Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1343: Burial Location (Additional update)

Mouse is a typical person who won't cry until he sees the coffin. If you don't scare him, he will definitely not be honest.

I stared at him seriously and said, "Do you still remember the Demon-Conquering Pestle that Uncle Chen hired you to find? That thing was an out-and-out evil object. Not long after you left, Uncle Chen committed suicide with the Demon-Conquering Pestle." , and now the Demonic Pestle has found her daughter again, everyone related to that thing will die violently, you let that thing be unearthed, do you think it can let you go?"

Mouse turned pale with fright: "This matter has nothing to do with me! I did exactly what the old man said. I don't know anything else."

"What's the use of talking about this now?" After the coercion, the next step was to induce. I patted the mouse on the shoulder: "With me here, what are you afraid of? My specialty is to deal with evil objects. Besides, even if I can conquer the devil If you want to look for me, you will first look for Uncle Chen’s daughter. Do you know what she does? She runs the largest advertising company in this city. She asked someone to find me. As long as I can help her solve this problem, she will Give me this number!" I casually gestured in front of the mouse, and the mouse was stunned: "Fuck, so many?"

I winked at the mouse: "If you can help me, I will give you 10%!"

"Really?" This time, the mouse's eyes could almost emit lasers. He rushed to me with tears of gratitude: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, from now on, my life will be yours..."

What do I want with your life? One Li Mazi is enough to annoy me. If there is one more of you, do you still want me to live?

But now the mouse is the key to solving the problem, so I can only nod patiently: "Okay, okay, sit down and calm down quickly, and then explain the whole story clearly, without leaving out any details."

The mouse hummed, and while drinking Biluochun, he recalled: "I remember very clearly, it was in the afternoon when the old man called me, it was still raining, and the debt collector had just left, and I was worried about how to deal with it. The old man’s call came in. At the time, I thought it was God helping me, so I agreed without even thinking about it, and I didn’t even ask what he asked me to do.”

"The old man's words were a little unclear at the time, and he didn't say anything specific on the phone. He just wanted to entrust me to help find a corpse and get something back from the corpse. At that time, I was forced a bit harshly by the debt collector, but I really couldn't I had no choice but to agree. The old man told me the address of the nursing home and asked me to go there as soon as possible. His tone was very urgent, and this matter seemed to be particularly urgent for him. I thought to myself, the more anxious I am, the better I will be. For the price, I promise to meet him at the nursing home at noon the next day.”

"Then what?" I listened carefully, trying to find some useful information for me from his words.

Mouse continued: "I went to the nursing home as scheduled the next day to meet the old man. The old man gave four or five addresses and said that the body was probably buried in these places. It seemed that he was not sure. I mentioned it casually. As for the price, he actually agreed without even thinking about it. I was very surprised at the time. Who doesn't negotiate the price when buying something? If I had known that the old man was so easy to talk to, I should have set the price a little higher. I regretted it and felt guilty. I took the address the old man gave me distressedly and hurriedly left from the nursing home. Before leaving, the old man specially told me to do it as soon as possible, and there was not much time left for him..."

It seems that Uncle Chen already knew that his end was approaching, so he wanted to complete this matter before he died. If the function of the soul-imprisoning nail is to seal evil spirits, then his intention is obvious. He wants to release his little daughter's soul so that she can be free and even reincarnated.

This matter was of great significance to him, and he did not hesitate to do so, so as long as it was within his ability, he would agree to the mouse's request!

"The addresses the old man gave me were very strange. Two of them have been developed into high-end residential areas. The remaining ones are either in the suburbs or in the wild. I can't enter the high-end areas, but I can run amok in the wilderness. I dug I couldn't find anything in two places, and I was wondering if the old man had Alzheimer's disease and was trying to tease me about it? But the debt collector was very urgent at that time, so I had to take a gamble and dig in with gritted teeth. I went on and found the body at the last address. The map of that poor place was not shown. It was so secretive that it took me three or four days just to find the location. That area should have been a lake before, but It has dried up, so I dug up the body under a big tree by the lake." After the mouse finished speaking, he blinked his eyes: "That's all, you know the rest."

I hummed, "Did Uncle Chen tell you why he was looking for that body?"

"No!" Mouse replied very decisively: "He didn't say, and I won't ask. Think about it, there might be some lawsuit involved. If it was a normal death, why not bury the body in the cemetery? How could it be? Just find a corner and bury it? I'm not a policeman, so I can hide as far away from this kind of thing as possible."

"If you were asked to go there again, would you still be able to find that place?"

Hearing my question, Mouse was a little dumbfounded: "Ah, you still want to go?"

"How can we solve the problem without finding the body if we beat the snake to death? It's useless to say that you have been hanging out with a country rat for several years. Judging from your virtue, you haven't learned any real skills." I glared at him with disdain.

The mouse laughed awkwardly: "My little tricks will never catch your eye. Although the place is difficult to find, I will definitely be able to find it. If you want to go, I will show you the way."

I was very satisfied with his attitude and asked some questions about the communication between him and Uncle Chen. Unfortunately, Uncle Chen was already seriously ill at the time and it was difficult to talk. He had limited words to the mouse, let alone valuable clues.

I had no choice but to give up, left Mouse's phone number and left the teahouse.

Since that body was Chen Bingqing's sister, why did it disappear for no reason? Who transported the body to the burial site and hid it? And who inserted the demon-conquering pestle left by the wandering monk into her heavenly spirit cap? Chen Bingqing said that her sister drowned. Is there any article in this? Why did Uncle Chen commit suicide after getting the magic pestle?

Mysteries come one after another, and I think this case of the negative thing is quite tricky. But it was also very challenging, which greatly stimulated my interest.

Uncle Chen's death is the key. It seems necessary for me to understand his past living habits and see if there are any unknown secrets in them.

After returning home, Yin Xinyue was basking in the sun in the yard. I walked over and asked her: "Is there no activity in the charity club recently?"

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