Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1331: Ghost Baby and Evil Spirit

"Where is this old man? Can I visit him?" I asked Li Mazi hurriedly.

"You can't visit!" Li Mazi simply refused me: "This old man has gone to the Paradise to enjoy his blessings. I asked the goddess to invite him here by asking for rice. The old man was very angry. He scolded me and said that if I dare to use this method to invite him again, I will be a eunuch for the rest of my life."

All right! I had no choice but to change my words: "Besides these, did the old man say anything else?"

"No!" Li Mazi complained when he mentioned this: "That goddess is not very skilled at it, she is completely half-baked. She vomited blood in the middle of asking questions. I still have a lot to say. Just like that, she still had the nerve to accept my question. Money, I should really smash her sign..."

"Okay, don't say these are useless." I stopped him hastily, otherwise he would go off topic and not know where to run: "Since the old man has pointed out the direction, let's look in this direction! I don't believe he is the only one If one person knows it, there must be someone else who knows it. If you keep looking, I will also contact Xiao Liang to see what else I find."

Li Mazi agreed dully: "I know."

There is no new progress on Xiao Liang's side. I searched for clues about puppet dolls on the Internet and found that there are very few records. Most of the ones that appeared were so-called voodoo dolls. I thought about the man in the T-shirt, but I couldn't get in touch with him. I didn't know where in the deep mountains and forests he had gone. Just when I was at a loss what to do, a message on the Internet appeared in my field of vision!

It is a very ordinary forum, the theme is horror literature, and there are some shocking novels or comics on it.

There is a section for members to speak in the forum. One of the netizens signed "The Gate of Hell is Open" published a post five years ago called: Ghost Baby and Evil Spirit.

I immediately clicked in and took a look, and there were a lot of evil dolls introduced in it. They include straw dolls, blood-clothed dolls, porcelain dolls... Each doll has a long paragraph recording the history of the doll's appearance, production methods and functions. Just because the focus of the horror was the doll, it didn't attract too many people's attention. No one responded to the post, and it had already sunk to the last page.

I looked at the posting records of this netizen named Ghost Gate Open and found that he only published such a post five years ago. Even the last login time was five years ago, and he disappeared without a trace after that.

I clicked on Guiwa Xiiling’s post and read it carefully. There are various types of dolls with different functions. For example, the straw doll is sent to Huangquan Road as a substitute to increase one's life. Of course, it is quite troublesome to make. The rice must be nourished with the essence and blood of this person. From planting to harvesting, it does not touch a drop of water and is nourished entirely by blood. After the rice is mature, the rice seeds are used as the internal organs and the straw is used as the body to make a doll. One's birthday and birth date are written on a red cloth strip, and then tied around the straw doll's waist and burned.

Although I have been exposed to many femininity objects in the past, I am very unfamiliar with this kind of evil doll. The more I read, the more surprised and interesting I became. I even couldn't bear to fast forward, but read it word by word!

This netizen knows a lot about evil dolls. When I was reading the book, I saw wooden dolls. Although the picture above is different from the doll seen in the murder, it has the same purpose.

I read more carefully, fearing that I would miss any word.

He called this kind of wooden doll a revenge doll, and it was generally used for revenge! To make this kind of doll, you must use birch wood that grows in the far north. Birch wood is easy to crack and is not the best raw material for making revenge dolls. In order to prevent the doll from drying out and cracking, the doll should be painted with a girl's blood every seven days and placed in a dark place away from sunlight. After nine times, you can start making the Revenge Doll. Revenge dolls are similar to Russian matryoshka dolls. The smallest one should be made first, but not too small, so that it can hold the heart of a voluntarily dedicated girl.

I couldn't help but be stunned when I saw this, and the hairs all over my body stood up.

How could there be such a perverted thing?

I couldn't help but retched, suppressing the discomfort in my stomach and continued reading.

There are nine Revenge dolls to make, one inside the other, and the layers are interlocked. After it is done, the heart is used as a medium, and the resentful spirit after the death of the girl controls the doll to take revenge. The method is very cruel. Generally, where the revenge doll appears, the whole family, young and old, will die violently, leaving no chickens or dogs left.

When I saw this, I felt it was necessary to contact this netizen called "The Gate of Hell is Open".

I found the email he left when registering for the forum, wrote an email to him, and asked him for clues and information about the Revenge Doll. But after five years, I don’t expect him to still use this email address.

To my surprise I received his reply early the next morning. Because of the status of the real estate king, the news has been broadcast on the Internet and major TV stations. "Ghost Door Open" has also paid attention to this case. He told me very clearly that the little daughter at the scene of the murder was holding a revenge doll. As for The reason why he knows so much about evil dolls is because he has a family secret book in his hand. The post he posted on the forum was from the secret book, but because there were so few people following it, he had no motivation to continue posting it.

I think the things recorded in this secret book are extremely harmful. If someone really uses evil methods to make these terrible dolls, I don’t know how much commotion it will cause!

"Ghost Door Open" told me that the Revenge Doll is the most powerful of all dolls. The reason is that in the process of revenge, it can feel the same pain of the girl, and then continuously brainwash the girl, and finally make her willing Dedicate your soul and let the Revenge Doll take revenge on her behalf.

Of course, after the revenge is over, the revenge doll will dig out the girl's heart and the girl will die.

After listening to his words, I felt like I understood a little bit, but I was even more confused. I had to continue to ask him what he meant by the same pain.

‘The Door to Hell’ seemed to dislike the lack of explanation in emails, so he simply sent his phone number. I hurriedly dialed and found out that the place I belonged to was Shandong. I answered the phone happily, with a hoarse voice. It was probably a middle-aged man.

He spoke to me on the phone in Shandong dialect: "If you ask me what the same pain means, let me tell you this..."

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