Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1311 The man in the T-shirt retreats from the enemy

"Okay, it's useless to think about this. The most important thing now is to rest quickly. Who knows what they are planning!"

I thought about it and didn't have any clue, so I just ignored it.

Li Mazi nodded indifferently, fell on the bed, and soon began to snore.

I smiled helplessly and lay down next to him with my eyes closed to rest, but I didn't dare to sleep too deeply. I would open my eyes and cautiously patrol the room for a long time when I heard the slightest movement.

Soon I noticed that the east was beginning to turn white, and I vaguely guessed that the reason for their retreat might be related to the fact that daybreak was approaching.

Killers, especially those who rely on the Night Devil's cloak like Mr. Nan Guo, cannot see the light of day.

In a bright environment, his skills must at least be lowered to a higher level!

I kept thinking about Mr. Nan Guo and Mr. Dong Guo, and I didn’t dare to close my eyes and rest until it got dark.

As soon as I relaxed after a stressful night, I fell asleep. I slept soundly this time and didn't have any more dreams.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping, but I felt the temperature suddenly getting hot next to me. When I opened my eyes, I found Li Mazi lying next to me.

It's just that he was feeling hot all over, and he was actually sick at this time. I quickly got up, ran to the front desk of the hotel to get some medical alcohol, and went back to the room to wipe him.

Alcohol has a good cooling effect, but as soon as the temperature dropped, it immediately rose back up. I frowned and wiped the alcohol again. If it didn't work this time, I would have to go to the hospital.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Li Mazi's whole body became hot again. I took a deep breath. Although I might be in trouble when I went out, looking at his dead look, I had no choice but to go to the hospital.

I carried Li Mazi, who was already in a coma, downstairs, stopped a taxi, and went straight to the nearest hospital.

After the examination, the doctor said that he needed to be hospitalized for observation as he might turn into pneumonia. I was so anxious that I ignored the danger and quickly went through the hospitalization procedures.

After the intravenous drip was applied, the fever on Li Mazi's body subsided a little, but he still didn't wake up. I stayed aside and called the man in the T-shirt. The phone rang for a long time without answering. I had no choice but to hang up and sent him a text message to tell him. Current situation.

After finishing this, I ordered a meal and ate on the table. After I fed myself, I walked around the ward and put up a few talismans.

We just do this for peace of mind. Now the people who are causing trouble for us are all humans, and the only thing the magic talisman can resist is the evil spirits they bring...

The doctor came to check on Li Mazi in the evening and said that he would check again tomorrow. If the condition was stable, he would give fluids for another day. If the fever persisted, he would consider pneumonia. He told me to keep an eye on him at night and notify the doctor on duty immediately if anything happened.

I pulled up a chair and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. I felt a little uneasy. I always felt like someone was watching us outside the window.

But in fact, the ward is on the third floor, so no one should be able to stare at us from the window.

I forced myself to relax and take at least a short rest in the first half of the night, otherwise I would be even less energetic in the second half of the night.

But I could only close my eyes and rest in a daze.

I don’t know how long it took, but I felt myself getting colder and colder, as if I was in a world of ice and snow.

I shivered and woke up instantly. When I looked up, I saw that the ward was still the same ward, but there were snowflakes in the corners!

Li Mazi, who was lying on the hospital bed, had blue lips and looked like a dead person.

I quickly went up and felt his body temperature. Fortunately, he was only slightly cold and not dead.

He quickly wrapped Li Mazi tightly with a quilt and placed a spiritual talisman on his chest. His body temperature finally rose slowly and his complexion returned to normal.

Seeing that he was normal, I cheered up and started observing in the ward with a pair of knives.

It shouldn't be cold in this weather, let alone snowflakes? It must be Yin Ling's fault, but I don't know if it's Mr. Dongguo and the others who came this time, or the black-clothed mage from Thailand.

As the snowflakes in the corner grew bigger and bigger, a shadow became clearer and clearer.

It was Gao Jianli. After it appeared, it did not attack me immediately. Instead, it sat cross-legged by the window and quietly played the erhu.

As it moved faster and faster, I found that the temperature in the room was getting lower and lower, and Li Mazi's face, which had just recovered, instantly turned pale.

No, I have to stop him!

Without saying a word, I grabbed my two knives and stabbed it, but before I could get close to it, Gao Jianli jumped up suddenly, flew to the roof of the house, and hit me with his erhu in both hands!

This was the method he used to smash Emperor Qin with a building during his lifetime. I subconsciously ducked back, but my waist felt sharply cold, followed by severe pain.

I gritted my teeth and turned my head, only to find that Mr. Nan Guo appeared behind me out of nowhere and was sneering at me with his charming baby face.

I was about to raise the knife to deal with him, but this guy actually waved the short knife and turned it around inside me.

At this time, Gao Jianli's Yin spirit flew down from the air again. All my strength was drained by the wound on my waist, and I no longer had the strength to get out of the way.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly burst out from outside the door and knocked Gao Jianli away with a clang.

Then a white shadow rushed in and grabbed the blue light that was about to hit the ground. Then the person walked up to me and asked with concern: "Jiulin, how are you?"


I grinned, my eyes darkened and I fainted.

It was the T-shirt man who saved me.

When I woke up, I found myself lying on the hotel sofa, and the man in the T-shirt was sitting beside me. I shook my head and said with a wry smile: "Fortunately, you came in time. If you had been slower, I might have met the King of Hell. How did you find us?"

The man in the T-shirt then explained to me that he guessed that something was wrong from the way I hung up the phone, so he used the mobile phone positioning system to track the location of my mobile phone as soon as he arrived in Bangkok, so that he could come to help me fight off Nan Guo at the critical moment. gentlemen.

He also told me that the reason why Li Mazi had a fever was that Gao Jianli's yin energy hit his body, but he had given Li Mazi some talisman water, and now Mazi is fine.

I blushed a little when I heard that. I was so anxious before that I didn't even notice that Mazi was being eroded by Yin Qi.

Then the man in the t-shirt asked about the situation with a sullen face. I gave him a rough summary, and he nodded and said it was okay. At least he had found all the materials to treat Yin Xinyue and the others.

But I smiled bitterly and said that now that Mr. Dongguo and the others are chasing after him, there is no way to refine the antidote, and I don’t know how long they can delay it. What I'm afraid of is that they deliberately delayed me like this so that I could only watch the people around me die even though I had something to save people in my hands.

The man in the T-shirt went out in the evening. When he came back, his face was not very good. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he had just tried to see if he could escape from Thailand now. Unfortunately, even he was being stared at, with strange faces following him wherever he went.

I sneered. I had been prepared for this kind of thing for a long time. Longquan Villa did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to invite earth-shattering killers like Mr. Dong Guo and Mr. Nan Guo. Of course, they would not let me escape easily.

"What should I do now? Just wait." I frowned.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said that what these killers are best at is hiding in the dark. We have no way to attack proactively and can only wait for them to come again.

I sat down on the sofa in frustration. Who knows when they will come. If I keep waiting like this, won't they be eaten alive?

"Don't worry, the killers' patience has its limits, and they won't delay for too long."

The man in the T-shirt was quite confident, but he told me very worriedly that I should pay attention to Mr. Nan Guo’s Night Devil cloak. What Mr. Nan Guo is best at is approaching the target silently and killing the person before the target can react, leaving no trace. This is how Ning Tieguai, a famous Shandong ghost merchant, was killed.

I nodded. I had already experienced Mr. Nanguo's methods. If the man in the T-shirt hadn't arrived in time, I would have died.

"I'll go out again tomorrow. You have to be careful in the hotel! By the way, everything must be put away to prevent them from tampering with these things." The man in the T-shirt was obviously very worried, otherwise he would rarely give such uneasy instructions. .

I hummed and asked him what he was doing out there, but he waved his hand and said nothing.

Li Mazi looked at the back of the man in the T-shirt and asked me quietly if I had noticed that something was wrong with the man in the T-shirt, as if he was hiding something.

I nodded in agreement, but the man in the T-shirt was always worried.

But in my opinion, Mr. Dong Guo and Mr. Nan Guo failed to attack me and Li Mazi twice. Although something almost happened this time, we were saved by the man in the T-shirt. It seems that our chances of winning should be greater, but why does he look so worried?

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