Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1342 Who is lying?

After hearing my words, Wang Ke reacted belatedly: "Yes, did you keep the magic pestle in your father-in-law's hand afterwards?"

Chen Bingqing nodded blankly: "Maybe! You also know that he was almost crazy after being tortured by my sister. Later, he didn't even recognize me. Every time he spoke to me, he only said two or three sentences, and his eyes were fierce. I I didn’t dare to ask him for fear that he would get angry.”

Wang Ke nodded.

I thought about it and then asked: "Have you never looked for your sister's body in these years?"

"Of course!" Chen Bingqing replied without thinking: "I have been searching, but there are no clues at all, and after so many years, there is no news. So in the end my father and I decided to give up... "

give up? Chen Bo did not give up, even when he was at his weakest. He persisted until the mouse found the magic pestle.

Some of Wang Ke, Chen Bingqing, and Uncle Chen must be lying. It's even possible that everyone has lied. They are all trying their best to hide things they don't want others to know. And this made me even more interested in this matter.

I nodded: "So what weird things happened in your family recently?"

Wang Ke said: "It's okay at home, but my wife is always harassed..."

"It's her, she's back!" Chen Bingqing shouted to me in horror: "I can often see her, she seems to be everywhere, her shadow is everywhere. She has been torturing me, she killed my father, Now she wants to kill me again! She is always so selfish and never considers others."

As she spoke, she ran away into Wang Ke's arms, as if that was the safest place. She even rubbed her head against Wang Ke's neck with some nostalgia, as if once she left Wang Ke's arms, she would instantly fall into Hellish.

With their current situation, it was impossible to get valuable information, so I had to find an excuse to send them away. Wang Ke asked me in disbelief: "Don't you need to go to my house to see me? Or do some rituals or something."

"I'm not a Taoist priest, and I'm not responsible for helping people clean up their homes. In my opinion, it's better to find your sister-in-law's body first. After all, she is the key to the whole thing." As soon as I finished speaking, Chen Bingqing said He looked up at me in shock: "What did you say? Are you going to find my sister's body?"

Her performance once again made me think that she was hiding something. Maybe her sister's death was also related to her?

"What?" I asked her with a smile.

Wang Ke also noticed something was wrong with his wife and looked at her in confusion. Chen Bingqing laughed dryly: "'s nothing. I was just thinking that after searching so many times over the years, there is still no clue at all. Can you find it?"

"You can't find it because you hired the wrong person." I said confidently and sent them away.

After Wang Ke and his wife left suspiciously, I quickly ran to the desk, found the business card left by the mouse, and dialed the number.

The phone rang for a while before it was picked up. The rat's thief voice rang in his ears: "Hello, we are here to help you with the company. There is nothing you can't think of. There is nothing we can't do. I don't know how I can help. you?"

I couldn't help but snorted: "It's me, the one who caught you in the nursing home."

Mouse thought for a while and asked in confusion: "Why did you call me? Is there anything else?"

I was worried that if I told him the truth, he would immediately hang up the phone and disappear. After all, his crude business card didn't even have a serious address on it. I thought about it and simply coaxed: "I have a big deal to introduce to you. Do you want to do it?"

"Big deal?" When Mouse heard this, he immediately became interested: "What big deal? How big is it? Can you settle the money quickly?"

"Of course, if it's not a good job, can I introduce it to you?" I deliberately said confidently.

Mouse smiled hurriedly and said: "That's great. I've been short of money recently. What kind of business and how to do it?"

"I couldn't tell you on the phone. Let's do this. I'll give you an address and you come here to interview me." I told him the address of a teahouse and asked him to find me there in an hour.

The mouse agreed wholeheartedly.

As a result, when I strolled to the teahouse, this guy was already waiting for me. It seemed that my pocket was really tight, and I was starting to work hard for money.

I smiled at him and led him to the private room on the second floor.

The mouse looked around uneasily: "Does it cost a lot to have a cup of tea in this place?"

"Don't worry, I'm treating you." I generously let Mouse sit down, ordered a pot of Biluochun, and ordered some refreshments. Mouse's eyes instantly brightened when he looked at me: "Brother, I left in a hurry last time and didn't have time to ask in detail, where do you work?"

This is to inquire about my family background. In order to scare him, I did not hide anything and pointed to an antique street not far ahead: "Did you see that street? The whole street is my business..."

The mouse was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Brother, if you refuse to tell the truth, I can't do anything to you, but don't tell nonsense! Do you know whose business is that street? Let me tell you. , lest you go out and make nonsense in the future, the owner of that street is named Zhang Jiulin. He is a figure who is like a leader in the Wuhan antique circle. Do you have to ask about it before you blow it?"

I simply took out my ID card from my wallet and threw it on the table: "Open your rat eyes and take a good look, I am Zhang Jiulin!"

Mouse took the ID card and looked at it suspiciously. He suddenly looked like he had seen a ghost and opened his mouth in shock: "Zhang... Zhang Da, shopkeeper, it's really you! This is really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. The whole family is gone." It’s a family.”

"Bah! Don't have anything to do with your family." I rolled my eyes at him: "I called you here this time because I have something to ask you. If you can help me, I won't treat you badly. !”

"Really?" Mouse came over with a stern look on his face: "If you have anything to say, I will definitely shed my blood for you, and I won't look back until I hit Nanshan!"

Why do these words sound so familiar? They are exactly the same as Li Mazi.

Just as refreshments were served, I let the mouse eat two pieces, which explained the purpose of this time: "You still remember the task that Uncle Chen in the nursing home gave you, right? Think about it carefully for me. From the time he gave you the call When we meet on the phone, you'd better explain everything to me in detail."

Mouse scratched his head in confusion: "Shopkeeper Zhang, why did that old man offend you? Why do you insist on keeping an eye on his affairs."

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