Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1334 Asking about rice

I found a shallow notch on the doll's waist, where it should have been opened.

I used a little force and succeeded in separating it in half. But what surprised me was that the doll was different from the description of "The Gates of Hell Open". It was empty inside, there were no other matryoshka dolls, only a bloody heart beating gently.

Is it wrong to say 'the gates of hell are wide open'? Or has the revenge doll in front of me changed?

I buttoned the doll back up, feeling the beating heart inside bothering me immensely. If the saying "the gates of hell are wide open" is right, and the dolls are intertwined with each other, there should be nine big and small dolls. Why is mine empty?

I plan to contact ‘The Door to Hell’ again and ask him about the Revenge Doll. As expected, the other party is still powered off. Just when I was at a loss what to do, Xiao Liang's call came in: "The case in Wenzhou ten years ago was so long ago that many of the police officers in charge had resigned or been transferred. It was really troublesome to find valuable clues. ! Fortunately, my classmate from the police academy at the time was assigned to Wenzhou, and I managed to get some clues through him. You are absolutely right, the youngest daughter in the Wenzhou case was also sexually assaulted during her lifetime. "

After getting this answer, I understood. It seemed that the revenge doll that appeared in the real estate king's house was specifically designed to avenge girls who had been sexually assaulted!

Xiao Liang and I exchanged a few words and hurriedly hung up the phone, then quickly contacted Li Mazi. Li Mazi fell into a drowsy sleep: "It's so early in the morning, what's going on?"

I asked him to come to my house quickly, and Li Mazi muttered dissatisfiedly: "Oh, can I still have some private life?"

"Li Mazi! If you don't come now, you won't come again in the future!" I finished the threat and hung up the phone.

After a while, Li Mazi rushed over and protested to me very unhappily: "Brother, you can't be like this. Although I, Li Mazi, am loyal to you, I can't care less about me and come to me whenever I call. Just go away, is this really good?"

"Don't be poor!" I pulled him into the inner room and showed him the revenge doll that suddenly appeared in my shop.

Li Mazi was so frightened that he backed away: "Don't show me this damn thing, I'm afraid of this damn thing!" He looked at it from a distance and asked curiously: "How did you find it?"

"I didn't find it, it came to me." I remembered the pleading expression on its face when I first saw the Revenge Doll, and said with some uncertainty: "I always feel that she came to me because she wanted me to Can help it!”

Li Mazi snorted disdainfully: "It killed so many people, now you know you regret it? Why did you go there earlier? You want me to burn it quickly, out of sight, out of mind."

"Burn, burn, burn, you know how to burn! Believe it or not, I will burn you with a fire!" I cursed.

Li Mazi felt extremely wronged: "Why are you angry at me? I didn't kill the person!"

Li Mazi's words suddenly touched me. The youngest daughter of a real estate magnate is only nine years old. Who sexually assaulted her? Why do you want to slaughter a whole family even if you are willing to give your heart and soul to the Revenge Doll? Could it be that the perpetrator of the sexual assault was a family member? Li Mazi once investigated the real estate king's information. This little daughter is not his biological child, but brought by his current wife... Could it be that...

I suddenly had a terrible idea. I wanted to ask the ghost of the real estate king to come up and ask him what happened. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of Li Mazi.

When Li Mazi saw me staring at him maliciously, he immediately shouted with numbness: "What do you want to do again? Every time you have this expression on your face, I will be fooled by you! Let me tell you, I will never do anything too stupid!"

I put my arm around Li Mazi's shoulders: "Good buddy, did you say before that someone would ask about rice?"

Li Mazi nodded blankly.

I grabbed my coat with one hand and Li Mazi with the other, and the two of us quickly walked out the door. Li Mazi kept reminding her halfway through: "That old woman's skills are average, don't take her too seriously, or you'll be disappointed."

Wenmi originated in China and later spread to Southeast Asia from Guangzhou and Hong Kong. The so-called "asking for rice" is actually to invite the soul of the deceased into one's body through the goddess to talk to the living. Because during the ceremony, the goddess must have a bowl of white rice on her hand, which is commonly known as "asking for rice".

Li Mazi's network of contacts was indeed very wide, and there was no one from all walks of life that he didn't know. Contrary to what I expected, the goddess Wenmi did not live in a remote suburb, but instead lived in a high-end community in the city center.

Li Mazi couldn't help but feel a little sour when talking about this: "This old woman was so poor that she couldn't afford to wear pants in the early years. In the winter, the whole family wished they could sleep with just a mask on! Just because she knows a little about rice craftsmanship, look at the money she makes." of."

The goddess lives on the 18th floor. Because it has the same name as the 18th floor of hell, house buyers will try to avoid this floor for good luck. But the goddess didn't care about this. She went the opposite way and bought the entire eighteenth floor.

She is now quite famous, and countless people come to ask for rice, and reservations are required in advance. Of course, Li Mazi would not care about this. He took me in carelessly, and I saw a goddess in her fifties clearing the table. It seemed that she had just finished a rice-asking ceremony.

The goddess turned her head slowly when she heard the footsteps. Her face was pale, as if she hadn't been exposed to sunlight all year round, and one eye was blind, gray, and looking a little scary.

She was obviously very familiar with Li Mazi, and when she saw him she cursed rudely: "You bastard son of a bitch, who asked you to come?"

Li Mazi laughed and said, "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, but I have something to ask you for."

The goddess snorted: "Bah! You have to bring three kilograms of fruit to pay tribute. You come empty-handed every time and don't leave any money. I only help you when I have nothing to do!"

Li Mazi came forward with a playful smile and said a lot of nice things. The goddess sighed helplessly, pointed to the table and asked Li Mazi and me to sit down. He looked at me in confusion and asked: "Little brother, I see you are so talented, how could you get involved with someone like Li Mazi?"

It was hard for me to answer, but Li Mazi was laughing from the side.

The goddess asked with a cold face: "Who are you looking for? What are you asking about?"

I simply explained my purpose of coming, and the goddess said nothing more. She lit three incense sticks, burned the birthday symbols, laid out rice, and started to call the ghosts to come up with her eyes closed.

After a while, the soul of the real estate king possessed the goddess.

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