Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1316 Saving the T-Shirt Man

The burning pain made me scream, my vision went black, and I wanted to pass out immediately, but Mr. Dongguo laughed loudly, and his crazy look looked particularly terrifying.

My heart moved, I held back the pain and swung it hard, and the ghost-killing swords flew out instantly.

This is the opportunity I have been waiting for for a long time. At the moment when he relaxes, I will try my best to hit him with a fatal blow!

Mr. Dongguo's laughter stopped suddenly, he touched the blade on his chest in disbelief, and slowly fell down.

He finally said sinisterly: "I should have killed you long ago..."

As he fell, a black shadow emerged from the erhu. I knew it was his guardian spirit Jing Ke.

I pushed myself to stand up. The guardian spirit, which had no owner, was obviously much weaker. I snorted coldly. Although my throat was still in severe pain, I felt relieved mentally.

At least the nail-headed Seven Arrows book has lost the seventh arrow, and the threat to the T-shirt man no longer exists.

Jing Ke's figure slowly disappeared, but I didn't relax at all. He is best at assassination, and he must be hiding in a corner now.

I slowly walked to Mr. Dongguo, took out the ghost-killing swords, and searched for the last arrow.

Jing Ke still didn't move. While I kept raising my vigilance, I walked over to the scarecrow and pulled out the six arrows stuck on it one by one.

Such a simple movement took all my strength, and then my body fell softly, and finally I could barely hold myself up by the scarecrow.

Ding, there was a sharp sound in my ears.

I turned my head suddenly and found a short knife stuck in the scarecrow's body. When I looked back, Jing Ke's ghost was standing one meter away, with a hand that looked like a flying knife.

I had no choice but to cheer up and rushed to Jing Ke's side like a flashback. The speed was so fast that I thought it was incredible.

He is an assassin, but I also hide something specifically designed to deal with assassins: the invisible needle.

I sneered and manipulated the invisible needle to pierce its body and shouted, "Go to hell!"

It didn't expect me to be so fast, and its eyes were as incredulous as its owner's.

Watching Jing Ke's figure disappear, I collapsed to the ground, unable to move anymore.

I thought if no one came in and found me, maybe this would be my final burial place. Fortunately, I revived the man in the T-shirt before I died.

The two of us have been partners for half our lives, and I finally saved him once on my own!

After that, a lot of things began to appear in my head in confusion, and I couldn't help but smile bitterly. Could this be the revolving door before death?

I slowly closed my eyes, waiting for the next moment to come. At this moment, the Eternal Spirit Ring on my hand lit up, and an illusory shadow flew out from it.

I was very happy, it was Sun Simiao, the king of medicine.

"Little friend, let me relieve your pain!"

With a gentle wave of his hand, my pain was as if it had never existed. My throat after swallowing charcoal was restored to its original state, and all my strength returned. I am truly worthy of being the King of Medicine.

Seeing that I woke up, Sun Simiao just smiled at me and nodded, and then returned to the ring.

The reason why he took the initiative to save me must be because I helped his descendants revive the power of traditional Chinese medicine. It seems that everything in the world does have cause and effect.

I dragged my tired body back to the hotel. Although the man in the T-shirt hadn't woken up yet, his face was obviously rosy. Li Mazi said excitedly that the man in the T-shirt had started to get better an hour ago, and his breathing had stabilized.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief, then collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. I was woken up the next day. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the man in the T-shirt standing beside the bed. Although he didn't speak, I could see that his eyes were full of gratitude.

I chuckled, and the two of them ignored the question. Over the years, between us, you help me and I help you, we no longer need the pretentious polite words...

After resting in the hotel for two days, the man in the T-shirt completely improved. He smiled and said that now that Longquan Villa has failed, there should be no big moves for the time being, so now he should settle the score with the black-clothed mage.

I became excited as soon as I heard this. This organization has had a huge impact on us during this period, and they seem to be cooperating with Longquan Villa.

However, we have never been able to find time to deal with them before. Now we only have to wait for the five ingredients to be refined and we will return home. It is time to settle the score with them.

And after solving them, I can more confidently refine the antidote, so as soon as the man in the T-shirt proposed it, we immediately nodded in agreement.

But I didn't let Li Mazi go, and the injuries on his body were not easy to repair, and the materials needed someone to look at them, so someone had to stay in the hotel.

Li Mazi glared at me unhappily, and then gestured with his hand on the wound on his shoulder: "Brother Zhang, you must avenge me!"

I smiled and nodded, packed my things and followed the man in the T-shirt out of the hotel.

"Do you know where they are?" I asked.

After leaving the hotel, the man in the T-shirt took a taxi directly and gave me a place name. I had never heard of this place before and it must be very remote.

The man in the T-shirt nodded and said that based on his speculation, this group of people must be staying in a place that is unobtrusive and convenient for movement. Bangkok is not big, and the area we are in is even smaller, so such a place is inherently small. Young, based on the size of the black mage organization, he thought of a place.

When the taxi driver stopped, I discovered that this was an abandoned bar, which was close to the slums. This area was considered a transition zone. No one took care of the bar after it was abandoned, so it was really difficult for people to find this place.

I asked the man in the T-shirt if he was not sure, because once we break in and find no one, we will alert the snake, and then they will hide deeper.

The man in the T-shirt said calmly: "I'll go in and touch it first. If it doesn't come out in ten minutes, you can follow me in."

I nodded and huddled in a dark corner beside the bar, watching the man in the T-shirt go around and easily climb up the wall, and then jump in.

After he jumped in, I lit a cigarette and counted the time.

After about five minutes, I put out the cigarette butts, gripped the ghost-killing swords tightly, and was ready to attack at any time.


As soon as I pulled out the knife, the T-shirt man's order came out, and then I kicked open the door of the semi-abandoned bar and rushed in.

The man in the T-shirt stood in the open-air courtyard of the bar. He was surrounded by mages in black robes, and the charming woman who injured Li Mazi that day was also there.

What surprised me was that the deputy gang leader of Longquan Villa was staring at the man in the T-shirt sinisterly, as if he had swallowed him.

I suddenly laughed, thinking about what I promised Xiang Yan, and she happened to be still here, so let's forget about the old and new grudges!

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