Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,318 Jianghu comes to the rescue

After giving the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy Card to Yin Xinyue, Yin Xinyue seemed to cherish it very much.

She specially bought a shrine to enshrine the Buddha amulet, and put the fruits that the Fox Fairy liked, perfume, shower gel, lipstick, etc. Because I told him that fox fairies love beauty by nature, and because foxes are born with body odor, they are particularly obsessed with fragrant things, so it is right to worship them like this.

The next day Yin Xinyue told me excitedly that the fox fairy entrusted her with a dream last night! He said he really likes this new home and the new owner.

I’m not that quick to recognize the owner of the Xin Dao Buddha amulet, right?

I opened my eyes curiously and saw a big fox with snow-white fur and squinted eyes, sleeping beautifully on Yin Xinyue's shoulder. Its nine tails bloomed like a peacock's tail, which was particularly beautiful.

It seemed that it really got along with Yin Xinyue, so I simply untied the ice jade gourd, released the tail jade that was healing inside, and let her play in the antique shop.

Weiyu also belongs to a fox and is Daji's clone. Maybe he and this nine-tailed fox have something in common?

Just watching the two foxes compare their beauty every day for a month, I planned whether I should take Yin Xinyue out to travel to relax and make up for it? After all, I really owe her a lot for the last incident.

After Yin Xinyue learned of my plan, she pouted without interest: "I won't go on the trip. Anyway, no matter where I go, as long as I encounter a vaginal object, you will immediately abandon me with your eyes shining brightly." Between the lines. Revealing infinite grievances.

I quickly patted my chest and promised: "Don't worry, this time it will definitely not..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Boss Bai's whirring voice came from outside: "Shopkeeper Zhang! Come out and have a look. Someone has brought a musket from the Ming Dynasty Shenji Camp for you to identify."

I felt itchy after hearing this, and smiled apologetically at Yin Xinyue: "Well... I'll go out and have a look first, and I'll make my promise to you again when I come back!"

Leaving these words behind, I rushed out of the door without looking back, making Yin Xinyue so angry that she could only stamp her feet.

Ever since I became a femininity dealer, my life has been completely dominated by femininity. Sooner or later, I will become a demon because of it.

The saddest thing in the world is that the person is dead but the money is not spent. In order to save myself and enjoy my old age, I decided it was time to make a change. So I posted a 'closed for business' note in front of the door, and began to develop a relationship with Yin Xinyue with peace of mind.

Yin Xinyue looked at me inexplicably: "Did you do something wrong? Tell me, and I will forgive you. Did you drop that set of Tang Sancai plates? Wouldn't you take mine that can only be dry cleaned? Has the skirt been washed? Could it be that... you have a new love outside? "

Where is this going?

"Am I that kind of person?" I muttered unhappily: "I just feel that since we got married, we have been together less and more apart. To this day, we still only have one son, Fanfan. You said that after a hundred years from us, he will be the only one in the world. How pitiful is it? I don’t even have anyone to consult with me when I encounter something, it makes me sad just thinking about it.”

Yin Xinyue smiled slightly: "So?"

"So..." I moved forward affectionately and took her into my arms: "Should we continue our efforts to give Fanfan a younger brother or sister?" I didn't know if I didn't hug her, but I was shocked when I hugged her. What Yin Xinyue did recently Aerobic yoga seems to be very effective, and her figure is plumper and more exquisite.

I think caressing her body is much more interesting than identifying the dynasties of those vaginal objects.

Yin Xinyue didn't resist, but let me move my hands up and down, with a very provocative look in her eyes. I picked her up and prepared to rush into the bedroom to do something shy. As a result, at this critical moment, Li Mazi rushed in at an inappropriate time, shouting "Jianghu emergency".

Li Mazi has never shied away from this kind of thing where bad people and good deeds are poor for three generations, but I hated him so much that I decided to just sit back and ignore him.

Yin Xinyue asked softly in my arms: "Why don't you ask him what happened?"

"Don't ask!" I replied without thinking, "I just want to have a good chat with you now."

Yin Xinyue smiled lightly and looked even more charming. My heart beat faster and my steps became much faster. But Li Mazi roared: "Brother Zhang, there is a very overbearing evil thing, and you have to come forward!"

Femininity, but also very domineering?

I couldn't help but pause in my steps, hesitating whether to look back at Li Mazi and ask what happened.

Yin Xinyue looked half-smiling in my arms: "What, you don't want to talk to me anymore?"

With a beautiful woman in my arms on one side and a domineering vagina on the other, such a difficult choice was placed in front of me, and I felt it was a pity to give up either one.

Li Mazi was afraid that I wouldn't believe it, so he added loudly: "We can't wait to help the Jianghu!"

I gritted my teeth and put Yin Xinyue on the ground: "Well... wait for me after washing. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Yin Xinyue glared at me: "Don't come back, just go to sleep holding your vagina!" After saying this, she slammed the door. Hello! What about peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding?

Seeing that I was turned away, Li Mazi actually came over with a smile on his face and said, "Brother Zhang, are you having this day too? I thought I was the only one who would be shut out by my wife and rejected. I didn’t expect that this day would come to you. It can be seen that women don’t care whether you are handsome or not.”

As the initiator of destroying the relationship between other people's couples, Li Mazi's words were so righteous that I was stunned for a while. I looked at him dumbfounded: "Then what do you think women look at?"

Li Mazi looked me up and down: "Are your kidneys good?"

"Fuck you!" I slapped him unceremoniously: "Didn't you say it's urgent? What on earth is going on? If you don't attract my interest, today next year will be your death anniversary."

Li Mazi was shocked: "So cruel? It doesn't matter if you kill me, how many people's happiness will be ruined!"

I glanced at him: "Are you referring to Xia Qin?"

"Young people are full of unhealthy thoughts. Let me tell you what you are good at." Li Mazi actually pretended to be an outsider. I was so angry that I almost vomited blood: "Li Mazi, can you stop pretending to be a toad with a feather duster?" A big-tailed wolf?”

Li Mazi said sarcastically: "I'm talking about my precious son! He would be so pitiful and lonely without me. It makes my heartache to think about it."

"Don't worry, Xiaomeng will only develop better without a cheating father like you." I glared at Li Mazi impatiently: "Tell me, what kind of domineering creature is so anxious?"

Li Mazi said with a sly smile: "Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with Xia Qin..."

I glanced at him quizzically.

Li Mazi continued: "He is Xia Qin's brother-in-law. He has become a little weird recently. Sister Xia Qin was extremely worried and hurriedly called Xia Qin for help! After Xia Qin inquired carefully, she heard that her brother-in-law had recently come from nowhere. I found a treasured knife, and since the knife came to my house, strange things have often happened."

"For example, I often hear a man crying. Even though the faucet at home is turned off, I can still hear the sound of running water. The most terrifying thing is that Xia Qin's brother-in-law was originally a little boy with no power to restrain a chicken. The man's temperament has changed drastically since then, his eyes are extremely fierce, and he seems to be fighting for his life at any time."

"Xia Qin was afraid that her sister would be hurt, so she secretly came to discuss it with me. When I heard her mention the sword, I knew that it must be a feminine object. This feminine object can actually turn a little man into a thug. Do you think it is overbearing or not? "

I nodded: "So?"

"So?" Li Mazi was stunned: "This is a matter of Xia Qin's family. She and I have been developing smoothly recently. If we can take this opportunity to leave a good impression in front of her family, it will definitely add a lot of points. This is related to For my brother’s happiness, you must help me with this.”

Your happiness is happiness, but my sexual happiness is not?

My teeth were itching with hatred, and I stared at Li Mazi and said word for word: "We will break off our relationship after this transaction is completed!"

Li Mazi nodded repeatedly: "You can do it first and then talk about it!"

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