Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1339 Soul Imprisoning Nail

With such curiosity, I continued to peek.

I heard the rat man sneaking up to Uncle Chen's ear and whispering: "I followed the location you always told me to find. After digging for most of the night, I finally found what you were talking about. But it was probably because you remembered Wrong, I didn't dig up any coffin, but a rotten tattered quilt with a woman's body wrapped inside. Following your instructions, I pulled out the demon-conquering pestle inserted in her head. Come down..."

Uncle Chen, who had his eyes widened, suddenly began to sob and cry. He raised his hand with difficulty, as if he wanted to hold the blood-stained demon-conquering pestle in his hand.

I couldn't help but frown.

The Demon-Subduing Pestle is a sacred object in Buddhism. It is a weapon used by Bodhisattva to subdue the Demon King. It is said to have the function of suppressing all ghosts.

But according to the words of the rat man, the Demon-Conquering Pestle in his hand was actually taken from the Heavenly Spirit Cap of the female corpse. This means that the function of this Demon-Conquering Pestle is no longer to subjugate demons, but to seal the soul. Knowledgeable seniors call this The Demon-Subduing Pestle is: Soul-Containing Nail!

That is to say, the demon-subduing pestle is regarded as a nail, driven into the soul cap of the deceased. As long as the soul-binding nail is suppressed, the soul of the corpse will never be reincarnated. It can only be trapped in the burial place for generations, unable to move.

What is the relationship between the deceased and Uncle Chen? Why did Uncle Chen hire someone to pull out this soul-binding nail? Who is the soul he wants to free?

With many questions, I held my breath and continued to listen.

Although Uncle Chen tried his best to take the Soul-Confining Nail in his hand, the rat man moved his hand away with a sly smile and reminded him unhurriedly: "Old man, I have completed what you asked me to do. What were the conditions agreed upon at the beginning?"

Uncle Chen was stunned and immediately pointed under himself.

The mouse man nodded, stretched out his hand under Uncle Chen's body, and soon took out a small cloth bag wrapped in a handkerchief. The mouse man opened it shrewdly, revealing a thick stack of banknotes.

He immediately laughed so hard that he lost his eyes, and without caring about anything else, he hurriedly put the soul nail into Uncle Chen's hand and started counting the money.

Uncle Chen held the soul-imprisoning nail and burst into tears.

The rat man counted the money and found that the amount was correct. He bent down and said to Uncle Chen with satisfaction: "Old man, this transaction is over. If you still need help with anything, just come to me. I promise to make it clear for you." "

Uncle Chen seemed to have not heard anything and was in a daze holding the soul-retaining nail.

The rat man didn't take it seriously, put the money away with a smile, and slipped out again. I didn't dare to delay, so I hurriedly chased after him, deliberately walking slowly, and when I rushed behind him, I grabbed his mouth. At this moment, everything happened in an instant, and the mouse man's behavior I suppressed his screams in his mouth. He struggled a few times and found that it was of no avail, so he had no choice but to be dragged to a corner by me.

I let go of his mouth and looked at him with a cold face.

The rat man shrank his shoulders in fear: "Hero, spare your life, I don't know which road you are on? Brother, I don't know what I did wrong to offend you? Just speak, and I will change it immediately."

I snorted softly: "Who are you? What were you doing sneakily just now?"

The rat man looked at me carefully: "You ask me, I also want to ask who you are? You are not from a nursing home, are you? What are you arresting me for? Believe it or not, I will call the police."

I couldn't help laughing twice: "Good boy, you still dare to call the police? Well, you go ahead and report it! Report it now! Let me see how you can defend yourself when the police come. You still have Uncle Chen's money in your pocket." "

"He gave me this money voluntarily because I helped him..." The mouse man shut his mouth cleverly. It was obvious that the transaction between him and Uncle Chen could not be exposed to the light.

"Tell me, why don't you tell me? Why did you help him?" I crossed my arms and looked at him coldly.

The rat man took two evasive steps back: "Who are you? Why do you care about this matter? I didn't deceive you. The old man couldn't get out of bed by himself. He entrusted me to help with something. The money is My hard work.”

"Hard work fee? It's hush money, right? Why do you have to dig up the body? What happened to the body? Did you kill it?" I deliberately became more and more severe, which scared the rat man and shook his head hurriedly: "No, of course. No! How dare I kill someone? I don’t know the old man or the body at all. Even the location where the body was buried was told to me by the old man himself. You can’t wrongly accuse a good person."

Good guy? Why don't you look in the mirror and see, do you have the face of a good person?

I decided to continue scaring the rat man: "I have been watching you for a long time. If you are sneaky, you are not a good person. What is the thing you just gave to Uncle Chen? Where did it come from? If you don't explain it clearly, I will kill you. Send it to the police station.”

The rat man wailed: "Why are you so nosy?" He took out the money Uncle Chen gave him just now from his pocket, counted out ten pieces and handed them to me: "Okay?"

Daqing took me as blackmail.

I sighed silently, took out my wallet, took out a stack of money and threw it to him without looking at it: "As long as you explain clearly, these are all yours."

The mouse man's eyes lit up and he looked at me in disbelief: "Really?"

I nodded.

The mouse man hurriedly took the money and started talking with a smile.

"Actually, I don't know this old man at all. I am an ignorant and incompetent person. I rely on petty theft to get by on weekdays! I spent two years hanging out with a rubbish before, and I know a little bit about robbing and digging graves. , and later the country rats thought that my hands and feet were not clean, so they did not use me, so I worked alone. However, because I was not famous and was not good at learning, I couldn't find good things at all. Later, I came up with an idea and found a typing agency to print it. I gave out a lot of business cards to everyone I saw, bragging about my abilities, but very few people called me, and even less business could be done.”

"A month ago I received a call from this old man. He said he wanted to ask me to help find a corpse and bring something back from the corpse. I was so poor that I didn't have a good meal at the time. There was nothing wrong with the business coming to my door. The reason for accepting the offer? I agreed on the phone at that time, and then secretly came to the nursing home to meet him."

"At that time, the old man's stroke was not as serious as it is now. Although he couldn't speak clearly, he could barely communicate. He didn't seem to be sure where the body was, so he only gave me a few approximate locations and paid a deposit. I took it I originally wanted to leave because I had the money, but after thinking about it, I decided to take over the job.”

I snorted: "I guess you still have some conscience."

"Of course! The most important thing for us people in the world is credibility." The rat man bragged to me without any shame.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes: "Let's get to the point!"

The mouse man nodded quickly: "Because the place where the body was buried could not be determined, I worked hard and dug for three days and three nights. I wanted to give up several times. Until last week, I finally found it at the last place the old man mentioned. The corpse he was talking about. According to my experience, the corpse was at least four or five years old. Only the bones were left in the rotten body. It was wrapped in a tattered quilt. The strangest thing was that there was a stick inserted into her heavenly spirit cover. The old man wanted me to bring back the magic pestle and give it to him. It happened to be midnight, and I was so frightened when I found the corpse that I hurriedly pulled out the magic pestle, buried the body and ran away..."

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