Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1329 Midnight Nightmare

I lowered my head and pondered for a moment, then said to Xiao Liang: "Whether it is what you think or not, since this doll has appeared in so many murder scenes, there must be something weird! This time it appeared again in the house of the real estate king. As a Have the evidence been taken away by the police?”

"Yes! Even if it's a needle from the crime scene, we will take it away as evidence." Xiao Liang nodded with certainty: "It's in the evidence room now."

"Can you let me see it?" I asked curiously: "It's useless to just doubt it in your mind. You still have to see the real thing to know whether it is a ghost object."

Xiao Liang was a little embarrassed: "I can think of a way to take you to the evidence room, but I can't bring the doll out. After all, this case is well known to everyone. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it. The slightest disturbance may It will cause trouble for me!"

I can understand it, but I still despise Xiao Liang a little. I think he is far less manly than he looks on the outside and is still a bit of a coward. So Yin Xinyue chose me, that is the real discernment. I breathed a sigh of relief triumphantly. I finally found something about myself that was better than Xiao Liang, and my sense of crisis was obviously not that strong.

Of course, Xiao Liang couldn't guess what I was thinking, and even tried to comfort me: "Don't worry, I will never mention your career to anyone, and I promise not to get you into this muddy water."

snort! If you don't want me to get involved, you shouldn't have come to me in the first place.

But I was too lazy to argue with him and nodded casually: "Well, you arrange it as soon as possible. This matter shouldn't be delayed for too long."

After everything that needed to be said was said, Xiao Liang immediately said goodbye and left. I sent him out of the store and closed the door.

In order for me to solve the case as soon as possible, Xiao Liang did not take away the file bag, but left it for me to continue researching. I calmed down and looked through the document carefully. Apart from the weird wooden doll, I really didn't find anything suspicious.

Now I can only wait for news from Xiao Liang, hoping that he can arrange for me to see the doll as soon as possible...

In the evening, Li Mazi ran outside my door again, crying for father and mother, asking for food, but I completely ignored him.

I had a strange dream when I fell asleep that night. In the dream, I saw a rickety old woman, lowering her head and fiddling with something. She was wearing a cloth dress from the 1980s. It was torn and old, with patches in many places.

The old woman's hair was white and sparse, and her back was turned to me from beginning to end, which made me very uneasy.

I boldly walked up to her step by step, slowly turned to face her, and found that she was holding a piece of wood and carving something. The old woman's technique was very fast, and the wood slowly took shape, and it turned out to be the wooden doll that had appeared at the murder scene.

Who is this old woman? What does she have to do with the doll?

The old woman's hand suddenly stopped, as if aware of my presence, she suddenly raised her head and met my gaze. The face was horribly thin, like a human skin wrapped around a skull. Her eyes were hollow, like two dry wells with no end in sight. Blood poured out of them and dripped onto the half-finished doll in her hand, turning it red instantly.

I screamed in fright and sat up from the bed, only to realize that everything just now was just a dream. I looked at the time and found that it was exactly midnight. I wiped the sweat off my forehead in shock, feeling that this dream was very ominous.

Will this case not be as simple as I thought? Have I gotten myself into big trouble again?

With this question, I almost stayed up all night.

Early the next morning, an unknown number called my cell phone. After I got through, I realized it was Xiao Liang. His tone was very panicked.

: "The doll is missing!"

"Gone?" I had a severe headache after not sleeping all night, and reluctantly asked, "Why is it missing?"

"The world has evaporated." Xiao Liang's tone was a little uneasy: "I'm sure that when we were collecting evidence at the murder scene, the doll was indeed taken back to the police station as an exhibit, and I met him by chance later. It happened once, but when I came to the evidence room this morning, I found that the doll had evaporated, leaving only the evidence bag containing the doll. I called up the surveillance and found that the surveillance of the entire police station at 12 o'clock last night They all stopped running as if they had been disturbed by some kind of interference, and it took almost five minutes for them to return to normal. Could it be that someone stole the doll during this time?"


Go steal something in a heavily guarded police station? Who has such courage?

Xiao Liang obviously thought of this, and he hurriedly added: "I mean... could there be an insider in the police station? Otherwise, how would outsiders know the location of the surveillance."

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the power of the evil object this time is very powerful, so powerful that it can interfere with everything around it.

I comforted Xiao Liang for a few words and hung up the phone. Looking back on this series of events, I suddenly realized that the time when the doll was lost last night was midnight, which happened to be the time when I woke up from the nightmare. Is this also a coincidence?

I think this matter is a bit tricky, and it is obviously difficult for me to handle it alone. After much consideration, I called Li Mazi. Li Mazi was angry that I had ignored him for the past two days. After picking up the phone, he unceremoniously told me how heartless I was and how I was trying to burn bridges...

I had to pretend to cough a few times: "I'm sick with a cold. I feel uncomfortable all over. I haven't gotten out of bed for a few days. I called you when I felt better to let you know that I'm okay. You actually said that to me. It's so disrespectful." I'm sad."

When Li Mazi heard this, he quickly asked with concern: "Brother, you have a cold? Aren't you always in good health? Why did you suddenly get sick? It really is in line with the old saying, how can you not have wet shoes when you often walk by the river!"

Depend on! Does this sentence have anything to do with being sick?

But at this time, I would not try to find Li Mazi's speech problem. Instead, I coughed twice and said, "I have a bad headache. Come and see me. Buy me two crab roe buns and a bowl of abalone porridge on the way. If you have any fever, Buy me a goose too, I also want to eat sauced pig trotters and sweet and sour pork ribs..."

The corners of Li Mazi's mouth twitched: "Brother, are you sure you are recovering from your illness?"

"It's just because it happened that I needed a lot of supplements. Come quickly!" After explaining, I hung up the phone decisively.

In the end, I still underestimated Li Mazi’s stingy ability. I didn’t buy any of the food I ordered. He brought over the two bastards he brought with him when I was turned away two days ago: “It’s nothing to say that it can nourish the body. Things are better than that..."

The two bastards probably knew that their end was coming, and they looked lifeless, which made me very depressed.

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