Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1340 Death of Uncle Chen

The mouse man's face turned slightly pale, obviously he was still frightened when he recalled the scene at that time.

But I noticed a flaw in his words: "Since you found the Demonic Pestle last week, why didn't you send it back to Uncle Chen immediately instead of waiting for so many days?"

The rat man stared at me and sneered: "Brother, you are a shrewd man at first sight. I dare not deceive you. In fact, after I got the magic pestle, I thought it was worth something. If it is higher than the price the old man offered me, I will So I changed hands and sold it. Who knows how many people I asked, and they all said that this thing is very evil and is used to suppress evil spirits. No one dared to take it, so I had no choice but to send it to the old man."

This didn't sound like a lie, so I nodded: "Did Uncle Chen tell you who that corpse is?"

"That's not true!" The rat man shook his head blankly: "As long as the price is reasonable, I won't talk too much. The more secrets I know, the faster I will die."

"Do you remember where the body is buried?" I continued to ask.

The rat man stared at me with some suspicion: "Who are you and why do you care so much about this matter? What is your relationship with that old man?"

I said with a smile on my face: "Since you took my money, answer my questions well, why do you talk so much?"

The rat man shrank his neck: "The place where the body is buried is quite remote. If you ask me to look for it, I can find it, but let me tell you, I can't explain it. Well, I'll leave you a business card if you need it later. Just come to me. As long as the price is reasonable, there's nothing I can't do. Now I have to escape quickly, otherwise I will die if someone from the nursing home finds out."

As he spoke, he handed me a crudely made business card, climbed over the wall and ran away without looking back.

I looked at his back and couldn't help but laugh silently. Thinking that maybe I could use him somewhere in the future, I put the business card away and went to meet Yin Xinyue. When she saw me coming back, she asked worriedly: "Where have you been? I've been looking for you all over."

I had no choice but to say casually: "I didn't go anywhere. I just walked around the nursing home twice. The scenery here is good and the air is very good." Yin Xinyue didn't think too much, pulled me into the activity room, and met the elderly people again. Chatted.

Although the members of the Love Club are all middle-aged aunts, they are good at singing and dancing, making the old people happy. It can be seen that they have not been so happy for a long time.

But this happy scene only lasted for a moment, when a college student who was a volunteer rushed into the activity room in a panic and shouted in shock: "It's dead, it's dead!" He pointed behind him in panic, with a pale face. Said: "Uncle Chen...Uncle Chen is dead!"

Uncle Chen is dead?

The activity room suddenly fell into a deathly silence. The dean took the brunt and ran out, and several employees followed immediately. Everyone looked a little ugly.

Could Uncle Chen's death be related to the soul-binding nail? Thinking of this, I couldn't sit still anymore, so I comforted Yin Xinyue with a few words, and hurriedly followed her.

Uncle Chen died in his room, lying on the bed with his mouth wide open and his face ashen. The soul-binding nail was inserted into his heart at the moment, and the blood spread over a large area, staining his clothes and sheets red.

His right hand gently held part of the soul-binding nail, and he apparently used his last bit of strength to insert the nail into his heart.

Such a scene frightened the dean and the staff. Fortunately, the dean remained calm and ordered the staff to contact Uncle Chen's family quickly.

I slowly exited the room and stood in the corridor looking at Uncle Chen's peaceful body. I heard from other people in the activity room that Uncle Chen has been paralyzed in bed for nearly two months. He has been in poor health since he entered the nursing home, and he is also very depressed. He almost never greets or talks to others. He just sat alone in the room for the whole day. Others said that he had a weird and cold personality and was difficult to get close to.

He only has one daughter, but the relationship between them is also very strange. Although his daughter appears to be caring and caring to Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen does not appreciate it. He always has a straight face and never talks to his daughter.

The son-in-law looked like a good man with a successful career and was very polite to Uncle Chen, but Uncle Chen turned a blind eye to him.

Who in this world is willing to put his hot face on someone else's cold ass? As time went by, Uncle Chen's daughter and son-in-law only came to visit occasionally, sat for a short while and then left. Until two months ago, Uncle Chen had a stroke and was paralyzed in bed. The doctor on duty at the nursing home checked and notified Uncle Chen's family members. Only Uncle Chen's daughter came and made sure there was nothing wrong before leaving.

After that, Uncle Chen's body became weaker and weaker, but he kept holding on as if he had some unfulfilled wish in his heart.

If this is the case, can I connect his so-called last persistence with the soul-binding nail? What happened to make a seriously ill old man commit suicide after getting it?

The police then arrived at the scene, investigated the scene, and took notes on everyone.

After dealing with the police, under the leadership of the fat captain, the panicked members got on the minibus and prepared to leave this unlucky place. The members of the group who had not arrived because of the TV station all blamed the fat group leader for choosing the wrong day and not looking at the almanac when he went out.

The fat captain was speechless. While comforting everyone's emotions, he organized their departure in an orderly manner. A few timid volunteer college students proposed to leave with us, and the fat leader readily agreed.

When I walked out of the gate of the nursing home, I happened to pass by Uncle Chen's daughter who was rushing over. She was still exquisitely made up. Although her steps were hurried, there was no trace of sadness on her face. I even keenly noticed between her eyebrows. A hint of relief.

I couldn't help but stop and stare at her back strangely.

No matter what the estrangement between her and Uncle Chen was, the moment she heard the news of her father's death, she didn't show any sadness at the departure of her relatives. What's the secret in this?

Before I could come up with a result, Yin Xinyue had already pulled me into the car and sighed: "You are almost turning into Conan now. People die wherever you go. What will you do in the future?"

Does it have anything to do with me? I was speechless for a while.

We got on the minibus. Due to the death of Uncle Chen, the originally lively atmosphere turned negative and calm. Everyone sat in their seats with deep thoughts, just waiting for the car to start quickly and leave this ghostly place.

The car fell into an eerie silence.

Only a female college student sitting in the last row was sobbing quietly, and a few people next to her were still comforting her: "Don't cry. Birth, old age, illness and death are human nature. Don't be too sad. We all know that you care about Uncle Chen. But you also have to take care of your body.”

The female student nodded and wiped her tears.

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