Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1345 Volunteer Sun Lili

I listened and nodded seriously.

The dean didn't take it seriously: "Actually, how is that possible? Uncle Chen's daughter is very filial to him. Every time Uncle Chen says something unpleasant, she never takes it seriously. Uncle Chen is older and always loves Because of my wild thoughts, I am separated from my biological daughter..."

I thought about it and asked the dean: "Uncle Chen actually has two daughters. Do you know about this?"

The dean was very surprised: "Really? I don't know this at all. Who told you? I have only met one of Uncle Chen's daughters, and I have never seen the other one come to visit him."

Of course I won't come to visit. Uncle Chen's little daughter has been dead for many years.

I pretended to be distressed: "Uncle Chen told me, he has been pestering me in my dreams..."

"Ah?" the dean exclaimed: "What should I do? I know so much. There are too many elderly people in nursing homes. As they get older, each one of them is like a child who lacks love. He kept clamoring for my attention every day. Uncle Chen was very resistant to me, so I never chatted with him."

Before I could ask, the fat leader had already rushed to say: "Is there anyone who has a better relationship with Uncle Chen? Please think about it quickly. This young man is the mainstay of our charity club and has helped me a lot. I'm going to promote him to be the deputy captain, but nothing can happen."

Deputy Head? Forget it.

I thought to myself.

The dean frowned and thought for a long time: "Uncle Chen has been living alone since he entered the nursing home. Apart from his daughter and son-in-law, he has never seen anyone else come to visit him. He has no relatives or friends. I'm surprised. It's been a long time. If we have a good relationship..." She thought for a long time, then suddenly clapped her hands and shouted: "I remembered, there is a college student volunteer, she is a lovely girl, very enthusiastic, and takes great care of Uncle Chen. I treat her differently than others, and occasionally I will say a few words to her when I am in a good mood."


My mind immediately recalled that on the bus back on the day Uncle Chen passed away, a female college student sitting in the last row kept sobbing. She was sincerely sad because of Uncle Chen's death. Could it be that she was the volunteer?

"Do you have the volunteer's contact information?" I asked anxiously.

"No." The dean shook his head in embarrassment: "They are a club in the university. They come to help during the holidays. They are a good group of young people."

I looked disappointed, but the dean said to me: "I know their school. If you go to the college to find her, someone must know!"

I quickly thanked him, and the dean wrote down the name and address of the university and handed it to me. This time I gained a lot, and my invitation to the TV station was not in vain.

I was about to leave early without waiting for the activities of the love club to end. Yin Xinyue pulled me worriedly: "Jiulin, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry, your husband has never experienced anything." I hugged her comfortingly. Seeing that she was relieved, I quickly left the nursing home and went straight to the university.

After entering the university gate, I asked someone to find out if there was any charity club on campus that would go to the nursing home to show love. A girl pointed me in the direction: "The activity rooms are all in the third teaching building. You can go there." Let's see."

I thanked her and walked away quickly.

I found the so-called love club on the second floor of the third teaching building. The young leader of the club entertained me. After hearing about my purpose, the leader said frankly: "The girl you are looking for is called Sun Lili. She is indeed related to She had a very good relationship with Uncle Chen, but precisely because of this, she was very sad after Uncle Chen passed away and has never come out of the shadows. She has been in poor health recently and is still resting in the dormitory."

"Can I see her?" I asked the leader.

The group leader was a little embarrassed, but she still agreed to contact me. She got through Sun Lili's phone number and explained my purpose. Sun Lili agreed to meet me at a coffee shop on campus.

After the group leader sent me to the coffee shop, he didn't say goodbye to us until Sun Lili arrived. Sun Lili looked very haggard, and she sat on the chair with a pale face and looked at me: "Are you here to see me about Uncle Chen?"

I nodded.

"What's wrong with him?" Sun Lili looked at me with some confusion.

I said: "I was also present the day Uncle Chen passed away. I have always had some doubts and couldn't figure it out. He had been suffering from illness before but always persisted. Why did he suddenly commit suicide? Don't you find it strange?"

Sun Lili's eyes widened: " suspect that Uncle Chen was killed?"

"I just have a few things that I can't figure out, so I came to ask you about Uncle Chen."

"Who are you? Private detective?" Sun Lili looked at me alertly.

"Absolutely." I responded casually: "You care about Uncle Chen so much, and you don't want him to die in an unknown way, right?"

Sun Lili nodded sadly, with red eyes: "Although Uncle Chen is very indifferent to people, he is actually a very good person. I remember that when I first went to the nursing home with the club to show love, I didn't notice the window sill on the second floor. The flower pot on the ceiling was almost hit, but it was Uncle Chen who saved me. He looked at me very strangely at that time, as if he was looking at a relative who had been lost for many years. I later found out after I asked , it turns out that he also had a little daughter, but unfortunately she passed away due to an accident. She was about the same age as me at the time..."

I nodded.

Sun Lili continued: "Uncle Chen doesn't like to talk very much. Every time I take the initiative to chat with him, he will only say a few words when he is interested. When he was young, Uncle Chen loved fishing and always took his two daughters there. Fishing, just next to a lake in the suburbs, sometimes fishing lasts all day. He said that his wife passed away when giving birth to two daughters. From that day on, he took on the responsibility of a mother and raised his two daughters. . The eldest daughter is gentle and considerate, and the younger daughter is lively and cute. They are all his treasures. He even never remarried for the sake of his two daughters." As she spoke, she took out her wallet and took out a photo: "This It was given to me by Uncle Chen. It is said that the people who took the photo were his two daughters. You can see how happy he is smiling."

I took the photo and looked at it. I saw middle-aged Uncle Chen sitting under a shady tree with a thumbs up. His other hand was holding a very large fish, which was obviously a good harvest.

There were two pretty figures standing side by side on the ground in front of him. Although they were not on camera, it could be seen from Uncle Chen's smiling eyes that the two daughters told some kind of joke, which made him very amused. happy.

They are obviously a close family, but what happened to make what happened next become so bizarre?

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