Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1311 Jing Ke, Gao Jianli

The musical instrument played by Gao Jianli in history was zhu, but now he plays erhu. This may be due to a problem in historical records, or it may be that Gao Jianli took up residence in erhu for some reasons.

Thinking that Mr. Nan Guo played a close-quarters assassination mission in the mission, I thought, could it be that the ghost in the Night Demon's cloak is Jing Ke?

The relationship between Jing Ke and Gao Jianli in history is extraordinary. When Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin, Gao Jianli, dressed in white, saw him off by the Yishui River.

He knew that no matter whether Jing Ke succeeded or failed, he would definitely die! So he built the building with tears in his eyes, and sang the famous saying "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone."

As expected, Jing Ke failed and was killed. Qin Shihuang unified the six countries and ordered the remaining parties of Jing Ke to be wanted. Some of the remaining party members were caught and escaped. Gao Jianli also changed his name and surname and hid in Songzi County to work as a bartender for others.

This host often had guests playing drums. Gao Jianli shook his head repeatedly after listening to it. He felt that although the tune was good, the rhythm of the drums was very poor. It was a waste! The servant immediately told his master what he said. In fact, he was telling the master to punish Gao Jianli.

But the host called Gao Jianli to the front of the hall and ordered him to build it on the spot.

After Gao Jianli completed the construction, all the guests were amazed and even gave him wine to drink.

At this time, Gao Jianli no longer wanted to pretend, so he resumed his previous dress. Everyone treated him like a guest and invited him to build the building in turn. The news even reached the ears of Qin Shihuang.

So Qin Shihuang also invited him into the palace. Someone recognized Gao Jianli's identity, but Qin Shihuang did not kill him, but smoked his eyes out. Then he often asked Gao Jianli to build for himself, and he couldn't help himself every time. Praise!

Although the Six Kingdoms have long been destroyed, Gao Jianli, who often contacts Qin Shihuang, is still secretly planning to avenge his friend Jing Ke.

He filled the building with lead, and while Qin Shihuang was fascinated by the music, he hit Qin Shihuang on the head, but Qin Shihuang dodged it, and he was executed by Qin Shihuang in the end.

The reason why the friendship between Gao Jianli and Jing Ke has been passed down to this day is because after Jing Ke's death, Gao Jianli devoted himself to avenging his friend, far more than in ancient times and today.

Thinking of this, I secretly said, "Oh no," I quickly stepped aside and used my magic talisman to protect myself.

If I am unlucky enough to guess correctly, and Jing Ke’s ghost comes out later to cooperate with Gao Jianli, I will definitely be killed by their combined force!

Gao Jianli glanced at me and didn't take the initiative to catch up. Instead, he sat cross-legged and started playing the erhu.

As soon as I breathed a sigh of relief, I realized that I was too naive, because after the sound of the erhu entered my head, I became a little confused. After a while, I was so dizzy that I couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

Li Mazi's anxious roar came closer and further away from me. I hurriedly bit my tongue and quickly read a few lines from the Tao Te Ching, thus blocking out the sound of the erhu.

But this also made me passive, because I rejected the sound of the erhu and could not hear the sound of Mr. Nan Guo moving!

No, Gao Jianli's Yin spirit must be dealt with as soon as possible. I exhaled and silently recited the incantation, and the double swords that killed ghosts and gods began to gradually glow with dark green light.

As I spoke faster, the green light slowly illuminated the entire room. I seized the opportunity to shout loudly and struck at Gao Jianli who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.


After landing, I spat out a mouthful of blood, but Gao Jianli, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, was fine.

I don’t know when the damn Mr. Nanguo moved in front of Gao Jianli, and gave me a knife when I rushed up.

At the same time, Gao Jianli's erhu movements accelerated, and the tune became more confusing. I even forgot to dodge. Fortunately, Li Mazi rushed out of the darkness and dragged me aside.

Li Mazi softly suggested that we find an opportunity to escape. Now Mr. Nan Guo and Gao Jianli are just ghosts. If Mr. Dong Guo and Jing Ke are added to the mix, there is no way we can escape.

I smiled bitterly and said that I couldn't escape now. Mr. Dongguo didn't come in for a long time. Even if he was waiting for us outside the hotel, escaping would just hit the muzzle of a gun.

Li Mazi continued to drag me to the corner with his head down, and I stopped him.

I think it is completely useless to escape now. Mr. Nanguo can get close to us unknowingly, and Gao Jianli is a ghost, and he can find us even if we hide.

Li Mazi didn't give up, and gently dragged me into the hotel's closet. As soon as I entered the closet, he took out a few talismans from his pocket and stuck them on the closet door and corners.

Then he explained with a wry smile, saying that this would at least ensure that when Mr. Nan Guo approaches here, we will not be unaware.

My eyes lit up. Li Mazi was right. Whether it was Mr. Nan Guo or Gao Jianli's Yin Ling, as long as the cabinet door was opened, it was equivalent to giving me time to prepare!

I covered the wound on my waist and asked Li Mazi to tear up his shirt and bandage it for me. Then I held my two knives and carefully listened to the movements outside.

After a long time, there was still no sound outside. I thought to myself, could it be that they are gone?

I felt a little strange, so I put my ear against the cabinet door and listened carefully, but I still couldn't hear the sound.


Li Mazi yelled, and I turned around and was about to ask him what he was doing. There was a sound, and a thin blade was inserted through the gap in the cabinet door and grazed past my ear.

Bang bang bang!

Before I could recover from the shock, the sound of Mr. Nan Guo knocking on the cabinet came in. I hurriedly covered my mouth and nose, trying not to make the slightest sound.

"You're in there, I know you're in there."

A hoarse and childlike voice came through the cabinet, which made me feel chills.

I had just seen him briefly. If the man in the T-shirt hadn't told me in advance that he was a dwarf, I might have really thought he was a child.

Dwarfs are not uncommon, but they are very few in size and age. At least I have never encountered them before.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but I always feel that Mr. Nanguo’s appearance is a bit off-putting!

I took a breath and pulled my thoughts back. The situation is so dangerous now, I can't think about random things.

Li Mazi gently said the word "formation", and I instantly remembered the formation I had arranged before, and felt a little more at ease.

Activating the formation requires my blood essence. Fortunately, when I set up the formation, I considered that these two killers would be difficult to deal with, so I set up multiple formations at the same time, one of which was right next to the cabinet.

Now you only need to open the cabinet and quickly drip blood essence on the position of the formation eye.

"Come out, come out quickly."

Mr. Nan Guo's voice sounded like a pervert seducing his victim, which made my skin crawl.

I quickly bit my finger open, squeezed out a drop of blood, then shrank into a corner and gave Li Mazi an instruction.

Li Mazi nodded, moved to the cabinet door, took a deep breath and kicked the cabinet door open. Fortunately, there was no one outside.

I took the opportunity to stretch out my hand and accurately dripped the essence and blood into the position of the eye. Then I stopped my hand without any pause. Li Mazi quickly closed the cabinet door and almost caught my hand.

"Brother, does your formation work?"

What I have deployed this time is a simple but very effective spirit trapping array, which can be activated quickly to trap the Yin spirits in the area, so even if it is really useless to Mr. Nan Guo, it is enough to capture Gao Jianli's Yin spirits.

But after I dripped the blood, there was no sound for a while, and then Li Mazi asked softly.

I didn't reply to him, but just murmured strangely: "Do you feel that the cabinet is a little crowded?"

I couldn't see Li Mazi's expression clearly in the darkness, but I saw that he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he stammered for a long time and asked: "Brother... why are you talking over there?"

Now I was stunned. I had to stand here because I needed to drain blood.

Li Mazi's voice sounded like he was about to cry: "Then who is next to me..."

His voice stopped suddenly, and I guarded my swords in front of my chest vigilantly.

Then I heard deep breathing slowly approaching, followed by Mr. Nan Guo's perverted voice: "Tsk, tsk, you can also arrange formations."

"What did you do to him?"

I swallowed and put on a defensive stance to prevent him from getting closer.

But the cabinet is only so big in total, and the slender double knives cannot be used at all. However, if his short knife is used in it, it will be much easier.

The strange thing is that Mr. Nanguo is like a cat playing with a mouse. He stops making any moves after approaching and just stares at me in the dark.

Suddenly, the cell phone in my pocket rang. I took it out and saw that it was a man in a T-shirt.

Just when I was about to hang up, Mr. Nan Guo sneered and asked me to answer the phone. Because Li Mazi was still in his hand, I had no choice but to answer the phone.

The man in the T-shirt was just confirming my safety. I didn’t dare to say that Mr. Nan Guo was next to me now. He just said that I was safe now.

"when will you arrive?"

I subconsciously asked this question, and regretted it a bit after asking. I quickly asked the man in the T-shirt to come over as soon as he arrived in Thailand, and then hung up the phone.

Mr. Nanguo laughed a few times, and I heard the sound of the cabinet door opening, as if someone walked out.

After waiting like this for a long time, I finally made sure that there seemed to be no one else in the room. Then I pushed open the cabinet door, turned on the light, and hurriedly checked Li Mazi's injury.

Fortunately, Li Mazi only fainted briefly. I pressed on his middle, and he woke up. He looked around with panic on his face. He didn't exhale until I told him he was safe. .

"How did you fight them off?"

Li Mazi obviously couldn't believe that we could escape death. I smiled bitterly and said that I didn't know. He left inexplicably, and Mr. Dongguo outside didn't even show his face.

Li Mazi breathed out: "No matter how they leave, little brother, help me out quickly."

I helped him lean on the sofa, and the two of us didn't dare to rest at all.

Mr. Dong Guo and Mr. Nan Guo retreated inexplicably. Li Mazi and I stared at them for most of the night before we were sure that they would not fight back, and then we started to heal our wounds.

My body is fine, I was only stabbed once in the waist by Mr. Nan Guo, but Li Mazi's condition is a bit bad. His shoulder was scratched by a charming woman before, and now it has been pierced by Gao Jianli's Yin spirit, causing more injuries. It's more troublesome to deal with.

Li Mazi smiled and said that I have shed blood to save their lives. When I get back, brother, you must praise me more for my contribution.

I wordlessly put a bandage on him and patted his uninjured shoulder: "You can save it! It's not certain whether you can go back."

"Bah, bah, bah, how can you say such depressing words casually?"

Li Mazi's eyes changed, he grabbed my hand and knocked on the wooden cabinet three times. Then he asked me, did I feel that Mr. Dongguo and the others didn't seem to want our lives?

I feel the same way, but it doesn't make sense. According to the man in the T-shirt, these two people came here just to kill me, but if they hadn't taken the initiative to retreat just now, Li Mazi and I would have been in trouble.

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