Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1312: Plan to Kill Mr. Nan Guo

When the man in the T-shirt came back, his face looked much better. It turned out that he was most worried about Long Qingqiu being present in person, so he went out to inquire about the situation. Fortunately, Long Qingqiu did not come this time, so the danger would be much less.

After finishing speaking, the man in the T-shirt paused and said in a low voice: "I was followed on the way back just now. It should be the two killers. They will definitely come tonight."

"Is there any way to break his invisibility cloak?"

Li Mazi was not relieved by the arrival of the T-shirt man. He was frightened to death by Mr. Nan Guo.

However, Li Mazi's unintentional words gave me an idea. Instead of trying to find a way to break the trick, why can't I treat the other person in his own way?

Thinking of this, I ignored them and quickly went downstairs to find a nearby hardware store and bought a bundle of refined steel wire!

Of course, before doing all this, I looked around carefully. Mr. Nan Guo and Mr. Dong Guo were not there. They should have made sure that we were in the hotel and evacuated first.

I didn't care about them, and I didn't talk nonsense to Li Mazi when I went upstairs. I spread out the steel wires as thin as hair, and chanted a spell and polished them with an invisible needle. After I finished my work, the steel wires were all It's all transparent and as sharp as a knife!

Yes, these steel wires are so thin that they are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. I tried to turn off the light and found that these steel wires were completely invisible.

I was so happy that I used invisible needles to thread the steel wire into a large net, and finally fixed it with a spell a few steps away from the door.

The man in the T-shirt watched me finish all this, and his eyes lit up, but Li Mazi shook his head and said that Mr. Nan Guo is a killer after all, it's impossible not to be able to see this, right?

I sneered and asked, "If you hadn't watched me do all this with your own eyes, could you have seen it?"

In order to reassure Li Mazi, the man in the T-shirt picked up a teacup from the table and threw it towards the wire mesh.

There was a crashing sound, and there was a pile of glass shards on the ground.

Li Mazi clicked his tongue, gave me a thumbs up, and then consciously cleaned up the broken glass...

The man in the T-shirt looked at me approvingly, and I smiled and started to carefully arrange it, asking them to pay attention to the details around them, so as not to be noticed by Mr. Nan Guo!

After I set it up, the three of us huddled together on the bed and waited for night to fall.

Li Mazi seemed to be biting off more than he could chew. He asked me worriedly if it would be effective. I rolled my eyes and said, "We'll see if it works tonight."

I don’t know how long it took, but I seemed to have fallen asleep. A scream came out, and the three of us sat up suddenly from the bed. Less than one meter away from us, we saw a round doll's head facing us, with eyes wide open and full of disbelief.

In the space less than two meters around, there were pieces of minced meat, and the smell of blood filled the whole room. Such a bloody scene should have been extremely horrifying, but we felt very happy.

Among the minced meat, there was a snow-white figure that was twitching continuously, and soon turned into smoke and dispersed.

Unexpectedly, Gao Jianli also disappeared into ashes. I was very happy. After fighting for so long, I finally solved Mr. Nan Guo easily.

"What did you do!"

At this time, a roar came from the window, and I saw a lonely figure wearing a long gown, it was Mr. Dong Guo.

He knew something had happened to Mr. Nan Guo but didn't dare to come in easily. I looked at him with a sneer, and then closed the wire mesh.

I learned this trick from the twelve dead animals. It's a pity that I can't solve it with Mr. Dong Guo. After all, this method is very rare to use once.

If he continued, he might not have hurt Mr. Dong Guo, but he might have accidentally hurt himself.

The steel wire is already very hard and sharp, and the steel wire I arranged is invisible to the naked eye. Wouldn't Mr. Nan Guo be invisible?

Then let him get through this wire mesh that is as invisible as him.

During my previous fight with Mr. Nan Guo, I discovered a problem: Although the Night Devil's cloak would make him invisible, it would more or less block his sight.

And I arranged the steel wires very densely. As long as he breaks into the room and takes a few steps, these steel wires will be deeply embedded in his body. The more he struggles, the deeper he will sink. When Mr. Nan Guo encounters danger, he will definitely fight for his life. Struggle, so his ending of being divided is destined!


As soon as I put the steel mesh away, I heard the man in the T-shirt shout, and then he jumped up, kicked me out, and brandished the Eight-sided Han Sword in his hand and nailed it directly to where I was standing.

I saw a black shadow being nailed to the ground by the man in the T-shirt, twisting and drilling into the ground, and then disappeared.

The man in the T-shirt thought for a while and said that this should be Mr. Dongguo’s guardian spirit. Sure enough, as soon as the man in the t-shirt finished speaking, I heard a pop from outside. It should have been Mr. Dongguo's guardian spirit sneaking up on me. Instead, I was injured by the man in the t-shirt, so Mr. Dongguo was also injured.

Now that Mr. Nanguo was reduced to a corpse, Mr. Dongguo couldn't fight me and the man in the T-shirt alone, so he ran away before we could go out.

But before he left, he sneered: We will die in seven days!

I took two steps forward and asked him coldly what he meant. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you. I have a magical weapon from Longquan Villa in my hand. You can't escape... you can't escape!"

I was stunned for a moment, and when I looked up again, Mr. Dongguo was gone.

I wanted to catch up, but the man in the T-shirt stopped me. I worriedly asked him what other artifacts Longquan Villa had?

The man in the T-shirt looked very ugly, and whispered something that he was afraid they would get that...

He didn't seem to be talking to me. Instead, he seemed to be talking to himself in the air. But I could hear his panic and couldn't help but feel more worried. However, the man in the T-shirt didn't answer no matter how I asked him.

But he asked me some strange questions, basically, had my hair or blood been taken away recently?

I am not sure that I often fight with others, even Mr. Dong Guo and others may have my blood and hair on them at some point.

After I finished speaking, the man in the T-shirt suddenly became nervous, and I immediately reacted: "Could the artifact at Longquan Villa have something to do with this?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded and shook his head. He frowned and said that it seemed unnecessary to use that artifact on me. This made me a little depressed?

But since he said this, it further proves that the artifact of Longquan Villa is by no means that simple.

I asked again, but the man in the T-shirt just shook his head and said he was not sure yet, and there was no need to panic everyone.

Li Mazi said in a relaxed tone on the side: "This artifact may be just a temporary fabrication by Mr. Dongguo to scare us. There is really no need to believe it."

Although I felt that what Mr. Dongguo said when he escaped could not be false, but nothing happened for two days in a row, so I felt relieved and asked the man in the T-shirt when he was going to deal with the Thai black magicians.

Although they are not the main force, they always cause us little trouble from time to time. They are just like annoying flies, which is really annoying.

Now that Mr. Nan Guo is dead, Mr. Dong Guo will probably be quiet for a while, so he can be free to deal with the black-clothed mage.

But the man in the T-shirt waved his hand listlessly and asked me to wait, saying that now was not the time!

But I was very anxious. If I waited one more day, Yin Xinyue and the others would be closer to death, but the man in the T-shirt didn't express his position for a long time, and I couldn't rush forward alone.

It was already the third day since Mr. Dongguo escaped. I said with a dark face, "If you don't go, I will go alone. Xinyue and the others can't afford to wait!"

After that, I packed some things I needed and was about to go out. The man in the T-shirt wanted to stop me, but for some reason he put his hand down again as soon as he raised it.

I thought he really didn't want to go, so I walked out the door angrily. When Li Mazi saw something was wrong, he quickly came up to persuade me, but I was too anxious to listen to what they said.


My hand was already on the door handle, but there was a plop behind me. I quickly turned my head, only to find the man in the T-shirt with a pale face lying under the sofa. He tried to sit up but fell down again. .

Li Mazi stared at the man in the T-shirt as if he was petrified, and said in a voice: "He seems to be sick!"

I was shocked and stepped forward, helped the man in the T-shirt to the sofa, and asked him what was going on.

He shook his head and said it was okay, then closed his eyes and stopped talking, but I no longer believed his words.

His face was frighteningly pale, and he looked like he had been seriously injured. How could he be okay?

"Is it related to the artifact Mr. Dong Guo mentioned?"

I asked worriedly, and the man in the T-shirt said weakly, no, obviously he didn't want to talk to me.

Li Mazi and I helped him lie down on the bed. He slept for about two or three hours and seemed to be getting better. I hurriedly approached him with a water glass and asked him how he felt.

He didn't take the cup, he just lifted the quilt and said calmly: "Let's go out."

"What to do?" I asked in confusion, holding a glass of water.

He said calmly: "Of course we are looking for the black-clothed mage's lair."

I looked at him doubtfully, obviously I said it was not the right time before, but now I was suddenly so anxious, so I shook my head and told him to have a good rest.

His current appearance makes me very uneasy, how dare I take action so easily.

But he insisted on going out, saying that he just collapsed because he was too tired.

The reason why he didn't go before was to make sure whether Mr. Dongguo would make a comeback, but it seemed that he wouldn't come back now, so he could go to the black-clothed mage without any worries.

Only a few hours later, our roles were reversed, and I was a little bit dumbfounded.

But I couldn't defeat him, so I could only nod and follow him out, leaving Li Mazi guarding the hotel.

The man in the T-shirt walked very slowly. Sometimes he would stop to take a breath after walking a few steps. What was even more exaggerated was that once when he was about to step over a very short step, he suddenly fell down while lifting his feet.

Fortunately, I kept an eye on him all the way and didn't let him fall hard.

"What happened to you?"

I frowned and added without waiting for his answer: "Don't tell me it's okay. Do you look like you're okay?"

The man in the T-shirt waved his hands, but swallowed the last words that came to his lips. I couldn't do anything to him.

However, he obviously had no way to continue looking for the black mage. I took a taxi and went straight to the hotel. The man in the T-shirt seemed to know that arguing with me was useless, so he closed his eyes and rested in the back seat.

I kept looking at him in the rearview mirror, and then I realized that there was no trace of blood on his face. If it weren't for his still heaving chest, I would really have thought he was just a corpse now!

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