Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1319 Coward (additional update)

We asked Xia Qin to meet at a coffee shop.

Xia Qin arrived early, wearing a white work skirt, black-rimmed glasses, and a pair of watery big eyes that are extremely seductive, with a bit of mature temptation unique to female teachers.

This makes me feel a little relieved. Li Mazi has been emotionally hurt too much in his life. Xia Qin must be a gift from God, right?

Perhaps because she had something on her mind, Xia Qin stirred the coffee with a worried look on her face, while Li Mazi could only smile cautiously beside her.

After the coffee had cooled down, Xia Qin sighed and said, "I had no choice but to ask for help this time, which made Brother Zhang laugh."

I shook my head repeatedly: "Since you are Li Mazi's girlfriend, you are also my sister-in-law. We are all a family. If you can help, I will definitely help."

Xia Qin wiped her tears and said to herself: "My parents died in an accident when I was nine years old. My sister was only three years older than me at that time. The two of us were left helpless. My uncle adopted us. My uncle treated us quite well, at least we were able to live up to our reputation, but my aunt treated us as a thorn in our flesh. At first she just cursed us a few times, but later she started to take action when she saw that our uncle didn't care."

"It was not easy to live under someone else's roof. In order for me to study and make a career, my sister voluntarily gave up her studies and worked at my uncle's house! At that time, my uncle opened a small restaurant. Because it was close to the factory, the business was booming. My sister voluntarily gave up her studies at four o'clock every day. Zhong has to go to the store to help wash and cut vegetables. Sometimes he has to work until early in the morning, and he can only rest for one to two hours a day."

Perhaps because of her status as a teacher, Xia Qin's voice is extremely soft, and it is easy for people to relate to her when she talks about the past.

Although I have never experienced this kind of life of being dependent on others, I grew up with my grandfather when I was a child, so I can especially understand Xia Qin's mood. I sighed with emotion and didn't interrupt.

Xia Qin continued: "In this way, I successfully went to college, and after graduation I was assigned to teach English at Huanggang High School. My sister was already married at that time, and my brother-in-law was not worthy of my sister in terms of appearance or knowledge, but he was very fond of her. It was great. After I established myself in the city, I decided to call my sister and brother-in-law to live together. Then my sister and brother-in-law also came to Huanggang and opened a steamed bun shop."

"My brother-in-law is a native of the country. He has a submissive character and has no independent opinions. He is honest at best and cowardly at worst! He dare not say a word even if others spit in his face. You also know that in today's society, such people How can I survive? At first, only a few local gangsters came to the steamed bun shop to collect protection money. Later, when the neighbors saw my brother-in-law swallowing his anger, they not only did not help, but instead imitated those gangsters and bullied him, refusing to buy steamed buns. Money, and insulting people with dirty words. Sometimes my sister gets angry and wants to speak up for him, but her brother-in-law stops her and says that the couple left their hometown and lived in a big city where they are unfamiliar with each other. One less thing…”

Li Mazi said angrily: "Is this guy still a man? Don't worry, Xiaoqin, if you are in danger, I will fight tooth and nail for you!" He said it so confidently that he almost cursed.

A man's sweet words are inherently unreliable, but if they come from Li Mazi's mouth, they can be taken as a joke.

Xia Qin, a stupid woman, actually believed it and showed a very moved expression. If I hadn't been there to interfere, the two of them would have hugged each other and kissed each other.

I hurriedly said: "You can't say that. Self-preservation is human nature. At least it proves that your brother-in-law will not cause trouble."

Li Mazi retorted unhappily: "Brother Zhang, I always thought you were a man of flesh and blood, how could you say such a thing?"

I looked at him speechlessly: "This is a society governed by law. If you could rely on your own ideas, I would have reported you to the Palace of Hell as early as the second day you met me."

Li Mazi shrank in fear: "As for that? How have I offended you?"

"I can't say I'm offended, I just don't want to see you!" When I think about Yin Xinyue and I's good deeds being ruined by this guy, I get very angry.

Li Mazi wanted to continue nagging me, but I quickly asked Xia Qin: "What happened next?"

Xia Qin said: "With my brother-in-law's personality, being bullied has become a common occurrence every day, but he swallowed his anger and refused to say anything. After my sister and I complained, I was so angry that I immediately decided to call the police, but was My brother-in-law was stopped! I saw that my brother-in-law was willing to fight, so I simply ignored the matter. I didn’t even visit my sister for several days. But two days ago, my sister suddenly called me and told me that something had happened to my brother-in-law. , was arrested and taken to the police station, and I was asked to bring 50,000 yuan to rescue people. As soon as I heard this, I panicked and ignored my school courses. I hurriedly asked for leave and ran to the police station."

"What happened next? Did you get to the police station? Did the police give you any trouble?" I asked.

"The police are very easy to talk to, but the victim's family members refuse to compromise no matter what." Xia Qin said with a headache: "My brother-in-law doesn't know what evil he possessed, but he actually chopped people, and Instead of cutting one or two people, there were more than ten people! The family members demanded compensation, but my sister was so anxious that she had no choice but to cry. Fortunately, there were many people at the time, and my brother-in-law didn't attack too hard. These victims were all lightly injured. , and finally, with the mediation of the police, these people took the money and the case was dropped."

"At that time, I had not seen my brother-in-law for many days. When I saw him again, it was like meeting another person. His appearance was still the same, but his whole temperament had changed, especially his eyes, like a cheetah. General, so sharp that people dare not look at him! I was very shocked, and secretly asked my sister what happened. My sister said that my brother-in-law went back to his hometown in Shandong last week, and his personality changed after he came back. Xiaoqing has to discuss it with her sister before she dares to make a decision, now not only does she make the decision, but my sister is not allowed to object."

"What's going on? He still dares to beat your sister?" Li Mazi asked indignantly.

Xia Qin shook her head: "That's not true. Although his personality has changed drastically, he has never done anything to my sister, but that is not the case with outsiders. Didn't I tell you before that there are a few gangsters who always come to the steamed bun shop? Harassment? At first, they came to my brother-in-law's steamed bun shop, just to grab a few steamed buns and ask for some change to buy cigarettes. Later, when they saw that my sister was pretty, they always said some unreasonable things about my brother-in-law. At that time, my personality had not changed, and I did not dare to say anything when I saw this. I only told my sister not to go out when they came. After those gangsters saw my brother-in-law's cowardly behavior, they became even more aggressive. Once, they even wanted to climb over the wall to peek at my sister. bath!"

"That's too much!" Li Mazi clenched his fists: "Xiaoqin, don't be afraid, I will make the decision for our sister!"

Li Mazi's marriage was already faster than a rocket.

Xia Qin was moved and grabbed Li Mazi's hand: "Fortunately, I still have you."

Li Mazi blushed shyly.

I coughed a few times inappropriately on the side: "Well... let's get down to business. You should save these ambiguous words for when no one is around."

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