Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1317 Nine-tailed Fox Fairy Card

My action of kicking open the door successfully attracted the attention of these people. The man in the T-shirt quickly pulled out his long sword and struck directly at the mage closest to him. The mage could not avoid it and was slashed in the waist by the man in the T-shirt. In the blink of an eye, He lost his ability to fight.

The man in the T-shirt sneered and looked at the deputy gang leader, and said calmly: "It's not that simple to become a human spirit. It seems like you are about to be backlashed by that evil spirit, right?"

I looked at the man in the T-shirt in surprise. He continued to talk to the human spirit: "The five materials taken this time must be used to suppress the Yin spirit in your body, right?"

The deputy gang leader showed no expression from the beginning to the end. She just stared at the man in the T-shirt and said calmly: "I didn't expect Nailhead Seven Arrows didn't kill you. Your life is still very big."

I clenched my hands hard and couldn't help but cursed despicably!

Although I saved the T-shirt man in the end, I will never forget the suffering that the T-shirt man suffered because of Nailhead Seven Arrows.

If it weren't for the Yin Spirit of Sun Simiao in the Eternal Spirit Ring, I would have been dead even if I wasn't dead. So now that I hear this woman talk about the Seven Arrows Book of Nailheads lightly, I feel very angry.

Just when I was about to rush forward and fight them, the man in the T-shirt stopped me and shook his head at me, saying lightly that there would be plenty of opportunities soon.

Regarding the man in the T-shirt, the deputy gang leader simply said two words: arrogant.

The man in the T-shirt didn't pay attention to the deputy gang leader, but turned to look at me: "Is it okay to leave this human soul to you?"

I was stunned for a moment, then I clenched my swords and nodded solemnly. I must avenge this gang leader with my own hands!

The man in the T-shirt smiled and patted my shoulder. He turned his eyes to the people from the black-clothed mage organization and said in a cold voice that since you are cooperating with Longquan Villa, you have to pay the price.

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot and rushed directly towards another mage in black. The deputy gang leader immediately rushed towards the man in the T-shirt. I stepped aside and said coldly: "It's better to deal with us first. The grievances between them."

"Just you?"

She looked at me disdainfully and said that if the target this time was not the T-shirt man, I would have been played to death by Mr. Dong Guo.

Although what she said was right, I didn't take it seriously and said coldly: "It's a pity that they are the ones who die now! By the way, I accepted the Nailhead Seven Arrows book from Longquan Villa without any courtesy."

"Then I will kill you first and then deal with that dead Taoist priest!"

She roared angrily and then her body quickly grew in size, and a black shadow enveloped my head. Seeing her like this, I actually felt excitement welling up in my heart.

Maybe it was because I had been thoroughly treated by Sun Simiao. I felt like I had endless energy in my body, and my fear of the human spirit was not as deep as before.

The two knives swung sharp blades in my hands. I twisted around from the left side of the deputy gang leader to the back, and the blade of the knife quickly penetrated her back.

I didn't expect that although she was big now, her movements were extremely agile. She jumped forward slightly to avoid my attack, and then swatted her back directly with her huge claws.

I leaned back and flipped several times. The deputy gang leader's attack didn't give me the slightest chance. I finally landed on the ground, and the next second she caught me again.

I hid while looking at the man in the T-shirt. Although he blocked all the black mages by himself, he didn't have the energy to support me anymore, and I didn't have the nerve to ask him for help.

According to my script, I should be the one to help him after he kills the soul in seconds. Now it is unrealistic to kill her in seconds. I put away my initial contempt and started fighting with her seriously.

Soon I noticed that the movements of the human spirit had slowed down. It seemed that as she grew bigger, her spiritual energy was consumed a lot, but I was getting more and more comfortable wielding my swords.

After persisting for a few more rounds, the human spirit's movements suddenly stagnated, and then its body quickly shrank.

It seemed that her spiritual power had been almost exhausted. I was overjoyed, chanted a spell, combined the two knives together, and threw them out with all my strength.

With a muffled sound, the human soul was cut in half by me!

Her true form was already very petite, so it was reasonable for her to be defeated by the combined force of the two swords.

I muttered silently in my heart: General Xiang Yan, I have helped you get your wish, and then looked towards the man in the T-shirt.

After escaping from death, he also became more and more courageous as he fought. He had defeated a large number of black magicians, and the remaining people had a faint urge to escape. I knew that I must not let them escape, otherwise there would be endless troubles, but yet Can't really kill them all.

Suddenly I had an idea and took out the Nine-tailed Fox Buddha amulet left to me by Master Azan Ming.

This amulet embodies Azan Ming's lifelong cultivation and should be very powerful. I quietly moved to the center of the battle circle and recited the Buddhist incantation.

I saw the Nine-tailed Fox Buddha card spinning rapidly into the sky, and then pouring silver light into the courtyard continuously. Before the black-clothed mage could react, the silver light enveloped the entire courtyard.

The black-clothed mages all panicked and turned around to escape. At this moment, nine white foxes flew out from the Buddhist amulet. They kept jumping up and down in the yard like ghosts. All the black-clothed mages who were injured by the foxes instantly He collapsed to the ground as if he had lost all strength.

I seized the opportunity and yelled at the man in the T-shirt: "Cut my hair and get my blood!"

The man in the t-shirt hesitated for a moment and then gave me a thumbs up, and then he started working with me. These mages temporarily lost their magic power, and no matter how hard the man in the t-shirt and I were, I soon removed the hair of all the black-clothed mages. and blood samples were taken.

After doing all this, I took back the amulet and shouted to the black-clothed masters: "From now on, you and I will stay on the same page. If you dare to cooperate with Longquan Villa again, be careful with your heads!"

They originally wanted to run away, but now that I have caught the handle, they dare not act arrogantly, because now I have the Seven Arrows book in my hand, and I will kill them in minutes!

"What are you still doing, get out!" I cursed viciously.

The black-clothed mages looked at me and retreated dejectedly.

The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other, smiled, and went back to the hotel. After learning what happened, Li Mazi yelled that he regretted not going with us.

That night, the man in the T-shirt and I put together five ingredients to prepare an antidote for breaking the glass drop.

Li Mazi and I were both heartbroken and returned the ashes of Azan Ming early the next morning and attended his funeral.

After settling everything, we quickly returned to China and gave Yin Xinyue and the others the antidote. The glass in their eyes fell apart that day. After taking it for three consecutive days, they finally recovered.

Considering that the T-shirt man had to deal with his affairs next, I handed him the Nailhead Seven Arrows book.

After the T-shirt man left, Li Mazi took Xiaomeng and Teacher Xia back to Macheng, while Yin Xinyue and I returned to our antique shop. I closed the door and hugged her tightly.

This incident made me understand that she is likely to leave me at any time...

I thought about it for a long time and gave Yin Xinyue the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy Card. She didn't want to take it. She thought it should be used to protect me, but I insisted on letting her take it.

"Only by ensuring your safety will I have no worries."

I said seriously, Yin Xinyue burst into tears with a smile, and hugged me tightly!

Buddhism originated from the ancient Indian state of Kapilavastu, but it underwent different changes after spreading to China and Thailand! Chinese folk Confucianism and Taoism culture prevailed, so the troubled wooden fish was born. Thai folk witchcraft became popular, so the Buddha amulet that signed a contract with the ghosts was born.

It is not recommended for ordinary people to wear Buddhist amulets. Don’t look at the shiny golden amulets engraved with Somdej Buddha, Masked Buddha, etc., which can satisfy your various wishes. In fact, they are all evil objects, and they are lodged in them. They are basically ferocious devils.

Please remember one sentence: Buddha does not care about the mortal world, only ghosts can come at any time.

But Master Azanming's white clothes were better than snow all his life, and his kind thoughts made the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy pure and flawless. Only then did I feel confident that the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy would become the patron saint of the new moon.

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