Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1314 Sad Song

The little girl nodded and told me that there was a blind man who memorized the erhu and asked me to meet him at a shipyard at seven o'clock tomorrow evening. After that, the little girl gave me a note.

I opened the note, and in addition to the specific address, there was another sentence on it: If you don't want him to die, just come to meet him on time tomorrow!

Tomorrow at seven o'clock... This stupid Mr. Dongguo doesn't want to give me any time to react.

But now, there is no other way. I can only bite the bullet and wait for tomorrow to come.

When I returned to the hotel, I found that the face of the man in the T-shirt was even paler, which made me very worried. Even though my abilities are gradually improving, the man in the T-shirt is still invincible in my heart. This is the first time I have seen him bedridden, as if he was going to die in the next moment.

"Brother Zhang, is there any news?"

Li Mazi asked anxiously. I nodded and said that Mr. Dongguo asked me to meet tomorrow night. Li Mazi cursed excitedly: "Damn, I will go with you tomorrow and cut this blind man into pieces with a thousand knives!"

I shook my head and asked him to guard the T-shirt man in the hotel. If both of us went out, if...if something happened to the T-shirt man, even killing Mr. Dongguo would be of no use.

Li Mazi's chest was rising and falling, and he was obviously out of breath. After a while, he slowly regained his composure, and nodded to reassure me that he would definitely take good care of the T-shirt man.

I didn't sleep all night, and instead fell asleep lying on the bedside at dawn. When I woke up again, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. I first took a bath, then tidied myself up, and finally got out of bed at half past six. Depart from the hotel and rush to the dock.

When leaving, Li Mazi calmly said he would wait for me to come back, but deep in his eyes was despair. The man in the T-shirt was already on the verge of death. How could he expect Li Mazi to take care of him.

Although I know that I can't have any initiative when I go, I don't want to look too embarrassed, otherwise Mr. Dongguo will only become more arrogant!

The dock is actually not far from the hotel. I have looked for it before, but I didn't find any trace. I think it must be the place where Mr. Dong Guo temporarily found it in the past two days.

At seven o'clock, I appeared at the dock on time, and a dark and thin local led me in. This dock is on land on three sides. The place where the locals led me was the place where ships are repaired in Linshui.

This is a very open area, and there are no boats parked around it. Mr. Dongguo must have made some arrangements.

But I didn't see Mr. Dongguo when I got there, and I couldn't help but feel worried. What if Mr. Dongguo just lured me here on purpose?

This thought became more and more serious as Mr. Dongguo didn't show up, and I became more and more irritated. I couldn't help shouting, but there was still no response.

I secretly resented it, turned around and ran out. If Mr. Dongguo went to the hotel first, the T-shirt man and Li Mazi would definitely die!

If... I mean if the man in the T-shirt is really hopeless, at least I want to be by his side at this last moment, and I can't let him go alone like this.


A clear and sad voice suddenly came from behind me the moment I turned around. I turned around suddenly and was shocked to find Mr. Dongguo sitting not far from me, with a dull expression on his face and his fingers plucking the strings quickly.

Although I wanted to kill Mr. Dongguo right away, I had to admit that he looked very sad at the moment, and the erhu sound was also full of sad emotions.

I just looked at him, completely forgetting what I was doing here. Listening to his tune, my eyes couldn't help but get wet.


The sound of the erhu suddenly changed its tune and stopped abruptly.

Before I had time to recover from the sadness, I saw Mr. Dongguo stand up from his chair angrily, looked at me a little crazy, and said word by word: "So you also know sadness?"

Only then did I realize that what he was wearing was actually Mr. Nan Guo’s Night Devil cloak! I thought this cloak had been destroyed when Mr. Nanguo died.

But I know very well that this night devil cloak is just an illusion. Mr. Nan Guo's guardian spirit Gao Jianli has been expelled. This night devil cloak has no other use besides making people invisible.

I looked at him tit for tat. Since he asked me out, it meant that he wanted something. Otherwise, he would just kill the man in the T-shirt. There was no need to go through such trouble.

Mr. Dongguo did not reply to my words, but asked: "Do you know what Nanguo means to me?"

Looking at his painful look, I felt a little weird. I always felt that his feelings for Mr. Nan Guo were a little strange.

However, he obviously had no intention of letting me answer. After asking the question, he continued to tell the story between him and Nan Guo: "Nan Guo is different from other people. I am a blind man. I only know how to play the erhu. I live a normal life." There is no difference between a beggar. But Nan Guo did not dislike me. Later, he discovered that the erhu was actually a feint, and he slowly led me into the circle of femininity killers."

Mr. Dongguo seemed to be lost in memories, and plucked the strings from time to time: Do you know? The Yin spirit who originally lived in Erhu was Gao Jianli.

I looked at him suddenly. Yin objects and Yin spirits are usually combined into one. If the character in the Erhu was Gao Jianli at the beginning, then the Yin spirit in the night devil's cloak should be Jing Ke!

So, the two of them have exchanged each other's guardian spirits?

Sure enough, he spoke again: "Jing Ke and Gao Jianli never saw each other again after they parted ways in Yishui, leaving Gao Jianli with only eternal memories. Unexpectedly, they would meet each other again after a thousand years, so Nan Guo and I decided Protecting each other changed the guardian spirits, which also made us understand each other better."

"You don't know how much I love Nan Guo. Not only did you kill him, but you also made him die so miserably, so I also want to let you have a taste of sadness!"

Originally speaking with affection, I felt goosebumps all over my body. The strange feeling just now was confirmed. It turns out that Mr. Dongguo and Mr. Nanguo are actually a homosexual couple!

No wonder love is stronger than gold, even a high bounty did not turn the two people against each other.

This is similar to Gao Jianli and Jing Ke. It has been recorded in unofficial history that the friendship between Gao Jianli and Jing Ke seems to have gone beyond ordinary friends. The two slept together, slept on the same pillow, and finally died one after another in assassination attempts. On the road of Qin Shihuang.

What the truth is has long become an unsolved case in history. However, the ghosts of Gao Jianli and Jing Ke are still together today. The records in unofficial histories are most likely true.

Although what Mr. Dongguo said was very touching, I didn't feel anything at all. I said coldly that Mr. Nanguo died because he wanted to kill us, so he just deserved his death.

Tied for first place in the list of femininity killers, countless prey have died in their hands over the years, and there are countless good people among them.

"A worthy death?"

My words completely angered Mr. Dong Guo. He slowly stepped back and walked in front of a person covered in red cloth. I looked at him warily with my double swords for killing ghosts and gods, not daring to relax at all.

He sneered and said he wanted me to see something good. After saying that, he opened the red cloth with a brush.

My eyes immediately turned blood red. It was a scarecrow with six short arrows stuck in it. There was also a piece of paper taped to the scarecrow's forehead.

This is... the Nailhead Seven Arrows book!

What was written on the paper was the birth date of the man in the T-shirt!

Mr. Dongguo held a sinister ox-horn bow in one hand, drew out the last arrow with the other hand, and said in a sinister tone: "How about it, if I shoot it now, he will die, right?"

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