Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1313: Nailhead and Seven Arrows Book

Looking at his appearance, I vaguely guessed that it might be related to the artifact in Longquan Villa.

But what kind of artifact can directly kill a peerless master like the T-shirt man from thousands of miles away?

Back at the hotel, Li Mazi asked me strangely what happened? I pointed at the man in the T-shirt with a sullen face. He was now so weak that he couldn't even stand. He relied on me to hold on to him on the way back.

I helped the man in the T-shirt to the sofa, and he smiled and said it was okay, saying that he was probably just tired.

Of course I didn't believe it, but I didn't expose him on the surface. I knew it had something to do with what Mr. Dongguo said before he ran away, but the man in the T-shirt insisted not to say anything, and there was nothing I could do.

Li Mazi and I spent the night in fear. When we woke up the next day, the condition of the man in the T-shirt was even worse. He had dark circles under his eyes and seemed to be almost out of breath while lying on the bed.

I brought breakfast up from the lobby. The man in the T-shirt looked at me with his eyes open, but had no strength to speak. I handed the bun to his mouth, but he showed no intention of eating it. He just shook his head weakly.

Seeing his appearance, I felt more and more uncomfortable. I brought him a glass of water and tried to feed him to drink it, but he couldn't swallow it anymore and the water flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

The look in his eyes when he looked at me was also full of despair. I just sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him. Sometimes he was awake and sometimes unconscious. Sometimes his breathing would stop suddenly, which scared me to stop breathing too.

After struggling like this for a day and a night, the man in the T-shirt did not get better. His face became paler and paler, and he looked like a terminally ill patient waiting for death to come.

Li Mazi called me aside and asked me worriedly if the man in the T-shirt had any disease. I shook my head and said, "It's not like you don't know how your health is in the first year of junior high school. No matter how sick you are, it can kill you within a few days." Is it like this?"

Li Mazi turned his head and looked at the man in the T-shirt lying on the bed, and sighed deeply.

I have been trying to feed the man in the T-shirt all day, but I have never succeeded. He wakes up occasionally with a vacant look in his eyes.

I had a stern look on my face and didn't know what to say. He reluctantly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, as if he wanted to say something, but he just opened his mouth but no sound came out.

"What's going on? Can you tell me? You just plan to wait to die like this."

I yelled anxiously, and the man in the T-shirt looked at me with a weak and desperate tone: "It's the Nailhead Seven Arrows book!"

By the time these five words fell, he was already unconscious, but I stood there with cold hands and feet. I finally know why he never said anything, because even if he did, I couldn't save him...

Nailhead Seven Arrows book!

I was shocked and turned pale, looking at the man in the T-shirt who was lying on the bed and almost stopped breathing. I felt deeply helpless.

"Brother, what on earth is this Nailhead Seven Arrows book?"

Li Mazi rubbed his hands and asked me anxiously, but I was speechless and closed my eyes to think of a solution.

People who often read classical novels should be very familiar with it. The term "Nailhead Seven Arrows Book" first appeared in "The List of Fengshen". It is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times. It is on the same level as the Fantian Seal and the Immortal-Slaying Sword.

Legend has it that Jiang Ziya led an army to conquer the Shang Dynasty, but encountered a Taoist priest named Zhao Gongming who stopped him halfway.

This Zhao Gongming was a top-notch master among the Jiejiao. He rode a black tiger and held a steel whip. He killed more than a dozen of Jiang Ziya's generals in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Ziya knew that not only would he not be able to defeat Zhao Gongming if he continued like this, but he would also bring down the army, so he thought of a cunning way and secretly borrowed an artifact: the Nail Head Seven Arrows Book.

The so-called Seven Arrows Book refers to seven peach wood arrows of unknown origin. These seven arrows contain a powerful curse.

Just get the hair or blood of the target, write his birth date and horoscope, then stick it on the scarecrow, and shoot an arrow every day with the nail-head Seven Arrows Book. Shoot the limbs first, then the eyes, and finally the center. As long as all seven arrows are gone, even gods will not be able to escape.

Relying on this, Jiang Ziya successfully got rid of Zhao Gongming and won the final victory.

Zhao Gongming's cultivation level is close to the supreme god level, and he has no power to fight back under the Seven Arrows book, let alone the man in the T-shirt?

I exhaled and tried to calm myself down. Long Qingqiu spent a lot of money to kill me this time, and even gave this to the two killers.


I looked at the man in the T-shirt, my mind spinning rapidly, and I suddenly realized that Long Qingqiu’s target this time didn’t seem to be me, otherwise I would have been killed by the human spirit.

It should be that Long Qingqiu deliberately used Thai people to cause trouble for me, with the ultimate goal of luring the T-shirt man out and eradicating him.

This move is very sinister. If we see through their true target and prevent the man in the T-shirt from taking action, everyone around me, including me, may die, and Long Qingqiu will also suffer no loss.

If he hadn't seen through it, taking the T-shirt man's life and then dealing with us would probably be a trivial matter to Long Qingqiu!

"Don't worry, I will definitely try to save you!"

Looking at the man in the T-shirt who had closed his eyes, I wasn't sure if he could hear it, but I still said it seriously, as if this could make me feel at ease.

Now I finally understand why the man in the T-shirt suddenly went to find those black wizards. It was because he knew that he wouldn't last long, so he had to solve this problem for me before he died.

It's a pity that he still underestimated the power of the Seven Arrows Book!

I was searching for Mr. Dongguo's whereabouts like crazy. There were still two days left before the seven-day death period in the Seven Arrows book. If I couldn't find Mr. Dongguo within two days and successfully stopped him, the T-shirt man would only die.

Seeing that the sun was about to set today, I returned to the hotel tiredly. Li Mazi shook his head at me and said that the man in the T-shirt showed no signs of waking up.

I stared blankly at the man in the T-shirt. The past events passed through my mind like a revolving lantern. I finally collapsed and collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down my face involuntarily.

I don’t know how long it took, but I took a breath and slapped myself hard.

He's not dead yet in the first year of junior high school. Why are you crying here?

I wiped my tears with my sleeves and sat up from the ground. Although I wanted to cheer up, I still felt unable to do so.

This is in Thailand. None of the connections I have accumulated over the years can be used, and no one else has seen Mr. Dongguo. There are quite a few Chinese people performing on the streets of Thailand carrying erhus, but they are disappointed every time they go there.

After tossing and turning in the hotel all night, I rushed out early the next morning and searched street by street. The more I searched, the more anxious I became.

I was too tired to walk, so I sat down at a street vendor, asked for a bowl of water, and gulped it down. After I finished drinking, I put the bowl down and got up to continue looking for Mr. Dong Guo.

"Brother, buy a flower." At this time, a clear voice came.

Before I had time to leave my seat, I turned my head in surprise when I heard the voice. It’s not strange to hear Chinese here, but not many people speak Chinese when they meet.

This is a very cute girl. Normally I would have paid for some, but now I was really not in the mood, so I waved my hand and said I was not in the mood.

"Is my brother looking for someone?"

The girl's voice locked me in place. I squatted down suddenly, held her arms with both hands and asked, "How do you know? Have you seen that person?"

The little girl frowned, and I realized that the strength in my hand was too much, so I quickly let go and said, "I'm sorry, little sister, tell my brother, have you seen that person?"

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