Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1330: It hurts my heart, old man

Li Mazi and I had a sumptuous feast. Li Mazi saw that I felt refreshed, and then he realized that I was pretending to be sick.

He asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Brother, we haven't been dealing with each other for a day or two. If you have anything to say, just say it! As long as you don't want my bankbook and my woman, I can agree to anything you say."

"Who wants your bankbook and your woman?" I rolled my eyes at him and told Xiao Liang's commission again.

After hearing this, Li Mazi was shocked and gave me a thumbs up: "Brother Zhang, I'm convinced! From today on, I, Li Mazi, am completely convinced by you! If I can help my love rival, then Even the prime minister can't compare with you in terms of your belly." As he said this, he glanced at the top of my head: "If you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your head."

"Go away!" I kicked him over: "Do you think I'm as green as you? I know what the new moon does to me."

Li Mazi suddenly thought of Ruxue: "You expose people but don't expose shortcomings. You just stabbed me where it hurts. It hurts my heart, old man!"

"Okay, don't say these useless things." I said to Li Mazi: "You know many people, help me think of where someone can get clues about this doll."

"Brother, you don't really think this doll is a feminine object, do you?" Li Mazi looked suspicious: "A doll?"

"Everything is possible." I patted his shoulder and planned to continue studying the files. Just after taking two steps, I couldn't help turning around and asked: "Li Mazi, do you really have a passbook? You should only have loans." And debt, right?”

Li Mazi cursed fiercely: "Fuck!"

Li Mazi and I were still researching, but Xiao Liang made an unexpected discovery. He found an opportunity to call me secretly, and said to me in a low voice: "Jiulin, I made a special discovery. It shocked me."

"What is it?" I was successfully moved by him.

Xiao Liang said: "I contacted my colleagues in the forensics department and found some clues through blue light glasses. Do you think... is it possible that the doll left on its own?"

Li Mazi's eyes widened and conveyed a message to me: Congratulations, you won! Your love rival has a brain problem and is an idiot.

Li Mazi has never met Xiao Liang and doesn't know him well, but I know that Xiao Liang would not say such things for no reason. I asked cautiously, "What did you find?"

"Because the doll had appeared at the murder scene, her body was covered in the blood of the deceased. Blue light glasses could track the blood. As a result, we found a very special small footprint leaving the police station. I carefully identified it. The footprints should be the doll's own. So I suspect that the doll is alive at all, and it left on its own." After Xiao Liang said this, he sighed silently: "Or... I am simply crazy."

Of course, Xiao Liang cannot be crazy, but the doll cannot be alive either. The only explanation is that there is a powerful evil spirit attached to the doll and controlling its actions.

The power of the resentful spirit is so powerful that it far exceeds my expectations!

Li Mazi also saw that I was in trouble. He got up and left without thinking: "What, I suddenly remembered that there is still soup simmering in my pot. I have to go back quickly."

I grabbed him and said, "Li Mazi, if you are like this, don't ask me for any trouble you encounter in the future!"

Li Mazi looked embarrassed: "Brother, although that guy is my sister-in-law's classmate, he is still a cop after all. We are not natural enemies, but we are not friends either. We don't need to risk our lives for him."

"Do you think I'm doing it for him?" I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi: "Am I the kind of person who works hard for others? I just think this doll is very interesting and I want to know more about it."

Li Mazi looked unbelieving, so I had no choice but to tell him the dream I had last night.

Li Mazi thought for a while and said: "There is something wrong with this dream." He took a photo of the murder scene with a baby from the file bag Xiao Liang left for me: "I'll go find someone in the circle who understands and ask. Ask, if it’s too much trouble, we’ll leave it alone.”

After saying that, Li Mazi hurried away.

Not long after, Xiao Liang rushed over sweating profusely: "Jiulin, what should I do? The doll is gone. Will she go somewhere else to harm people? What if such a case happens again? More people will die. ?"

"No." I simply comforted Xiao Liang: "There must be a reason why the resentful spirit comes out to harm people. Our first task now is to find the reason."

"Reason?" Xiao Liang was a little confused.

"Are there any overlooked details? What were found during the autopsy? How do people die? We all need to know these." I patted Xiao Liang's shoulder: "Now is not the time to be in a daze, you'd better hurry up Go back to the police station and list all the details. I will also try to contact some experts here to find out the origin of this doll. Only by knowing your enemy and your friend can you win every battle!"

After all, Xiao Liang was a criminal police officer and had seen a lot of the world. He quickly calmed down: "I understand. I'll go back to the police station right now."

Just as Xiao Liang left, Yin Xinyue called again. She didn't show any concern for my left-behind husband. She started by asking how Xiao Liang's matter was resolved.

I was 120% dissatisfied and replied coldly: "Well, it's already being dealt with."

Yin Xinyue also warned me to take Xiao Liang's matter seriously. It was related to his work reputation and so on. I felt unhappy and sincerely found fault: "It's just a case, what does it have to do with his fertility? Could it be that he can't have a baby until the case is solved?" Have a child?”

Yin Xinyue chuckled: "Just give it to me!" She reminded me to eat on time and not stay up late, and then hung up the phone. Although there were only a few words, I could tell from her tone that she still cared about me.

Li Mazi soon got the results. He called me to report: "I asked Mr. Wu and other older generations of ghost dealers, and they all said they had never seen such ghost treasures. However, an old man with more experience said This kind of doll has a great origin. It first appeared in the Han Dynasty. At that time, in order to increase the life span of immortality, people would write their birth date and birth date on the doll and then burn it in an attempt to deceive the god of death. This kind of doll is also called a puppet. Dolls, stand-in dolls, different dolls have different functions, the doorway is very deep!"

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