teeth and agreed. I really should give Xun'er an explanation.

One day later, I got the rust stains on the Immortal Killing Sword from the Wang family and flew back to the Daming King Temple in Thailand. Now I finally had the five materials to crack the glass drop!

I immediately prepared to refine the materials to crack the glass drop, but Azan Ming's apprentice refused.

They said that I was likely to be attacked by a mage in black during the refining process. Their master had already died because of me and they didn't want to cause any more trouble.

I had no choice but to find a safe hotel nearby to stay and carefully brought the materials back.

After I got back, I took a shower and wanted to start refining directly, but I was stopped by Li Mazi.

Because after all the twists and turns, both of us were very tired. If we didn't persevere during the refining process, it would probably have irreparable consequences. After all, these materials are unique.

Although I was very anxious, I knew he was right, so I packed up the materials properly and fell asleep with my head covered. I don’t know how long I slept, but it was already evening when I woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I smelled the aroma of rice, which made my stomach growl. When I turned around, I found that Li Mazi had woken up and was sitting on the sofa.

There was a table of food lined up on the glass table in front of him, and he was feasting on it.

I pounced on it, grabbed the hamburger closest to me and ate it. After I had eaten and drank enough, I looked at the date and realized that Li Mazi and I had slept for two days.

After regaining my energy, I lined up the five ingredients and was about to start refining them when my phone rang.

In order to refine something that can break glass as soon as possible, I have already said hello, don't come to me unless there is an emergency. Now that the phone is ringing, is it possible that something big is going on?

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