Although this incident made me wonder for a while, for a long time after that, the charity club did not organize any more activities. Yin Xinyue and I started our busy lives, and Uncle Chen in the nursing home was gradually forgotten by us. In the back of my mind.

Then one day, when Yin Xinyue was helping me wash clothes, she took out the rat's business card from her pocket and asked me if I wanted to keep it.

I looked at it and originally wanted to throw it into the trash can, but after thinking about it carefully, I still put it on the desk.

The days seemed to pass peacefully, but almost half a month later, someone came to see me!

The visitors were Uncle Chen’s daughter and son-in-law. I was a little surprised when I saw them. I couldn’t figure out why they would find me?

They obviously no longer recognized that we had met each other once in the nursing home. Compared to the last time we met, both of us looked very tired. Especially Uncle Chen's daughter, whose face was pale and looked particularly haggard.

I looked at them with some confusion: "I wonder if I can help you?"

Uncle Chen's son-in-law introduced me politely. His name is Wang Ke, and he is a relatively reputable investor in this city. His wife is Uncle Chen's daughter named Chen Bingqing, who is the manager of an advertising company. They have been disturbed by some annoying things recently and are living on the verge of collapse every day. If this continues, something will happen.

Wang Ke, who was highly educated, did not believe in ghosts and gods in the past, but the recent spate of strange things happening at home forced him to believe it. He had no choice but to share his worries with a close friend. It happened that this buddy knew Li Mazi. Li Mazi and I had helped him before, so he introduced me to Wang Ke, who quickly came to the door with his wife.

I glanced at Chen Bingqing and asked curiously: "What happened to you?"

Chen Bingqing thought for a while and looked at her husband uneasily, wondering whether she should say anything.

Wang Ke let out a long sigh: "What can't be said now? She has already killed my father. Do we want her to continue to cause trouble and kill us all?"

Chen Bingqing's eyes turned red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Forget it, just say it! Originally, I thought that after so many years, I should let go of all my resentment, but I didn't expect that she still refused to let me go."

"Actually, I have a twin sister named Yujie. Something went wrong when we were born, which caused my mother to bleed and die. She has been living with my father since then. My sister and I have lived together since we were young. We are inseparable and have a very good relationship. . As time goes by, we grow up slowly. If that accident had not happened, we would probably never be separated..."

When she said this, she glanced at Wang Ke strangely, but Wang Ke didn't say a word.

My intuition tells me that this couple is trying their best to hide something very important. They have secrets that they don’t want to tell me.

Before I could ask, Chen Bingqing continued: "On my twentieth birthday, my sister drowned. My father and I were very sad at the time, but we had no choice but to accept this fact. But after that, terrible things kept happening at home. , water leaked out from the floor for no reason, strange noises were often heard in the middle of the night, my clothes were changed positions for no reason, and I often even saw another version of myself in the mirror making weird expressions at me... ..." When she said this, she hurriedly covered her ears and said in horror: "She's here, she's talking in my ear again..."

Wang Ke hurriedly took her in his arms and comforted her gently. Chen Bingqing looked extremely scared and shivered in Wang Ke's warm arms.

Wang Ke reluctantly took over the conversation: "At that time, my wife and father-in-law were harassed to varying degrees. They lived like frightened birds every day. Later, they had no choice but to find a wandering monk and explain the situation to the monk. The monk said that my sister-in-law had become a powerful ghost and that if she was not eradicated, the whole family would be killed. He also left a demon-conquering pestle and ordered it to be inserted into the heavenly spirit cover of the corpse to seal the soul of the deceased. It wanders around to avoid the bloody disaster."

"My father-in-law is heartbroken and his daughter certainly doesn't agree, and my wife doesn't agree either, but weird things keep happening at home. Even the two dogs my father-in-law raised were killed and dismembered into countless pieces and placed in the living room. My father-in-law Only then did he realize the seriousness of the matter. For the safety of his family, he finally agreed. But when they dug up my sister-in-law's grave, the body inside was long gone..."

The body is missing? If it was missing, how could Uncle Chen tell the mouse the location of the body?

What role did Uncle Chen play in this process?

I think this family is very strange, everyone seems to have a secret.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at Wang Ke with a half-smile.

Wang Ke was stunned and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at me at all. This further proved in disguise that he was very guilty at the moment.

I really want to tell them that if they don't believe me, they don't have to come to me at all, and I don't have that much free time to play guessing games with them.

But before I could speak, Chen Bingqing had already grabbed Wang Ke's hand: "It's her! It must be her! She's back. She's been jealous of me since she was a child, jealous of my skirt, my doll, she's jealous of everything about me. ! Now she is dead and I am still alive, so she came to me! Even my father was killed by her."

Wang Ke comforted her: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

Chen Bingqing turned to me hurriedly: "My sister is a lunatic. She killed my father! The magic pestle that the monk left for us was inserted into my father's chest. She killed my father."

She just said that she and her sister have lived together since childhood and have been inseparable and close. In the blink of an eye, they have turned into mutual jealousy. The first words and the second words are inconsistent. Which sentence should I believe?

And there was the most important flaw in her words, which I caught immediately: "Didn't your husband just say that your sister's body was gone? Then the magic pestle should not be used. Who collected it later?" Living?"

Chen Bingqing blinked: "Maybe it's my dad!"

I smiled slightly: "Since it was in your father's hands and he committed suicide with the magic pestle, what does it have to do with your sister?"

Chen Bingqing's face froze, and a flash of regret quickly flashed in her eyes.

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