Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1310 Invisibility


A burst of piercing laughter came from behind. I raised my hand and slashed with the knife, but it hit nothing. I was pulled by a huge force and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, I grabbed the sofa next to me in time. .

Before I could stand firm, a strong blast of wind came from behind my head.

I held the sofa with one hand, jumped into the air, and landed on the other side in a blink of an eye. After landing, I swung my knife and slashed in the direction of the sound of breaking wind.

I jumped into the air again, and the feeling of the knife hitting the air shocked me.

I realized that it was Mr. Nan Guo in the room!

Although the sound of the erhu was very close, I could tell that the sound was still coming from outside.

But now I can't see anything after splitting the air twice in a row. Thinking of the information the man in the T-shirt gave me, it can only be Mr. Nan Guo, because Mr. Nan Guo has an invisibility object: the night devil's cloak.

The two of them were really despicable. They first used erhu tunes to make me lose my mind, and then asked Mr. Nan Guo to enter the room while I was unconscious and kill me directly before I could react!

If I hadn't just been so depressed that I punched the wall with my fist and temporarily woke up from the pain, I would have been chopped in half by Mr. Nan Guo at this moment.

In order to prevent Li Mazi from being killed, I walked to the bedside carefully and kicked Li Mazi hard. He woke up from his sleep and asked me what was wrong.

"They're coming."

I said softly. Li Mazi looked at me with a puzzled expression for a while, then suddenly realized what I was talking about, jumped up from the bed, picked up the talisman I placed on it from the bedside, and held it in front of him.

My intuition told me that Mr. Nan Guo should take action against Li Mazi, because Li Mazi was much easier to deal with than me, so before Li Mazi could stand firm, I pushed him hard and leaned back quickly.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Li Mazi hit the bed, his waist made a crunching sound, and he immediately asked me angrily.

I didn't have time to explain, so I raised my two swords and struck into the void. Immediately, there was the sound of metal colliding, and then quickly disappeared.

Li Mazi opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask something, and I immediately put my index finger on my lips to signal him not to speak.

Li Mazi nodded in panic, his eyes rolling around.

I exhaled softly, held the twin swords that killed ghosts and gods tightly, and then slowly closed my eyes, trying to lower my breathing rate as much as possible, and listened to the strange movements around me with my ears.

But there was no sound around, so I sneered, raised my foot and kicked the seat next to the sofa.

At this moment, disdainful laughter came from the darkness, and I quickly turned around and slashed at the source of the sound with my knife!

There was another sound of metal clashing, and Mr. Nan Guo's surprised voice, but it was quickly lost in the darkness.

The other party probably didn't expect that I would judge his position. In fact, I kicked the chair deliberately just now because I knew very well that if the other party remained in a stalemate, the other party would not take action rashly.

So I kicked the chair while paying close attention to the movements around me, and the other party couldn't help but take action.

"Be careful, Mazi, he's heading towards you."

I shouted nervously, but before I finished speaking, Li Mazi screamed, and a hand came out from his shoulder. I was stunned at first, and then realized that this was not Mr. Nan Guo, but a Yin spirit!

This hand was translucent, stained red by Li Mazi's blood, and looked particularly strange in the moonlight.

The wound on Li Mazi's right shoulder had not healed properly, but now it was pierced by the Yin spirit again. Li Mazi tightened his body in pain and did not move at all for a moment.

I yelled at Li Mazi to use the magic talisman to escape. Li Mazi gritted his teeth and pounced forward, breaking away from the control of the Yin spirit. He took out the magic talisman and turned around to deal with the Yin spirit.

I took a few steps forward and leaned back to back with Li Mazi, nervously paying attention to everything around me.


There was another erhu sound, this time very close at hand. When did Mr. Dong Guo enter the room?

I was so frightened that I quickly looked up, but saw no one. I breathed out and whispered to Li Mazi to cooperate with me to turn on the light.

Mr. Nan Guo has a night devil cloak, which makes him invisible. Now that the room is dark, it is even more convenient for him to do evil things to us.

Li Mazi nodded, and the two of us slowly approached the switch.

The other party must have noticed our intention, as the sound of breaking wind quickly came over. I pushed Li Mazi hard towards the switch, and at the same time yelled: "Turn on the lights!"

At the same time, I raised my two swords and blocked them behind me.

With a snap, the room lights turned on.

When the light was turned on, Mr. Nan Guo had nothing to fear. I quickly turned around and saw a baby face, but there was a lot of anger on this baby face.

It seems that this baby-faced man is Mr. Nan Guo. He is only as tall as my waist. He holds a short knife tightly in one hand and is very close to my waist!

I broke out in a cold sweat. If Li Mazi hadn't turned on the light in time, the short knife would have been inserted into my waist. Even if it couldn't stab me to death, it would have cut off half of my waist...

It seems that the breaking noise just now was just to confuse me, and he also learned how to use a feint.

Seeing that I could see him, he quickly put away the dagger, his body twitched, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I knew he was hiding inside the Night Stalker's cloak again, but unlike in the dark, under the light, even if he retracted into the turtle shell, he would still leave a trace.

I secretly made a gesture to Li Mazi, and he nodded and stood motionless in the brightest light, so that Mr. Nan Guo would not dare to come over and attack him again.

I quickly looked around the room just now and didn't see Mr. Dong Guo.

He doesn't have Mr. Nan Guo's ability, so he can't be invisible, so the sound of the piano that just appeared in the room was not played by him.

Who can play it?

I thought for a moment and realized that besides Mr. Nan Guo, there was another ghost in the room!

Judging from the sound of the erhu, it is most likely the ghost that lives in Mr. Dongguo's erhu.

I didn't dare to be careless, so I rubbed the Tiangong area vigorously to make myself stronger.

Li Mazi's shoulder was seriously injured, and now he can only protect himself. And I also have to beware of Mr. Nan Guo, who is even more treacherous than the Yin spirit. I really have no time to worry about the Yin spirit anymore, and I want to catch Mr. Nan Guo.

Ever since Li Mazi turned on the light, Mr. Nanguo seemed to be hiding in one place and making no move.

I sneered, holding the two knives and starting from the door of the room, searching inch by inch!

Just because I can't see him doesn't mean he doesn't exist, so rather than being searched out by me, he must have escaped first. As soon as he moves, I can spot his fox tail.

"Brother, there is something behind you!"

I had just taken a few steps when Li Mazi pointed behind me and shouted, and the lights went out at the same time!

Damn it, I swung the knife directly behind me without thinking, then rolled on the ground, came to the edge of the sofa, and shouted eagerly: "Be careful, pockmark, that dwarf is next to you!"

The person who just ran behind me must be a Yin spirit, otherwise it would have been impossible to evade my search silently, and then the only one who turned off the lights would be Mr. Nan Guo.

Li Mazi didn't reply, but grunted. I asked him anxiously what was wrong, and he gasped and said it was okay, he just accidentally fell.

I was speechless for a moment and asked him to hide in a corner. He responded, and then I braced myself and paid attention to what was going on around me.


Two bursts of erhu sounds came in succession, echoing the faint erhu sounds outside the window. I covered my ears with one hand and struck to the right with the other hand.

Suddenly a hazy ghost rose into the sky, holding an erhu in his arms.

Through the moonlight, I finally saw the appearance of this ghost clearly. It was dressed in a white robe, had no eyeballs in its eyes, and had a resolute expression.

A name suddenly appeared in my mind: Gao Jianli, the Gao Jianli who saw Jing Ke off by the Yishui River!

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