Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1333 The doll beside the bed

Xiao Liang's words suddenly enlightened me.

I hurriedly turned over all the information about the case in Wenzhou ten years ago and shouted: "As soon as you return to the police station, check this case to see if the little girl in the case was also sexually assaulted during her lifetime. !”

Xiao Liang looked confused after receiving the information: "Why only focus on this case? Is there any reason?"

I told Xiao Liang the clue that the revenge doll I got from "Ghost Door Open" will only look for people who have the same pain as me.

Xiao Liang reacted immediately after hearing this: "You mean the two cases were done by the same doll? Now that the doll has disappeared from the evidence room, how can we find it?"

This matter is indeed a bit difficult to handle. I can only comfort Xiao Liang: "You investigate the similarities between the two cases, and I will find a way to find the doll!"

Xiao Liang agreed, just as his phone rang. He glanced at the screen and answered immediately: "Hey, wife, do you have any instructions? I have work to do here..." I didn't listen to what he said at all. It is clear that all the memories remain on his wife.

Dare Xiao Liang get married? Then all my previous worries were not in vain.

I suddenly felt that the Xiao Liang in front of me was very pleasing to my eyes. I even felt that my previous thoughts were too dark and villainous, and not grand at all.

I was so embarrassed.

After Xiao Liang hung up the phone, he said apologetically: "Sorry, it's my wife's phone number. She is a Hedong lion. If I don't answer her call on time, I will suffer the consequences when I get home!"

Li Mazi asked innocently from the side: "Are you married?"

Xiao Liang smiled very happily: "Yes, we have been married for many years, and my son is in kindergarten... By the way!" He looked at me and said: "When I was in high school, my wife and Xinyue were neck and neck. They were both A school beauty-level goddess. Now that each of us is married to one, aren’t we particularly blessed?”

Thinking of Yin Xinyue's beautiful face, I smiled from the bottom of my heart: "Yes, we are indeed very blessed."

When Li Mazi heard this, he quit and said, "Can you stop being so shameless and take care of my emotions!"

Xiao Liang and I looked at each other and smiled. All the previous hostility towards him disappeared and completely disappeared. It was quite a pleasure to forget all the grudges with a smile.

In order to get clues to the case as early as possible, Xiao Liang said goodbye and left to go back to the police station. This time I personally walked him to the gate and waited for him to go away before returning to the antique shop. Li Mazi looked at me with a dead smile and said: "How is it? This time you judge a gentleman with a villain's heart, right? What did I say? Even if you doubt someone, you can't doubt my sister-in-law! She is right Your friendship is truly admirable! I will have to talk to her when she comes back."

Said your sister!

Have you forgotten the time when you mocked me, "If you want to live a decent life, you must have a little green on your head"?

I glared at Li Mazi hard: "Go back to your own home!"

Li Mazi snorted: "You have no conscience to kill the donkey! Fortunately, I have an appointment with our little baby Xia Qin today, and I am too lazy to meet you! You can find clues about that damn baby by yourself." After saying that, he nodded. He walked out of the door without looking back.

I tried to contact "The Door to Hell" again, but his phone was still turned off. It seemed that he was determined not to talk to me anymore.

This doll is elusive. Where can I find it now that it has disappeared? I thought hard to no avail, so that night I had no choice but to wash up hastily and then lie down.

I had that weird dream again.

The old woman still had her back to me and was still wearing the patched shabby gown, but there seemed to be less white hair on her head, and she was very bald and scary. I slowly walked up to her and found that her face was frighteningly pale, and she was much haggard and older than the last time I dreamed of her. The blood seemed to have drained away, and there were only dark red blood spots condensed in the black hole-like eyes.

Her bamboo-like fingers with clear joints tightly held a sharp knife, and she was groping to carefully carve on the wood.

The last time I dreamed of her, the wood carving had just begun, and I saw the model for the first time, but now it was the finishing work. The doll was carved lifelike, and the wood exuded a strange luster in the dark because it had been painted with the girl's blood.

The old man put extra care into every carving, and his calloused fingers caressed the doll's cheek. The doll seemed to be alive, slowly turning its neck to look at me.

Every time it turns, it makes a creaking sound, which is both harsh and uncomfortable. Goosebumps instantly burst out.

I couldn't help but shudder and woke up from my sleep.

This feeling is really amazing. Even though you know you are dreaming, you are still frightened by the scene in your dream. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the time. Sure enough, the hour and minute hands were pointing exactly at twelve o'clock. I stretched out my hand to wipe the sweat off my forehead. I was about to get out of bed and take a drink of water. Suddenly, I heard something in my ear. There was a creaking sound.

That voice was extremely familiar, and it reminded me of the dream I had just had. Could it be that I was hallucinating?

I followed the sound and looked over, and was suddenly shocked.

The pale moonlight at midnight shot in from the window and fell on the cold ground. A wooden doll was bathed in the moonlight, looking at me quietly with a pair of exceptionally bright and dark eyes.

The wood grains under the moonlight looked patchwork, but like a devil, it made me breathless.

This... this is so fucking bloody!

The ghost doll and I looked at each other for a few seconds, both of us maintaining an attitude of being immovable and me being immovable. I couldn't figure out why it suddenly appeared in my antique shop?

Is it because I'm nosy?

It was like a lifeless doll, sitting motionless on the ground. But I didn't dare to look down on it, and I gently turned the Eternal Spirit Ring on my finger. As long as it dared to act rashly, I promised to let it know that Zhang Jiulin's antique shop was not accessible casually.

But it was different from what I expected. The doll remained motionless, and I even saw a hint of pleading in its expression. Seeing the emotions on the doll's face... If this word gets out, I will definitely be locked up in a mental hospital for a few years.

We kept looking at each other like this for an unknown amount of time, until the sky outside the window gradually grew brighter, and the crisp sound of cockcrow came from outside. When the first ray of morning light entered the room, the doll suddenly fell backwards as if it had lost its life.

It seems that the Revenge Doll can only move at night and reverts to a normal doll during the day.

After knowing that it had such a fatal weakness, I hurriedly jumped out of bed, carefully held the doll in my hand and took a closer look. The workmanship was absolutely exquisite and delicate, and the doll's carving was vivid. I can even feel the sound of the young heart beating gently inside the doll's body!

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