Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1336 Those Flowers

I called Xiao Liang to the antique store and told him the whole story.

After hearing the result, Xiao Liang calmed down for a while before coming back to his senses: "I always thought that the person who sexually assaulted the girl was the murderer, and I wanted to find it through DNA comparison. I didn't expect that this bastard who was inferior to a pig or a dog was her nominal murderer." Father!" He thought of the Wenzhou case again: "Could it be that that case is also..."

I nodded: "It seems so."

Xiao Liang gritted his teeth and said, "Well done! Such a beast deserves to die!"

I couldn't help but laugh: "This is not what a good police officer should say. Although the murderer has been found, it seems difficult to announce it to the outside world. You may still have to think of a way to close the case."

Xiao Liang waved his hand casually: "This is not important. What I am most worried about is whether this doll will harm others?"

I looked at the doll that came to my store and said doubtfully: "According to the clues I got, this doll should have nine layers, one big one and one small one, one layer inside another, and they are interlocking. But you also saw it. , there is only one doll here now, I always feel that if we don’t deal with the other eight dolls, it will leave a trail of trouble.”

"Then how to solve it?" Xiao Liang asked nervously.

Li Mazi made a sarcastic comment on the side: "You said you can solve this? That doll is alive, where is she hiding, and how do you find it?"

I looked at the dolls placed on the table and said seriously: "Maybe through it, we can find the remaining eight dolls! I think the reason why it came to me is to tell me some secrets."

Xiao Liang agreed without thinking.

But the doll can't speak, so how to communicate with her is very confusing to me. That night, both Xiao Liang and Li Mazi stayed in my shop. After going to bed at night, I had that strange dream again.

In the dream, the stooped old woman had finished carving the doll. She held the doll religiously and walked towards the dark corner. There was a jar in the corner. The old woman carefully opened the lid and looked inside. There was a small white skeleton lying in the jar. It seemed that it had been dead for a long time, but between the bones there was a bright red heart beating rhythmically.

The old woman stretched out her dry fingers like bamboo branches, slowly took out the heart, and carefully stuffed it into the smallest doll. With the beating of the heart, the dolls seemed to come alive. They quickly rotated their necks and made a creaking sound.

Along with this piercing cry, I felt a huge force in the jar pulling me in. I screamed secretly and hurriedly tried my best to avoid it. Unfortunately, I had no strength at all in my sleep. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. I just hope that either Li Mazi or Xiao Liang can come over and wake me up...

Just when I felt like my whole body was about to be sucked into the jar, suddenly a cold hand grabbed my collar. When I looked back, I saw a little girl in white clothes. She seemed very urgent and pulled me out hard, but her strength was very weak. I felt that if she didn't let go, it was very likely that she would be sucked into the jar together.

At this moment, several little girls suddenly appeared. They all stretched out their hands, trying to help me break free from the suction in the jar!

Suddenly, a sharp roar came from the jar, like a girl's unwilling cry, shrill and harsh, and with this sound that could almost burst my eardrums, all the souls of the girls who wanted to help me were knocked away, and I was completely People also seem to be flying high in the sky.

The second before I woke up, I finally saw the location of the jar. It was an antique town, surrounded by dense bamboos. The stone tablet at the entrance of the village was engraved with the words "Bamboo Forest Town".

I woke up from my sleep and saw the doll next to me. Her eyes were full of worry and her heart was beating rhythmically.

That's it! It saved me! I finally understood why the doll was in my store. These girls sacrificed their hearts and souls under the persuasion of the Revenge Doll, but they also understood that each sacrifice would increase the power of the Revenge Doll. If this continues, the Revenge Doll's resentment will be ridiculously great. No one can control it.

The girl's soul hopes that I can resolve the grievances of the Revenge Doll!

I hurriedly woke up Xiao Liang and Li Mazi, told them what happened in the dream, and searched for the location of Zhulin Town on the Internet.

The location displayed is - Shu, Sichuan.

Xiao Liang, Li Mazi and I rushed to the airport overnight and bought the fastest flight to Sichuan. Then we rushed to Zhulin Town without stopping. The town was bathed in a sea of ​​bamboo and looked very quiet and comfortable. There were some differences between the scene in the dream and reality. After much deliberation, I finally found the familiar courtyard.

The moment I stepped into the yard, I seemed to see the stooped old woman sitting there carving dolls one by one. The homeowner was very surprised by our arrival, but fortunately Xiao Liang showed his identity as a police officer. With this identity, the homeowner did not stop us and allowed us to start digging under his eaves.

Soon the jar was exposed, and Xiao Liang and I worked together to lift it out.

When I opened the lid of the altar, a stench came out! When the house owner saw us digging out the jar, he thought there was some kind of treasure in the house. He came around to take a look excitedly. When he saw the rotting bones inside, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. Off the bone!"

Bones sits in the jar, holding the revenge doll tightly in his arms.

We talked to the homeowner and decided to bury the bones in the jar properly. The landlord listened and gratefully sent us to the gate.

We dug a big hole in the bamboo forest. Before burial, I took out the slowly beating heart from the smallest doll and gently placed it between the bones of the chest.

After burying the bones, Li Mazi and I burned all the remaining eight-layer wooden dolls. Li Mazi looked at the big jar and kicked him angrily: "What's the use of it?"

After the jar was kicked to pieces, I was surprised to find that there were still words engraved on the inside of the jar. It looks like it was carved bit by bit with someone's fingernails. Could it be the words left by the girl who died here before she died?

I put the jar together and read the words on it.

It turns out that the girl in this jar lost her parents when she was young and grew up in her aunt's house. Her aunt and uncle despised her as a disaster, killed her parents, and abused her all the time. The girl grew up to be beautiful and charming. Although she was still young, she was like a bud that had not yet bloomed, attracting people's imagination.

One day, her uncle abused her while her aunt was not at home. Afterwards, when her aunt found out, instead of helping her get justice, she said that she was reincarnated as a vixen who specialized in seducing men and wanted to dip her into a pig cage.

The girl managed to escape but was caught back. After being humiliated by the men in the entire village, she was sealed in a jar...

After the girl died like this, her unwilling soul found Yanshi and asked her to avenge herself. So Yanshi's old lady made a revenge doll for her, and asked her to take revenge and massacre the entire village.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but sigh!

Throughout the ages, incidents of sexual assault on young girls have emerged one after another. Unfortunately, the legal punishment is too weak, causing beautiful little lives to wither away.

On the way back, Xiao Liang and Li Mazi fell asleep. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but I saw beautiful lilies floating outside the car window, as if the rescued girls were seeing me off.

La la la la, is it still open? They have been blown away by the wind and scattered across the sky.

(ps: Happy birthday to the loyal reader Little Red Riding Hood! Today, "The Merchant of the Underworld" has added three chapters.)

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