Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1315 Painful Torment

As Mr. Dong Guo was about to shoot an arrow, I screamed no!

He put away his bow and arrows and said to himself that he would not kill me now because he thought it would be too easy for me and he must torture me severely.

I took a breath and asked him what he wanted?

Mr. Dongguo said oh, and seemed to be thinking about something with great interest, but I began to panic in my heart.

Sure enough, he said with a sinister smile: "There is water below. You jump down and soak in the water for me. You are not allowed to come up without me."

I was a little hesitant. Although the weather was not cold, there was a lot of dirty oil in the water. If he lit the oil after I got down, I would probably be burned to pieces.

Moreover, it is at night, and the water temperature drops very quickly. Even if it is not cold now, the water temperature will be frighteningly low in half an hour!

But as soon as I hesitated, he took out his bow and arrow and threatened me.

I could only run forward a few steps and jump directly into the water.

"Go in with your head too!"

Although Mr. Dongguo couldn't see it, he knew that I would cut corners and threatened that if I tried to be cunning again, he would shoot the last arrow directly in. At worst, the fish would be dead and the net would be broken!

It didn't look like he was telling lies, so I no longer dared to go against his wishes, so I held my breath and dived to the bottom of the water. I don’t know how long it took, but I couldn’t hold it in anymore and bubbles kept coming out of my mouth.

I couldn't hear the sound at all in the water, even if he called me up, I couldn't hear him, and I didn't dare to take the risk. If I went up and he didn't call, I would have a reason to shoot the arrow.

This blind man is so vicious...

Gulu gulu, I finally couldn't hold it in any longer and sucked in several mouthfuls of water. The pressure on my chest became more and more stuffy, and I was about to fall into coma in the blink of an eye.

At this time, my hair was grabbed by someone, my body was light, and the air rushed in. I lay on the dock and coughed violently, and my chest felt stabbing.

The person who pulled me up was Mr. Dong Guo. It seemed that he really wanted to torture me and didn't want me to die so easily.

Before I could recover, he kicked me down again.

It just started over and over again. I don’t know how long it took. I only knew that all the strength in my body was drained away. As the night deepened, my body became colder and colder.

In the end, I lay on the iron plate like a dead fish. He kicked me and asked me how I felt.

" let go of the first year of junior high school."

I said tremblingly, and he said oh, went straight to the side, and brought a stove, a very old stove with charcoal fire burning inside.

He put the stove close to me, and I couldn't wait to reach out my hands to heat it. My body gradually warmed up, which made me feel much more comfortable.

While I was warming myself by the fire, I was wondering what he would do next? He shouldn't be so kind and let me warm myself by the fire.

Sure enough, after I only felt comfortable for a while, Mr. Dong Guo sneered and said, "You cut Nan Guo into eight pieces. I'll be less careful and I'll scratch you eight times. Don't hide, otherwise I'll be in a bad mood. The last arrow is about to be shot."

His tone was already very calm, but it was more terrifying than angry.

After saying that, he pulled out a dagger from his waist. I just took one look at it and felt a chill in my back.

This is a rusty dagger!

He squatted down, put his left hand on my arm, and with the dagger in his right hand, he scratched my arm. Because the dagger was not sharp enough, he pulled it back and forth.

The dull pain that was worse than death made me scream. He held down my left hand, made a fist and hammered my shoulder hard, and said viciously: "Scream, the louder you scream. , Nanguo will be happier."

As he said that, he scratched my thigh with the dagger, and while he was scratching, he asked me if I felt good.

What a pervert!

I bit my lip tightly. It should have been bitten to bits. My mouth was filled with the smell of blood, but I held it back. Apart from the initial scream, I didn't let out another scream.

"Have some backbone."

Mr. Dong Guo made a neutral comment, moved the dagger to my chest, and made a third cut.

I'm not sure if I'm still conscious, I just know that the pain is very unreal, it seems to be very painful, but it doesn't seem like it's me who is hurting.

It wasn't until a basin of water was poured on me that I woke up shivering.

I was speechless and watched helplessly as he poured several bags of coarse salt into the bucket, stirred it, and poured it all on me.

The next moment, there was a burning pain all over my body, and I finally couldn't help but howl. He said happily: "How's it going? Do you like it very much? What are you going to do next?"

I couldn't understand what he was talking about, but I knew I was going to have to confess here today. He didn't even think about letting me go, he just wanted to torture me to death!

I don't know how long it took, but he clapped his hands as if he had thought of some good idea, and said excitedly: "Why don't you buy some snakes, insects, rats, and ants, and then put some honey on your body? Tsk tsk, I think they will be very good." like."

After hearing this, I started to tremble uncontrollably and begged, "Just kill me with one knife!"

"It's not that easy to die!"

He snorted coldly, then shook his head and said he had no time to waste with me. I shivered and held the two knives in my hands. If there was nothing I could do in the end, I might as well kill myself.

At this moment, Mr. Dong Guo kicked the stove that was burning nearby and said softly: "Does it feel good to warm up the fire? Do you feel cold? That's good. You swallow the charcoal and it should heat up immediately."

I looked at him in disbelief. The charcoal was burning red. If I swallowed it, not to mention whether I would survive, my throat would definitely be gone.

"What, you don't dare?"

He looked at me, and although his eyes were dull, I felt that these eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

Seeing that he was about to take out his bow and arrow again, I endured the pain and took out a small piece of charcoal from the stove. Just as I was about to close my eyes and stuff it into my mouth, he spoke again: "You'd better not fool me, a blind man." If you are bullied, you will lose your mind.”

I immediately stopped and didn't dare to move. I picked another big piece, clenched my hands and stuffed it into my mouth!

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