Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1328 Ghost Doll

Xiao Liang extended a hand to me in an unusually friendly manner: "Hello, I am Yin Xinyue's alumnus from high school. I met Xinyue when I attended a high school class reunion. I heard her mention you and learned some magical things about you. Experience. This time I took the liberty to come here to disturb you because there is a very evil thing that cannot be solved, at least it cannot be explained by current scientific methods."

Although his words were kind, my hostility toward him was not eliminated at all. I shook hands with him symbolically and said with a somewhat distant tone: "Really? What kind of case is so evil? I'm afraid that my ability is limited and I won't be able to help you."

Xiao Liang was able to sneak into the position of vice-captain at a young age, and his cleverness is not a problem. He immediately sensed my alienation and looked at me deeply.

Perhaps he came out of request, so his tone quickly softened: "Unless absolutely necessary, I will not ask for help through this method."

There was a hint of helplessness in his words.

After all, he was introduced by Xinyue. I didn't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face. I put away my carelessness, straightened my expression, asked him to sit down in the living room, and asked him seriously about the cases he had handled.

To my great surprise, Xiao Liang actually came here for the tragedy of the real estate king’s family extermination that I just saw. Although there are many doubts about this case, what does it have to do with ghost objects?

I was worried that Xiao Liang didn’t have a correct understanding of my abilities, so I hurriedly said: “I don’t know how Xinyue mentioned me to you, but my abilities are limited, and I’m afraid that I can’t do anything about it. It’s better to be cautious.”

Xiao Liang smiled bitterly and said: "Don't worry, Xinyue has told me a lot about you. Don't trust people when you employ them, and don't trust people when you doubt them. Since I dare to step into your store door, I absolutely believe that you can help me!" "

People have already talked about it to the point that it would be a bit unkind for me to push back.

So he got straight to the point and said: "The business I do is a bit shady. Since Xinyue dares to tell you the truth, I must trust you very much! I don't hide it anymore. Why do you think this case is related to yin objects?" "

Xiao Liang sighed softly: "Because after I took over this case, I entered the online archives and searched carefully, and I found a suspicious point." As he said, he took out a kraft paper file bag and handed it to me: "Look You will understand immediately..."

I took it in surprise and flipped through it casually. I was extremely shocked by the contents in the portfolio.

The records here are all unsolved cases that have not been solved by the police for decades. The time span in between is very large. The earliest case even occurred in a town in Henan just after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Because of the age, there are no photos, only a few pictures with beautiful handwriting. Record. It said that a whole family was killed overnight in an oil press in a small town. The scene was horrific and bloody, making the whole town panic. According to the police investigation at the time, there were nine people in the oil press. In addition to the boss and his wife, there were also the boss’s parents and five children. The eldest among the children was 20 years old, and the youngest was only nine years old. They had nothing to do with it. He died unexpectedly in a pool of blood. The murderer's cruelty was simply outrageous. At the end of the record, there was a note: The little daughter, who was only nine years old at the time, died holding a wooden doll in her arms.

I quickly flipped through the files and found that there had been seven similar cases in succession. It was not until 1986, when the methods of solving crimes became more advanced, that the files were mixed with a few very low-resolution photos.

The more I looked, the more shocked I became, and my face turned frighteningly white.

These cases have a common feature: they are all massacres, and no one, male or female, old or young, was spared. The youngest among the deceased must be a girl, and she must be holding a wooden doll in her arms...

Seeing that I was looking at it seriously, Xiao Liang didn't bother me. It wasn't until I read the last case record that he broke his silence: "I only found the records of the most recent cases at first. At that time, I thought it was A serial murder case, but as my investigation deepened, I found that the earliest case dates back to the founding of the People's Republic of China. This makes the idea of ​​a serial murderer self-defeating. After all, no one can live for such a long time, unless he is not human at all. !”

This may be the reason why Xiao Liang came to see me.

I looked at him attentively: "What if someone deliberately imitated the methods of these cases to commit crimes?"

Xiao Liang nodded: "It is possible, but not very likely. All of these cases are secret room murders. In the early cases, perhaps because of the limited technical level of the police, no clues could be found. But now there are too many technological means, and we He will not let go of any clues. It is impossible not to leave footprints and fingerprints under this premise. is not easy to complete such a murder. I can assume that there is a murderer with a super high IQ who caused this tragedy. But if others want to imitate, they need to have an IQ equal to or even higher than his. Such people are rare and this possibility can basically be ruled out."

I looked at the scene photos of several recent cases, and my eyes fell on the wooden doll in the hands of the youngest girl.

The doll's face was covered in blood, and there was a weird smile hanging on the corner of the bright red mouth. Her eyes seemed to be made of glass beads, not only delicate but also vivid, but there was a hint of coldness in the seemingly innocent eyes, as if there was a bit of unforgettable hatred hidden in the body of the little doll. Creepy.

I couldn't help but stand on end, and asked Xiao Liang, "So you think it's some kind of evil thing that's causing trouble? What kind of evil thing do you think it is?"

Xiao Liang replied without thinking: "It's that weird doll!"

It's true that heroes see the same thing, and my hostility towards Xiao Liang disappeared a little.

I raised my head and looked at him, deliberately embarrassing him: "Why do you think so?"

Xiao Liang carefully analyzed: "First of all, this doll appeared in different eras. Although it is difficult to tell whether they are the same one or many, what is certain is that they all appeared at the murder scene, and they were all headed by the youngest If it is a coincidence, is it too much of a coincidence that the dead woman is holding it? What’s more, this doll doesn’t look like an ordinary toy in terms of handiwork and production, so where did it come from?”

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