Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1337 Nursing Home

For ordinary people, National Day means sleeping in peacefully and watching movies comfortably at home, but Yin Xinyue woke me up from bed early in the morning.

I asked her in a daze what was going on?

Yin Xinyue smiled at me and said: "I signed up for a charity club. Today's club activity is to care for the elderly. We are going to the nursing home to show love. Please get up and wash up quickly..."

I rubbed my eyes: "If you go to show love, what does it have to do with me?"

Yin Xinyue replied without changing her expression: "Husband and wife are one and the same, what's the difference between you and me? Besides, I also signed up for you."

I wailed and almost fell off the bed. Yin Xinyue actually made an expression as if she was considering everything for me: "Don't you always say that you should do good deeds to accumulate negative virtue? Good deeds are no matter how big or small. Get up quickly!"

But these are obviously two different things, okay?

In the end, I couldn't make trouble with Yin Xinyue, so I had to wash up briefly, change my clothes and go out with her.

The gathering place of the Love Club is located at the gate of Wuhan Park, which is not far from where we live. When Yin Xinyue and I strolled there leisurely, a minibus was parked on the roadside with slogans and Logo of the charity community. There were several people standing on the side of the minibus, all dressed up. From a distance, they didn't look like people going to a nursing home to show their love, but more like models walking on the catwalk.

When I got closer, I found that except for the driver, who was an uncle, all the members of the charity club were mainly women, and most of them were over forty years old. They gathered together and whispered, and even though they were separated by a distance, I could still hear them clearly.

"I heard that people from the TV station will be following and filming today. Look at my coat. It was purchased by my daughter from abroad. It is very valuable!"

"Didn't you mean the interview was from the newspaper? How did it become the one from the TV station? Am I dressed too plainly? Is my makeup too messy?"

I looked at Yin Xinyue dumbfounded, and saw that she also looked embarrassed.

I had no choice but to comfort her and said: "Doing good deeds relies on sincerity. They do theirs and we do ours."

Yin Xinyue was relieved and nodded lightly.

The person in charge of the charity club is a middle-aged fat lady. She is extremely plump and has a nice smile. From the outside, she looks like a good person who is dedicated to doing good. She is probably the only person in the entire club, besides Yin Xinyue, who truly wants to make some contribution to the lonely elderly people living in nursing homes.

As the only man in the entire team, I not only received many attention gifts, but was also assigned as a coolie by the fat team leader, responsible for helping carry the gifts for this event.

After I finished moving the large and small boxes, it was already time to set off. The fat captain smiled and thanked me, got in the car with me, and told the driver that it was time to drive.

Yin Xinyue had already secured a seat for me, in the quiet last row. I hurried over to join her, but the other members in the car stopped and started questioning the fat leader.

"Didn't I say that someone from the TV station is coming? I won't wait for them!"

"I wouldn't have come if I didn't want to be on TV. Yesterday, a poker friend invited me to play mahjong."

A hint of slyness flashed in the fat leader's eyes: "I don't know either! Maybe the TV station has other arrangements? That's good. I'll call and contact them after I get to the nursing home..."

After everyone heard what she said, they reluctantly became quiet.

Yin Xinyue secretly said in my ear: "I bet this fat leader doesn't even know where the door of the TV station opens. She just uses being on TV as a cover to get these members to show their love."

"It's amazing that she can find a way to show off her tricks." I winked at Yin Xinyue, and we smiled in tacit understanding.

The nursing home is in Jiangbei New District, and the air is much fresher after crossing the Yangtze River. The minibus stopped at the gate, and the person in charge of the nursing home came out to greet her. She was a woman about fifty years old. It was obvious that she was familiar with the fat leader. The two of them had endless things to say when they met. Fortunately, there were a few young college students who volunteered to help here. Finally, someone helped me carry the gifts in.

There are a total of more than 20 elderly people living in the nursing home. Some of them have children who are not around to take care of them, and some have children who are unfilial and unwilling to support them. There are also many children who are around, but they have to be sent here because of their busy work and life. Coming...

The so-called showing love actually means talking to these elderly people, helping them comb their hair and cut their nails.

Although those members of the charity group were complaining in the car, as if people would not work without a TV station, when they actually arrived at the nursing home and saw the lonely figures of the old people with white hair, they suddenly transformed into someone else. A man, full of enthusiasm, took the old man's hand and asked for help, which made me laugh.

Maybe their conscience discovered it?

Because it was Sunday, some children came to visit the elderly. A car stopped at the entrance of the nursing home. A man and woman in their thirties got out of the car. Both of them were holding gifts in their hands. They looked familiar to the director. He said hello and walked straight into the courtyard.

The dean was still introducing the fat captain: "That woman is Uncle Chen's daughter, and that man is her husband. They are very busy at work, flying back and forth every day. They really have no experience in taking care of Chen." Uncle, I sent him here. Even though they are very busy, they will come to visit Uncle Chen whenever the weekend comes, which is filial piety."

The fat captain smiled and said nothing.

As the old people get older, some who have difficulty moving or who don't like to go outside to bask in the sun will hide in their rooms and listen to the radio. They sit with the same movements for a whole day, like stone statues, full of loneliness that no one talks about.

I distributed the mooncakes and cakes bought by the fat group leader with the tour fee according to the head of each person. When I walked to the door of a room, I saw an old man with a withered face lying on the bed. The man and woman who had just come in to visit were asking after the bedside.

It seems that this old man who is sick in bed is Uncle Chen!

Uncle Chen was a little dazed at first, but he was still startled when he saw his daughter and son-in-law arriving. His eyes widened with panic.

Strange, shouldn't a normal father be happy to see his daughter whom he has seen for a long time?

Why does Uncle Chen look so scared?

Just when I was dazed at the door with a gift box containing pastries, a sinister voice suddenly came from behind me: "These debt collectors are here to collect debts again. If this continues, Lao Chen will be squeezed dry by them and forced to death." !”

The sound rang in my ears, and the breath splashed on my face, startling me.

I turned my head and saw an ugly face that looked like a mummy.

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